What's your favorite movie of all time? | Page 2 | INFJ Forum

What's your favorite movie of all time?

I don't know about 'favourites' but there are films that for whatever reason stick in the memory

'The Return' is a pretty powerful film (the russian one not the hollywood one); it's all the more poignant when you know that the actor playing the older brother died after filming jumping off the wooden tower the boys are playing on at the start

'etre et avoir' was a nice film that looked into the world of the classroom

I liked Richard Linklaters 'before series' of 3 films: 'before sunrise', 'before sunset', 'before midnight'

'Gattaca' had some pretty intense scenes in it and is a good triumph of the human spirit film

Kubricks 'spartacus' film is awesome

The end of 'Little miss sunshine' made me laugh until my sides hurt

A recent film i quite enjoyed for pure quirkyness was ''the troll hunter''; i think they must have had good fun making that

Quite liked 'rob roy' but it was massively overshadowed at the time by 'braveheart', although it was a better film

'Man on wire' was an interesting documentary about the nature of obsession

I also enjoy watching short films of Danny McCaskill doing his thing; maybe they appeal to my sensor side's desire to live in the moment!


More keep coming to mind so i'll stop there
The Sacred Mountain and El Topo, by Jodorowsky, i enjoyed them a lot.
The trilogy of The Lord Of The Rings.
Videodrome by Cronenberg... Long live the new flesh. The Naked Lunch was good too.
Tenacious D, but it's more like a sentimental/nostalgic thing with that movie, maybe it's not that good, but the soundtrack was awesome.
I don't know about best movie of all time but in last year or two, The hitchikers guide trough the galaxy and Ink are my two favourites.
First one is based on very cool book
Monty python and the holy grail,the dark knight ,lord of the rings trilogy,star wars all the nerd classics.
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Lord of War
Law Abiding Citizen

Every movie has those moments though... like when peeta almost died, and a few moments in the fault in our stars.

But interstellar was just amazing, as it had elements of the movies mentioned above, but also a whole ton of science and all the formulas on the black board were... ACTUAL PHYSICS FORMULAS!!!!!! YAY!!!!! lol. It got me thinking though. And marveling at how complex God has made the universe.

Wuthering Heights!
2046 - hauntingly beautiful, sad and artistic all at once.
"Three idiots"
It is my favourite film of all. It is from India. Talks about friendship, dreams, studies, love, justice, just everything!

It is a comedy and drama...all at the same time. You just laugh and cry with it :)
"Three idiots"
It is my favourite film of all. It is from India. Talks about friendship, dreams, studies, love, justice, just everything!

It is a comedy and drama...all at the same time. You just laugh and cry with it :)

OMG Three Idiots!! YESS! That movie is awesome!!
Star Trek: First Contact. I am certainly not a dork.
I don't know if I could pick a true favourite but I always come back to The Fountain. Very INFJ, incredible story, and phenomenal score (but you have been warned - bring tissues).