Where do ENTPS usually go?


Permanent Fixture
I forget
I heard that ENTPs are rare, and that's to bad because I would really love to meet an ENTP in real life. Where do ENTPs usually go so I can meet one there? I'm sorry if this question seems really weird but ENTPs seem like such great people!
I dunno, they're everywhere, being witty, have an oversized ego, ferociously hiding their feelings and hitting on every person ruthlessly. They're typically the person laughing when people express their innermost feelings to a clueless istp who doesn't know how to handle the situation. They also are always watching wrestling match Oh, and they react BADLY if you call their girlfriend a hoochie....

Just be aware of that....
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I never watch wrestling matches.

Besides that, yes. Also, Yes, we're loyal to those we've chosen to be with.
Colby does

That's why I've stopped calling him, supposedly, he's always watching a wrestling match. If he's not doing that he's hiking and trying to throw his friend off a cliff 'for fun'. He's also always staying up all night to acheive his rockstar dreams...

Man. What a character.
I heard that ENTPs are rare, and that's to bad because I would really love to meet an ENTP in real life. Where do ENTPs usually go so I can meet one there? I'm sorry if this question seems really weird but ENTPs seem like such great people!
I think you might be approaching the problem the wrong way. I don't think us ENTP's "go" anywhere too specific. As extroverts, we're often out and about, but the NTP aspect makes us rather eccentric so we could really be doing anything that interests us.

A better way to find ENTPs is just to talk to people. If a woman brings up a theoretical problem to me, my eyes light up. I'll be immediately interested in the conversation, and will just need the slightest affirmation of interest from the lady to start espousing. Us ENTPs just LOVE to talk about ideas and theories. We have a bit of difficulty reading people, so just a standard interested reaction is probably the best way to keep the dialog flowing. Good luck, we're definitely out there.
I think you might be approaching the problem the wrong way. I don't think us ENTP's "go" anywhere too specific. As extroverts, we're often out and about, but the NTP aspect makes us rather eccentric so we could really be doing anything that interests us.

A better way to find ENTPs is just to talk to people. If a woman brings up a theoretical problem to me, my eyes light up. I'll be immediately interested in the conversation, and will just need the slightest affirmation of interest from the lady to start espousing. Us ENTPs just LOVE to talk about ideas and theories. We have a bit of difficulty reading people, so just a standard interested reaction is probably the best way to keep the dialog flowing. Good luck, we're definitely out there.

Where do you usually like to go? Or how can you tell if someone is an ENTP? Sorry, I get really curious easily.
I usually like to go:
to my mates place to play DnD,
or to Squires an old school pub to play pool,
or to secondhand bookshops/charity stores to find rare or overlooked books,
or to abandoned buildings to explore,
or to kitty o'sheas for triva nights,
or to the comic store,
or to the casino to play poker and bilk people out of their cash with my endless nattering,
or to zombie walks with my mates with nerf swords and nerf guns to hunt the zombies.
or just riding around the streets on my scooter.
Count one more ENTP without a particular place where he may be found. Sometimes one can spy me at a park having a marshmallow gun fight with my friends. On other occasions I am simply playing video games at somebody's house. Still other times I am at the bookstore, drinking coffee and arguing for fun with someone about an issue I may or may not care about. Yet still others I will head into the city and explore whatever catches my interest at the time.
Hey! I have a marshmellow gun too!
Mine was purchased from ThinkGeek.

I also hang out at the pub with my fellow ENTP mate when I play pool.
I think the ENTP's should be tagged so that when one of us INFJ's wants to give them a test drive we can find them easily.
:P You can test drive me, as long as you come to Australia. Goes for Jess too.
My severely diminished book collection, distilled into only the very best?

As long as you leave my books with me, sure.
In that case I accept your offer.

And I wouldn't steal your library (blasphemy).
But I can't guarantee I wouldn't move on to a better library once I exhausted yours... ;)
No, I'm the slut, you'd be the pimp.

Or maybe your library would be the pimp, I'd be the slut and you'd be the John.
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ENTPs are those kids/adults that are doing all the weird things and are proud of it.
I disagree