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  • Hello my lovely friend. Thank you for your kind wishes. I hope 2010 is an amazing year full of adventure, enjoyment and magic for you. :)

    Wow, that was some tricky trick there! Guess us dominant N are blessed in that way. Joke sometimes that without any alcohol or drugs, I'm pretty much at the same creative level anytime, as those who use them. Like Obelix who has fallen as a baby in the Se cauldron, and now he doesn't have to drink from it. :) I wonder how much that applies to INFJs too.
    I would If if had the cash haha thanks! I do in a way, though i'm not christian so I dont have to go to church. enjoy yourself!!
    editing as we speak haha should be able to get the pics up soon. hope my com dosent die on me 1st haha
    thanks!! I went to china. So many parts that I cant remember exactly where. went to xiamen, fuzhou, putian cant rem the rest. gonna have to ask my mum again later haha I'll be posting pics as soon as my com lets me ;)
    Thank you! :) Who knows, maybe next summer. I also have some friends in Austria that keep insisting to get me there, and I have no idea why haven't gone there yet too. The two could be combined. I've only been to Salzburg and some great lakes. Have you been to Austria?
    It's worth it, I'd say! :) It's like Zurich, but with a little more bridges, valleys, um, it has quite fascinating topology of undertown, overtown, middle grounds. I went there first for a concert of Air, and it was the highest class audience to popular music concert, I've seen. People live like aristocrats, it seems, and so the national motto is: "Mir w
    Yes! Dark cobble-stoned puzzles of crooked streets. Other favourite places like that, for me, are Prague and Luxembourg. Got away that time, by pretending to be mentally retarded. xD Do you have favourite places? Zurich is very nice too. :)
    Oh, sorry, didn't the Eiffel tower had its safety bars and nets? Even through them it's still a little overwhelming though. Ah, yeah, a few times. But first time was the best. I had no experience with travelling, no money, lots of luggage, and I ended up in a very weird hostel with dark windows (found by chance). Another time was very close to getting robbed. There is something scary about Paris too, but I like that even more.
    Oh, that's the rule! When I first went to Paris, I wanted to die from joy! :D But, it turned out all the people living in central Europe don't give a broken penny for Paris (because it's too available for them). MMmmm, I'm ENFP, i don't plan too much, it's more probable that I won't get into ski, but we'll see. My balance is not the best. Now, about the air.... I think it's at the same time cold, but also... um... something about all this water frozen around. Melting/freezing/melting/freezing of water all around you, this has some efect on the air. Should research that :)
    Ahaha. Happy for ya! There's also lots of snow non-stop at the high places nearby :) Ah, I don't really ski, yet. Buuuuuuut, it's so good. Everything changes when snow comes, probably because the air changes. Don't you think? Do you ski/snowboard?
    I got excited about winter, certainly! And okay, I must admit I love it how everybody are so happy about Christmas. Thank you for asking! So, how's your Christmas time going?
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