Raccoon Love | Page 56 | INFJ Forum
Raccoon Love
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  • Hey buddy I really feel sorry that you're feeling depressed, please don't give up on yourself, believe in your gifts, think that these experiences only make you stronger. I know that right now everything seems dark and no escape but you got to understand that we are sensitive people dude, I know how it feels like to be a sensitive guy with a clear disadvantage in society of how our gender is supposed to act. Don't worry, people out there don't know what they're saying, they got no idea on what blessing they have for having you in their lifetime.
    I send you my dearest and sincerest good energy onto you and hope that this cloud of darkness goes through quick. I'm sure that you'll be ok, we'll be ok buddy don't you worry about it. Be strong!
    I've been like that from first grade to sixth grade pretty much. Don't worry, you will, just pray to God and ask Him for guidance.
    lol, yup besides that..I love school in the sense that I love learning..I'm a very curious person, however I been feeling quite lonely because I have yet to meet a single person who is willing to befriend me and understand me for who I am(Been sitting alone since like 4th grade)I'm hoping college will be better though!
    I love science in particular, and I;m always wondering how everything works, How our minds work, how we think, I find it quite exciting!!I just want to do my best doing research and help as many people as possible, considering that I been trhough some weird psychological states of my life(depression currently etc etc) So I wnat to study psychology to understand myself and later used this help to help others going through this
    Hmm, I try my best to perform well in school, take as many of the hardest classes as possible..I really don't have anything against subjects like PE..but I would always get picked last, get laughed at, avoid etc etc..it was basically a social hangout where all the ''cool'' kids ruled :(
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