Why I wish I was an INTJ and highly admire them.


Capitalist pig
When my cousin came out to visit suddenly everything clicked.

I'd been obsessing over how he could be so solitary, so analytical, and so disinterested in social conversations that asked 'how was your day' in the most general sense to get a feel of the other person's day. He was completely oblivious to these questions and refused to answer them at times. He spends most of his time reading about topics that interest him, mostly Science things, and when asked his opinions of things it appears he filters it very naturally though the logistics of things.

I'm not capable to do that at all. I lose my concentration while reading things and am not able to go with the 'learn everything you can' attitude and enjoy the actual learning.

I rely a lot on social interaction- the point he isolates himself, he doesn't talk to anyone but his parents and siblings. That would drive me nutters.

Sure, there is a variety of INTJs. I have a female cousin INTJ who is a lot more socialized and able to talk about her day and have opinions that aren't filtered by raw logic, but she is still an INTJ.

She loves absorbing information and is a stickler for the details. I don't even know how many books she reads per week. Her interest in Science is as great as my other cousin's and talking to both is wonderful because they are so concise in their opinions, so well read and research driven. They don't have a 'feeling' that something is this way or that way- if they don't know, they say they don't know.

I also noticed a trait that may not be true for all of them, but my cousin in particular and some that I have conversed with online seem to have the trait to be uninterested in social games, and social things at all. They are polite [to an extent] and do not really ever put specific judgements on other based or base theories around other people- they leave that purely for theoreticals and rarely if at all have opinions on other people. Sometimes they will refuse to respond.

I also like the fact that they keep to themselves and don't have to be around other people. INTJs have a certain factor to themselves that they can withdraw inside of their shell and 'live in their own world' meaning that essentially their thoughts are always floating around in their head and they can go days and even weeks without talking to people as long as they have a book or new information to process.

I lack all of these abilities naturally and am inclined to be drawn towards them. For brief periods of times I am able to present myself in a way that an INTJ is, but I cannot sustain it, and I wish I could.

All hail the majestic INTJ!

(Oh, and ENTJs aren't half bad either. I haven't talked to them often enough though).
INTJ's largely indimidate me, for the reasons you described. I can relate to them on the information-seeking level that they are at, as I am like that. It is however their method of socializing that bugs me in a way. I can't totally get it. ENTJ's do the same, but it is magnified by around 10 times and as such I have this strange facination/fear of them.

NTJ's largely confuse and or bug me because I can't totally understand how they use Ni.
I like the way they communicate VS. big feeling types like infps because it seems like INTJs, if you ask them a specific question, you get a specific answer. If you ask an INFP a specific question you get a generality about feelings that have no factual data bank to support these theories- they're just theories, or hunches, and people are supposed to believe they have some sort of weight. INTJs usually will only express an opinion that they've researched- if they know nothing about something typically they'll admit it and won't even attempt a guess due to the lack of information.
I do like INTPs and one of my cousins is an INTP, she acts considerably different than the two INTJs I am describing. Also, I had an INTP friend who I'm no longer friends with, and he did act similar to the description above, I will admit. I don't know the main differences between INTJ or INTP but I like both of them, though a preference goes out to the J functions of an INTJ.
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[o_q];222423 said:
Almost everything u describe is like INTP
So either you don't know INTPs, or you don't like them

Yeah, most of what she described seems to be dealing with INTPs more than INTJs. Maybe you prefer INTJs for their 'drive' and their dismissal of anything that seems trivial and unneeded.
Were they not attempting to argue something specific? I could understand an INTJ saying (s)he doesn't know anything about music theory and dropping it because they honestly have no clue. But an INTP would be more about generalized probabilities in theoretical pursuits.

But, pretty much anyone without a huge ego can admit they don't know a certain subject. Depending on your philosophy, that may be one of the keys to maturity.
Were they not attempting to argue something specific? I could understand an INTJ saying (s)he doesn't know anything about music theory and dropping it because they honestly have no clue. But an INTP would be more about generalized probabilities in theoretical pursuits.

But, pretty much anyone without a huge ego can admit they don't know a certain subject. Depending on your philosophy, that may be one of the keys to maturity.

General topics would come up where you'd ask "What did you think of that film and what they were saying?" (we all went to sundance together). One of the films was a political conspiracy film and when we asked the INTJ what he thought of the film he said that it was lacking evidence and didn't give any information to support what it was claiming.

When we tried to motion to ask him what he thought of what they had been saying he stated he didn't know because he had no information about politics or history because he has found them to be so multi-faceted that it's impossible to know the entire factual details unless you go into intensive research upon specific subjects, which he wasn't particularly interested in to begin with.

