Why I am probably not going to Uganda anytime soon...


C'est la vie
Retired Staff

Uganda considers draconian anti-gay bill said:
Legislators in Uganda, where gay sex is banned under penalty of life in prison, are considering a bill that would criminalize touching anyone in a gay way; funding or sponsoring gay organizations; broadcasting, publishing or marketing gay material; homosexual advocacy; and the failure by any person to report to police his or her awareness of the existence of a gay person within Uganda
I'm confused. Why? I get that there's an AIDS epidemic in Uganda, but do they honestly think "imprisonment for up to three years of anyone, including heterosexual people, who fails to report within 24 hours the identities of everyone they know who is lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender, or who supports human rights for people who are" is a solution? I would be arrested there, for supporting human rights. That's the most absurd thing I've heard in awhile.
Definitely a human-rights violation.

And about the HIV thing, I bet there are more openly heterosexual people with HIV in Uganda than there are homosexual (but that's just a wild guess).

Or is it saying that all people who are HIV positive, regardless of orientation, are targeted?
I'm craving a context to relate this within. This is worrying. I hope this bill falls through and is desecrated for its blatant human rights violations by those who have clout. I wonder how possible or likely that is within the given climate, but nevertheless..
And I agree, the HIV clause is absurd.
Domestic policies of foreign countries bother me not, as long as it's not my country. It wouldn't be a factor that would prevent me from traveling to the country. It is always good to read the laws before traveling anywhere, so in regard to that, interesting find.
Domestic policies of foreign countries bother me not, as long as it's not my country. It wouldn't be a factor that would prevent me from traveling to the country. It is always good to read the laws before traveling anywhere, so in regard to that, interesting find.
So populations throughout the world are of no interest to you? Nor are people's violated rights?
America doesn't even back the UNHRD, how about fighting that?

Although touching in a gay way would land me in prison for grabbing my mates pectorals when he doesn't move over on a bench, or slapping a mates arse while he's playing pool against me.
America doesn't even back the UNHRD, how about fighting that?
Is the UNHRD not part of the world food program? (Which the US is the biggest contributor)
united nations universal declaration of human rights.

US is not a signer.
united nations universal declaration of human rights.

US is not a signer.
Ah, you had said UNHRD, which is a part of the world food program. About the declaration of human rights, I'm not sure what you mean with the US not being a signer. The US voted in favor of it in 1948. To say they've followed it is a completely different matter.
So populations throughout the world are of no interest to you? Nor are people's violated rights?

Populations around the world are allowed to vote on what they want and how they want their society to be constructed, that is their business, not mine, suggesting otherwise says that we have an equal say within their government or society, (edit) and I know that they don't have a say in ours, nor do I want them to)

If the majority vote on it, would you see it fit for us (rest of the world) to intervene, and construct their laws for them, in a way that we have deemed appropriate?
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While this is a terrible thing, I'm not that surprised. Africans (referring people living in Africa, in case PC terms confused people) in general despise homosexuality. They consider it a European indulgence, and a despicable sin. The Westburo Baptist Church would be very welcome there, and not given much attention, as most would be like "Yeah, and? This is nothing new." I don't plan on traveling to pretty much any part of Africa and parts of Asia for reasons similar to this.

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Populations around the world are allowed to vote on what they want and how they want their society to be constructed, that is their business, not mine, suggesting otherwise says that we have an equal say within their government or society, (edit) and I know that they don't have a say in ours, nor do I want them to)

If the majority vote on it, would you see it fit for us (rest of the world) to intervene, and construct their laws for them, in a way that we have deemed appropriate?

I always look back on the Holocaust and other horrendous genocides and ethnic cleansing throughout history and wonder how people could just sit back and watch it happen. Then I see rational like yours and I remember there are people who find it more important to protect a majority's right to murder a minority than to stand up for basic human rights.
I always look back on the Holocaust and other horrendous genocides and ethnic cleansing throughout history and wonder how people could just sit back and watch it happen. Then I see rational like yours and I remember there are people who find it more important to protect a majority's right to murder a minority than to stand up for basic human rights.
This is just absurd, and a clear violation of human rights. It's ridiculous how some countries can still discriminate against homosexuality in such a despicable way. As said before, unlike common misconceptions, AIDS is not a result of homosexual intercourse, is a result of lack of knowledge and responsibility about sex in GENERAL, this includes heterosexual and homosexual couples, so instead of wasting time passing such ridiculous laws, they should focus on educating the country more. This is very offensive, what century are we leaving in? this reminds me of the racism there was back there in the 1960's against colored individuals, but this is worst..life imprisonment? Heterosexual couples being arrested for knowing someone who has homosexual preferences?...This would actually be considered soft, if you read the laws of many of this African / Middle Eastern countries, a lot of them receive the death penalty!..I know I'm never going to travel around those parts...Things like this just get me very furious.
I always look back on the Holocaust and other horrendous genocides and ethnic cleansing throughout history and wonder how people could just sit back and watch it happen. Then I see rational like yours and I remember there are people who find it more important to protect a majority's right to murder a minority than to stand up for basic human rights.

There is a difference between preventative action, which is what you are suggesting vs stopping an action already in effect, plus the holocaust went past Germany's borders into Poland, increasing the range by going past domestic.

You also trend on a slippery slope, can communist or free market capitalist countries be counted as such, if someone was to take it that social democracies are the most humane? how about the death penalty? If you want to make wider accusations jumping all the way to the Holocaust, can I assume that you support, The war in Iraq "spreading democracy".
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There is a difference between preventative action, which is what you are suggesting vs stopping an action already in effect, plus the holocaust went past Germany's borders into Poland, increasing the range by going past demestic.

You also trend on a slippery slope, can communist or free market capitalist countries be counted as such? how about the death penalty? The war on Iraq "spreading democrazy".
So persecution of religious/ethnic affiliation is different than persecution of sexual orientation and carrying a disease?

And this has nothing to do with communism, the death penalty or the occupation in Iraq. You're throwing in a red herring.
There is a difference between preventative action, which is what you are suggesting vs stopping an action already in effect

What action in effect? All that has happened is a law has been proposed. A law which would allow them to execute homosexuals.

plus the holocaust went past Germany's borders into Poland.

So it would have been perfectly fine for Germany to eradicate the Jewish element as long as it only did so within Germany?

You also trend on a slippery slope, can communist or free market capitalist countries be counted as such?

What does this have to do with economics? This is an issue of human rights.

how about the death penalty?

What about it?

The war on Iraq "spreading democrazy".

Eliminating a tyrannous leader who gassed his own people? Sounds good to me. We should have done it in the first war.