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  • I dont know good question. Hufflepuffs just kind of take up space, they seem really lazy and not very smart to me. Slytherins aren't lazy or dumb, they're just mean-spirited. So maybe if you combined them Hufflepuff would dull out the arse-hole ness of the Slytherins so then maybe you'd end up with a lame Gryffindor! good hypothesizing, i could totally see it working.
    Yeah I suppose that would help. Ravenclaw seems like an INFJ house though. Gryffindor maybe also though. No way Slytherin. Hufflepuff seems like a house of sensors, not to be degrading or anything.
    From what I understand, most, if not all of them have been type-set and published. Moreover, I think (don't know for sure) that the Vatican's libraries are public. Some manuscripts I know, from someone who had to access some for his doctoral thesis on history, are too fragile to physically access -but they were photographed and the photos of the texts were made available.
    thx. :) I've been worrying about posting a pic so instead of posting in the member's photo thread,i decided to post it as a profile pic.
    Well, I have been semi-lurking. Just happy to be at this place with all these beautiful people getting along so well. Also, sometimes I get to read some post that make me go ah-haaaaa....! At times I feel selfish for not writing more and sometimes I feel - who the hell would care what I write? :-D You know... the usual INFJness - what can I say.
    thanks for your comments. I am not understanding what you are saying here:

    Fall was always the best time
    for endings that were the start
    of new beginnings. - I found the break between this line and the previous one too strong in comparison to the rest of the poem.
    And still strong was I,
    though a weary ending approached.
    And the season drew ever closer
    to the soft blanket
    of white and weary slumber.

    ---about a between lines? can you explain further?
    No, you have it. That is the saying. Thanks for the kind words soulful. Brendan is my best buddy to this day. I love all my kids, but my other son Connor is more of a Momma's boy. Brendan adores his dad, and I him. Have a great night S!
    I've had that picture for years. I'll never look at it the same again! I actually have one like this of each of my four kids. You know what they say about the family that bathes together! ;)
    Soulful, I am just curious what your type is because you are very unassuming and easy to talk to... meaning, you are nonthreatening and have a supportive talking style. As Vicky Jo would put it, a more "open-ended" clarifying talking style. I can't explain it... a very soft feel/demeanor.

    Did I answer your questions? Sorry, I am horrible with details, except when I'm working on one of my many projects :p LOL
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