So basically he concluded since he knew nothing about history or politics and the information supplied wasn't concrete, he couldn't form a valid opinion, even about what the nonfactual content of the film had been because if there were no facts to bank upon there was no point to discussing it.
Huh, I think it depends solidly on the INTJ, I have a lot of the qualities you listed such as constantly wanting to learn about science, being solitary,detached etc. I have also met plenty of INTJ's who are very social, the typical person who would keep on going and going trying to explain you some kind of theory, INFJ's tend to do this as well, where I am getting at is that the traits you mention vary from person to person and are not exclusive to one type.
Well, that may be true, but it's easier for me to use the title INTJs than 'specific people with the following traits'.
[o_q];222423 said:
Almost everything u describe is like INTP
So either you don't know INTPs, or you don't like them

NTs may have very similar exterior systems but at the same time the internal mechanisms are/can be quite different.

Were they not attempting to argue something specific? I could understand an INTJ saying (s)he doesn't know anything about music theory and dropping it because they honestly have no clue. But an INTP would be more about generalized probabilities in theoretical pursuits.

But, pretty much anyone without a huge ego can admit they don't know a certain subject. Depending on your philosophy, that may be one of the keys to maturity.

do you mean can't? as far as egos goes it seems the larger the less likely they will admit they don't know or rather they will only admit in such a case that it is well above anyone whom would be present.
INTJs are cool. My brother's an INTJ and he acts a lot like this. He hates social activities and would rather go for a long drive or something, but he's very confident, and has no trouble getting along with people. Plenty of people claim to be his friend, and he doesn't even remember their names, lol. And I never believe him when he says he reads tens of books every week, but when I quiz him on them he knows them down to the last detail. INTJs have a vengeful streak though, once we had a discussion about what would happen if someone murdered our family, and his response was that they would have to be tortured in the worst way - and he knew all the specifics! Me, I was like, what would be the point? They'd be dead and it would not make sense to carry out revenge, when all we really needed to do was accept the situation. Maybe I'm more logical than he is in some things, but I also get more wracked by small details, whereas he never usually loses his cool.
Don't try winning an argument with an INTJ though. If it's about something they've researched, they'll talk for hours and hours about how you're technically wrong and how it's x way. I'm much more willing to concede defeat. They're very open minded though, and will listen to you if you have a solid argument. I've never met an INTJ who was truly prejudiced. Everyone tries not to be, you know, but INTJs are naturally unassuming people.
INTJs also have a great imagination, and I've had some really fun conversations with my brother and have learned a lot from him.
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INTJ's largely indimidate me, for the reasons you described. I can relate to them on the information-seeking level that they are at, as I am like that. It is however their method of socializing that bugs me in a way. I can't totally get it. ENTJ's do the same, but it is magnified by around 10 times and as such I have this strange facination/fear of them.

NTJ's largely confuse and or bug me because I can't totally understand how they use Ni.

Very carefully
Very carefully

That's not good enough!

I have been told by a few people I try to force understanding of things that aren't really there, as INTJ's are very consice with their processes compared to INFJ's. As such I try to fill in holes far too much. I just don't get the definition out of it that I want. I think it is more that I want them to have a feeling side to them, and I try far too much to dig it out, and it could be that it truly isn't there.

ENTJ's this is blown up 10 fold if not more.
I like the lack of a feeling side, it's odd since we use feelings in every day communication but I find conversing with them in much more informative than on norm with someone who's conversation is feeling 'mood' driven.
That's not good enough!

I have been told by a few people I try to force understanding of things that aren't really there, as INTJ's are very consice with their processes compared to INFJ's. As such I try to fill in holes far too much. I just don't get the definition out of it that I want. I think it is more that I want them to have a feeling side to them, and I try far too much to dig it out, and it could be that it truly isn't there.

ENTJ's this is blown up 10 fold if not more.

Although an INTJ might try to deny their ''feeling-side'' i feel like if deep down their putting a cold exterior and in reality they truly do care, it's just hard for them to express it, this is a result of tertiary Fi, of course I'm not sure how much does this apply to ENTJ's but in my experience of being around the INTJ forum, they seem to be concern more about this issues then lets say from what I have experienced in the INTPc.
That's not good enough!

I have been told by a few people I try to force understanding of things that aren't really there, as INTJ's are very consice with their processes compared to INFJ's. As such I try to fill in holes far too much. I just don't get the definition out of it that I want. I think it is more that I want them to have a feeling side to them, and I try far too much to dig it out, and it could be that it truly isn't there.

ENTJ's this is blown up 10 fold if not more.

Ni is used to create conciseness that I(INTJ) strive for. Those holes cause problems, thinking through and predicting the most hole free means of actions is how I use it to achieve whatever I need efficiently. Feeling may be there but it most likely as warm and fuzzy as you hope it would be. ENTJs from my view seem to be my internal workings projected into the world. Granted my understanding of them and the number of them I've met isn't that high.