Why America can't have nice things...


Passing through
Put aside the idea that this is a debate about health care. Just...WTF, America. I know you're divided (Again) but this is NOT the way to handle it.

Lawmakers faces angry crowds on health care
By ERICA WERNER, Associated Press Writer Erica Werner, Associated Press Writer 4 mins ago

America can't have nice things because people get into heated debates over extremely important things?

I agree with you arbygil.
America can't have nice things because people get into heated debates over extremely important things?

Not with swastikas. Or racial slurs. That's not a "heated debate."

I'm not pro- or anti- when it comes to this health care system. But the treatment of our chosen representatives in these meetings is beyond the pale (and it doesn't matter if they're Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, or Independent or somewhere in between). You can have a heated debate and still treat one another like human beings. You don't have to disrespect someone when you disagree with them.
Not with swastikas. Or racial slurs. That's not a "heated debate."

I'm not pro- or anti- when it comes to this health care system. But the treatment of our chosen representatives in these meetings is beyond the pale (and it doesn't matter if they're Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, or Independent or somewhere in between). You can have a heated debate and still treat one another like human beings. You don't have to disrespect someone when you disagree with them.
The racist and explicitly hateful stuff sounded like fairly isolated incidents, to me, rather than representative of the entire crowd at that meeting, let alone America in general.

I don't think the US holds a monopoly on ignorance and intolerance.
The racist and explicitly hateful stuff sounded like fairly isolated incidents, to me, rather than representative of the entire crowd at that meeting, let alone America in general.

I don't think the US holds a monopoly on ignorance and intolerance.

Well, Ben, I think it depends where you live and how much stuff hasn't been dealt with as far as racism is concerned. Ignorance and intolerance are world wide, it's true. Bigotry is as well. But you don't like seeing it in your own home country, and when Americans do it they do it LOUDLY and OBNOXIOUSLY.

Other countries do, I'm sure. But I think we go from 0-60 a whole lot faster than other nations, and our tempers get really nasty. Then it's not about the issue, but it's about the other person and how much we can make them hurt as much as we do.

Regardless, those incidents are still not what I'd called heated debate. At all. That's why I posted the article.
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Well, Ben, I think it depends where you live and how much stuff hasn't been dealt with as far as racism is concerned. Ignorance and intolerance are world wide, it's true. Bigotry is as well. But you don't like seeing it in your own home country, and when Americans do it they do it LOUDLY and OBNOXIOUSLY.

Other countries do, I'm sure. But I think we go from 0-60 a whole lot faster than other nations, and our tempers get really nasty. Then it's not about the issue, but it's about the other person and how much we can make them hurt as much as we do.

Regardless, those incidents are still not what I'd called heated debate. At all. That's why I posted the article.
I dunno. I think you can find just as much idiotic racist/nationalistic sentiment in say, Europe, and I think it's just as loud.
Hell, a big section of those guys are eager to kill eachother over football, like, every year.

I also think the majority of the "loud" racist pundits in America, like Bill White, are pretty quiet in waking life, compared to the preferable anonymity and safety of the internet. For better or worse...

I don't really like seeing racism anywhere, but this incident certainly isn't significant enough to radically tint my view of the US.
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Put aside the idea that this is a debate about health care. Just...WTF, America. I know you're divided (Again) but this is NOT the way to handle it.

Link: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090811/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_protests

I must agree I wonder why America hasn't fallen into totally anarchy yet?

Everyones so worried about being right people forget whats best for the country.

Screw everyone else but me only I and the people I know matter. I don't care about everyone. I don't care about the country as a whole. And god for bid we help everyone and remember our fellow human beings.

I also don't care if something bad happens to the country as long as I prove my point.

This is the kinda of vibe I get when I talk to some Americans.

I wonder why we are still so pathetically divided and unwilling to care about our fellow man and being so short sited about our nation.

Until we get a hold of ourselves we are never going to move forward.

I'm just going to say I'm really tired of many Americans bring god into this equation. And the need for many people to vote on tradition or against what is in the countries and their best interest. Just to be spiteful.

That is why we can't have a nice society.
A lot of people are scared of anything that's different. The general idea is that anything is different will lead us down a slippery slope to communism! ZOMG!! Save yourselves! *sarcasm*
A lot of people are scared of anything that's different. The general idea is that anything is different will lead us down a slippery slope to communism! ZOMG!! Save yourselves! *sarcasm*

That would be funny, but sadly a lot of people think like that. :m133:
I just wish people could be rational :/ I understand both sides of the argument, and really I don't think there's an easy answer to it. Because, really, there's not; anyone who's so passionately one-or-the-other doesn't really have a full understanding of the pros and cons of both sides.

I think the hateful and bigoted debate needs to stop, though. There's definitely a difference between heated and ridiculous.
American's can't have nice things because people don't understand the difference between debating and screaming like a retard.

(No offense intended toward actual retards.)
Both parties have failed us. And I for one will never vote for either party ever again. They have both messed everything up to the point that I will never trust them again. They have forgotten who they work for. They are called public servants after all. And we really don't need them. If we would lead they would follow they won't have an option. We are what makes America a great country. All we have to do is start acting like it...
I wish we had a multiparty system. Of course, getting it implemented would be impossible because the two dominant parties, whatever they are, would fight it. At least then a lot more options would be available and more diversity would be in congress. It would also make it a lot harder for a single party to take the control the way the democrats have it now or the way the republicans had it party of the time wish Bush.
Honestly, with in 15 years or so. I can see new strong parties forming. Most out of fragmentation of democrats and republicans.
so... basically insurance companies have organized a gang of rednecks to show some public "dissatisfaction". The intent is to make people react emotionally so they could not think rationally about the subject. The more mindless and heated debates the better. Standard tactics worldwide.
Well, Ben, I think it depends where you live and how much stuff hasn't been dealt with as far as racism is concerned. Ignorance and intolerance are world wide, it's true. Bigotry is as well. But you don't like seeing it in your own home country, and when Americans do it they do it LOUDLY and OBNOXIOUSLY.

I'm pretty sure LOUD and OBNOXIOUS is just how we roll. Its the American Way. If you are quiet or pleasant you're a godless commie. Ayup. :m172:

Both parties have failed us. And I for one will never vote for either party ever again. They have both messed everything up to the point that I will never trust them again. They have forgotten who they work for. They are called public servants after all. And we really don't need them. If we would lead they would follow they won't have an option. We are what makes America a great country. All we have to do is start acting like it...

Amen. I'm proud to have "thrown away" my vote on a 3rd party this last election. The thing that really gets me is how, when people ask and find out I voted 3rd party, they all call it that. Throwing away your vote. Like you win some kind of prize for voting for the winning side.
As an American, and a proud one at that...
I really hate americans.

Honestly, with in 15 years or so. I can see new strong parties forming. Most out of fragmentation of democrats and republicans.

Let's hope. Both parties have fallen so far from what the government was meant to be, as well as from their own ideals. They've catered and bent to the whims of private groups and lobbies for so long that they are a distorted mockery of what they -should- be. A good "burn it down and let it start over" approach is a good idea at this point. Both "sides" are FUBAR.