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  • thank you! it was actually pink and purple two days ago but i'm in the process of changing it. it's not final yet, i'm still playing around with the colors, i'm glad you like it. :) younger son used to bake marvelous cheesecakes, though never professionally; just for the family. He also used to be a gifted artist. Then at 15 he became ill with schizophrenia and he hasn't been able to or interested in those things anymore. Now he volunteers with a disability-rights organization and watches a lot of TV. He lives relatively independently with a lot of support. He has made amazing progress in the last 8 years, but he is very different from who he was before he became ill. Nevertheless, I am extremely proud of him for all the work he's done to get better.

    Yes, I see your point about being a "door mat"; taken to the extreme, we can get angry and stop showing any concern for others, which isn't good.

    I'm quite insular in many ways, living in my own little world. Tell me why things are so grim in Jakarta, if you don't mind. You can put it in a PM if you like.
    Thanks for explaining anime. I've been thinking of your message yesterday. IMO, it's particularly difficult for INFJs to find a balance between people-pleasing behavior and a preoccupation with ourselves that seems to stem from our introversion. But if we can manage that balance I believe we can do much good.

    My sons--aged 35 and almost 24--are both good cooks and love it. Like you. naking not so much, though the younger liked baking wonderfu cheesecakes before he became ill with schizophrenia. The elder flies helicopters in the Gulf of Mexico and loves travel. He went to Italy this fall and was very impressed with the healthy food there.

    Why do you want to leave Jakarta?
    Thanks for the youtube excerpt. I don't really know--have any idea--what anime is, though people here on the forums talk about it a lot. Do you speak Japanese?
    I think most of us have trouble helping ourselves. I don't think, however, that you've been unhelpful to others in the least, despite being at a difficult point in your life. Thanks for the youtube clip. I'll listen to it as soon as I'm done writing for the day and turn off my own music. Take care of yourself and I'm here anytime you want to talk.
    Thanks for the request. I'm flattered and I think we'll make good friends. Love your signature, btw.
    Thanks for the comment. It's hard to see the forest for the trees when we're in the middle of the woods and uncomfortable; all we can think of is getting out.
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