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  • Hi Nitesteamer! Yes it has.... and I'm doing pretty dang good these days. Thank you for wishing me well. I hope you are feeling spectacular! :)
    Judging from the tree root system, I would guess ospreys. Funny: we saw a film tonight with that eagle in it. They filmed a pair raising a young one. It was quite awesome. I see a lot of ospreys around here. How are they where you are from?
    Those seemed to be somewhat of the blackbird family by the noises they made. The beaks made them look like crows, but they were a bit smaller. Glad you enjoyed it. It was more fun being there. Thank you for stopping by.
    Thank you, Nitesteamer; glad you liked something there. Please feel free to add as you will. Join in if you will. Welcome to this place.
    Sure. I'll send you a private message in a minute. Would that be ok?
    I didn't think it was not a very smart question. It made me learn more about how to do things in this forum format - for I had no idea until you asked. It seems you can edit the message. Then when you click on Go Advanced there are 2 options of deleting: A "soft" option and a "hard" permanent option. If you are unable to do this, let me know and I'll do them for you.
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