Your thoughts on the MBTI


life is good
Since learning about MBTI, do you find yourself typing others and/or do you use type to facilitate your interactions with others or your understanding of your interactions?

Do you find the MBTI limiting in any way?

How common or uncommon is knowledge of MBTI among people you know/encounter? Do you discuss MBTI with those who seem open to it? What is the general response?

Do you think widespread understanding of MBTI would be more useful than limiting? Or do you think it would convert few, and open-minded persons would use it to further be open-minded and those not so would use it in divisive and exclusionary ways?

Other thoughts?
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People I meet and interact with tend to be more complicated than the MBTI would indicate, taken in it's most simple terms. I therefore would use it as but one of many reference points. If it is useful...fine. If not...fine. Each person is their own little universe and are influenced by many things. I tend to not analyze of judge too much.
Bleh. Honestly, I don't think much would change if people took it to heart. I think most people who ignore individual differences would just convert that to a type of prejudice anyway, and the people who are open-minded would probably just find the thing to be a "reorganization of data."

I don't use it on others, and have since stopped fixating on it, thankfully.
Since learning about MBTI, do you find yourself typing others and/or do you use type to facilitate your interactions with others or your understanding of your interactions?

I tend to mentally type people all the time now. I am usually right.
I don't use it to facilitate interactions with others, but I do use it as a way to understand why I act the way I do.

Do you find the MBTI limiting in any way?

Definitely. Most people do not display all the "cookie-cutter" characteristics of each function. Most people are a "hybrid" or blend of Types.
How common or uncommon is knowledge of MBTI among people you know/encounter?
Do you discuss MBTI with those who seem open to it? What is
the general response?
It's surprisingly very common among those I meet. They may not know the whole theory, but they at least have heard of it before. I will discuss Mbti with those who are very open to it, especially psych majors, when I want to learn more about it.
Many people I encounter could care less for knowing their type, but to each their own.

Do you think widespread understanding of MBTI would be more useful than limiting? Or do you think it would convert few, and open-minded persons would use it to further be open-minded and those not so would use it in divisive and exclusionary ways?

A combination of both of these. It would be useful in schools and in the workforce, where working in teams is required. It's not sorting by Type per se, more trying to balance and compliment Types so cooperation can be optimized.
Other thoughts?MBTI is a useful tool for discovering one's personality, but it shouldn't be completely taken for granted.

Since learning about MBTI, do you find yourself typing others and/or do you use type to facilitate your interactions with others or your understanding of your interactions?

Do you find the MBTI limiting in any way?

How common or uncommon is knowledge of MBTI among people you know/encounter? Do you discuss MBTI with those who seem open to it? What is the general response?

Do you think widespread understanding of MBTI would be more useful than limiting? Or do you think it would convert few, and open-minded persons would use it to further be open-minded and those not so would use it in divisive and exclusionary ways?

Other thoughts?

-of course, it doesn't come close to addressing all the multiple and intricate facets of personality, though it is quite accurate and detailed in general.
-not very common, though, depending on the class I am in, some people have heard of it. Some, but only the ones i think will actually find it interesting. The general response is general interest...take the test, look at the profile, say "oh that's cool. hey this is really accurate" or "it's a bit limiting, don't you think?"
-more limiting, is what im tempted to say. Different people will use it different ways, obviously. some will be open minded, appreciate the differences, some will become obsessed with using that, only that, typing people left and right... it swings either way.
Like a wise man once said "No one is afraid of the scalpel, they're just afraid of the person who holds it, and what that could mean."
It's a tool, just like many other things, it all depends on how you wield it, and who uses it.
I remember mentioning typing to a counselor and she pretty much ignored it, as if it didn't matter. So, that made me question whether it was considered valid in any way by counselors, therapists, or psych. professionals. And i could see why they wouldn't encourage focus on typing, since it may encourage patients to claim a particular habit or trait is a result of being a type, rather than a behavior which they can change, manage, or control.
I think most people who ignore individual differences would just convert that to a type of prejudice anyway, and the people who are open-minded would probably just find the thing to be a "reorganization of data."

And i could see why they wouldn't encourage focus on typing, since it may encourage patients to claim a particular habit or trait is a result of being a type, rather than a behavior which they can change, manage, or control.

u guys make things ez for me