Why must life have a meaning?


Why are people so obsessed with having a meaning, a goal, a point, etc. for their life?
Do you think life must have a meaning? What about YOUR life?

(Yes this got inspired by the other thread. =P)
Because, why the HELL am I getting out of bed in the morning???
Some people are aware of an intrinsic need to matter, to have some sort of relevance, or to be a part of something bigger than themselves.

They search and ask questions until they find it.
It doesn't really matter. It just comes down to what you want to do. Not even that, you just live. That's it.
Why are people so obsessed with having a meaning, a goal, a point, etc. for their life?
Do you think life must have a meaning? What about YOUR life?

(Yes this got inspired by the other thread. =P)
different modes of operation, huh? instead of looking for nothing, we look for something.

we dont think outside the box, we think about the box.
It's a human construct. We want to make ourselves look more important than what we are. It must be an ego thing, I suppose ;)
Mainstream evangelicalism would point to the bible in Ecclesiastes 3, which says that God has put eternity in the heart of man.

Continuing along that thought, there's something in the DNA/fabric of man to ask big questions. But they are deep questions... because eternity has no bottom, right? lol

This is my personal worldview for why people ask big questions like that.
Good point. Is humility another aspect of the ego manifesting? Could be.
i dont know; sadly, we're trapped in this imperfect human body-- for now. might as well make the best of it.
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My meaning was to track down all the ENTPs and destroy them, by luring them in with a scheme to make Submacopters...


No ENTP can resist the temptation of making this awesome vehicle a reality!

The meaning of my life has just become "live long enough to witness a fleet of submacopters rising from the sea to destroy the infidels."
Why are people so obsessed with having a meaning, a goal, a point, etc. for their life?

As if?
Many seem obsessed with experiencing pleasure and avoiding pain.

Do you think life must have a meaning?

As much as fish MUST have bicycles and a chicken MUST have a pot to experience closure.
In other words, life MAY have meaning ... a the meaning we can project onto/into it or otherwise imbue or bring to it.

What about YOUR life?

(Yes this got inspired by the other thread. =P)

My life is as much a projection screen as anybody else's, I suppose.
Though not an NF -- the temperament most likely to assess life in terms of `meaning' -- I have noticed that nihilism doesn't suit me very well.
Though life may have no `objective' or intrinsic meaning qua MEANING, if I don't give it value and meaning by valuing and treasuring in decidedly subjective and personal ways I end up in a depression or some subspecies of blue funk.

Does `life' have meaning?
Of course; whatever meaning you bring to it, make of it, or project into it.
Last tag ... you'RE it!
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Because we can feel that meaning exists; we know in our spirits that it is real, and we are compelled to seek it.

(Maybe I should have substituted the word "I" for "we".)
Siiighh..... if you guys had only read my blog, you would have the answers you seek. What did you learn today?

Well.. how did the physical world come to exist? Probably the big bang. When is humanity going to go extinct? A long time from now. So what? Humanity somehow evolved into what it is now, and one day we are going to go extinct. Individually, we live for some 85 years, and then we die. As a species, we're going to live for some thousands more years, then go extinct. What is the purpose of our species? None really. Our job is to live and die. That's it. There's your big answer. So what's your job, as an individual human? To live and die. Period. Simple.
I believe the quest for "purpose" is an ego thing, which isn't necessarily bad - for each ill in the world, there are a handful of curatives that makes life more enjoyable. It's a construct based on hope, a way to fight apathy. There are pros and cons to living a life with purpose versus not ~~ to each their own. It is not always necessary to fight the river one is swimming in, regardless of it's flow.

Life does not have to have meaning, the two are just attached from birth till death. It is possible to separate the strands (nihilism, anyone?) - perhaps doing so would create a deeper appreciation for what is?

I'd prefer my life to have some meaning, if only to me. To what extent and for what ends, I do not know - I suppose that is what we live for.
I am only driven on by primal urges, intellectual (I use that word lightly) hobbies and the nasty social pretences that force me to appease others.
I wish it was more one and two and less of the third option.