Which function(s) for solving the Rubik's cube?


Chaz's Lovey Bunny
Which function(s) are used in solving the Rubik's cube? I suck at them but I'm not sure if its more functions related or attention-span related. I usually try and plan ahead to get closer, but can't think far enough ahead, get annoyed, and stop trying. My sister could do it though, and shes both patient as satan and an INTJ, so I assume its Te related. Te is the main strategizing function, after all.

How close am I?
Rubiks cube = group theory
group theory screams Te.

Nevertheless, anyone could potentially use any function to solve a rubiks cube. A friend of mine in highschool, who is an ISTP could solve one in a matter of seconds. The kid is freaking genius (literally).
Rubiks cube = group theory
group theory screams Te.

Nevertheless, anyone could potentially use any function to solve a rubiks cube. A friend of mine in highschool, who is an ISTP could solve one in a matter of seconds. The kid is freaking genius (literally).

Je conviens que c'est sans doute Te.

He is most correct (:
Pfft Ne.

Just take off the stickers and stick them back in the right way.

Surprisingly enough, I've never been able to solve a rubik's cube the normal way (The sides all being one color). I can solve them in a way to make the same colored X appear on every side and other little nifty things. I've never 'studied' the various solutions to solve a rubiks cube. My ESTP roommate was taught by another ESTP how to solve it and he can solve it in under 5 minutes now, I believe.
Rubiks cube solving requires a ton of pattern thinking (a highly logic based form of thinking). As I am not a pattern thinker at all, I doubt I could learn how to solve a rubiks cube. To be honest, I wouldn't want to either, lol!
50 seconds was my best time... I'm a nerd so what?

patterns thought was a big part of me getting that fast.
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Funny how I can make all those patterns and yet still can't solve a rubik's cube
Hmm, now that I think about it. I don't really think functions have to do with it at all, but there would definitely be a corralation between solving them, and use of their functions. It requires pattern thinking, but any function could do that. They would just do it in different ways. Other type of thinkings can get in the way to, which is why I think I have the most trouble with it.

I use a lot of spatial thinking. When I look at a rubiks cube, I see it as a tranferrable 3D object. When you rotate it, I actually see those individual pieces move and their location is now different. I can keep track of that for a turn or two. But after a while it becomes too much for me to track in my head, and I get flustered. Pattern thinkers don't see it as a transferrable object. They see it as static surfaces that just change their apperance. Thus they see a pattern with all surfaces changing. The actual posistion is irrelevent to them largely. I don't think like that and it is really hard for me to think like that.
50 seconds was my best time... I'm a nerd so what?

patterns thought was a big part of me getting that fast.

Well okay maybe it's not completely Se. Probably more Si actually.

Whatever skill is needed it's definitely an S though. You need to follow the right precedure. Trying to make inventive ways for doing it just leaves you with a mess.
Well okay maybe it's not completely Se. Probably more Si actually.

Whatever skill is needed it's definitely an S though. You need to follow the right precedure. Trying to make inventive ways for doing it just leaves you with a mess.

One must first make the procedure :P ergo why it's possible to to solve it in 10 seconds (a friend of mine)
One must first make the procedure :P ergo why it's possible to to solve it in 10 seconds (a friend of mine)
You're friends with Data?
One must first make the procedure :P ergo why it's possible to to solve it in 10 seconds (a friend of mine)

To be honest, it would be every function.

I can see an N type losing it with them easier though.
Dude! I totally did this when I was in the first grade!
But I never did so it's not Ne. (ENFPs have a very hard time with cheating, even when it's "necessary")

However, I did build a whole strategy of my own, probably not the fastest, but one of the simplest to explain, that I've seen, and still not too slow. Then, I could teach my family members to solve it, which they didn't believe would be possible. The basics of the whole strategy is built around a simple 4-mover and its different applications.

I am pretty sure any MBTI type is capable of solving the Rubik's cube, but their strengths will be in different aspect of it - speed, simplicity, clarity, memory, variety, low-mover unscrambling etc.
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Based on my solving the Rubik's Cube, I'd guess Si and Te, but given how long ago it was, I'm not sure those were the actual ones, or I say those because they are my (archetypal) 3rd and 4th functions.

In junior high I was obsessed (as were many classmates). Someone would hand you a scrambled cube, and time your solution.

My best-ever time was 13 seconds. :thumb:

And yea, I didn't see it so much as a XYZ transform as much as a pattern-matching sequence with polyrhythms. Then again, on Gardner's Multiples, I always score highest in Musical, so some part of me thinks I saw it that way because I was and am that way.

Some dude in my 11th grade P.E. class did it in 6 seconds. True story.

If you gave me 6 years, I wouldn't be able to do it. Besides, I get really frustrated very shortly after trying.