What parts of yourself do you sometimes deny, ignore, or hide?


Sometimes, we acknowledge various aspects or parts of ourselves but maybe ignore, deny, or hide others. Which parts or aspects do you sometimes ignore, deny, or hide? Why?
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I stop myself from saying a lot of what I would like to. Why? At work, cause its my job and don't want to lose it or make it harder to be there than it has to.

Personally, cause I don't want to hurt feelings. My assumption is you don't have a clue about what I'm saying, so what's the point.

I really don't deny myself much of anything, I never ignore. I just tolerate most things.
I think when people describe me as nice, shy, or sensitive, it makes it easier to deny traits which contradict that impression such as being stubborn, judgmental, or overcritical. I can be controlling or bossy but usually in more interpersonal situations but I've toned down those aspects because they're not exactly pleasant traits. When someone describes or sees me in a particular way, it makes it easier to hide or deny those other aspects. It's easier to reinforce the impression or image they have of me than to actually express the other aspects which may contradict that impression.
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Deny - cant think of much denial of who I am, I've learnt to be very honest not only with others, but with myself too.

Ignore - the selfishness, mostly. Some desires too, if it looks like nothing good will come out of them. And maybe vindictiveness. I choose to not act on it, but sometimes it cant be helped.

Hide - a lot of what other people would never understand. Sensitivity, compassion (sadly, in most cases), hurt almost always comes out as an anger outburst from me. Generosity - as it just attracts people who leech of you these days. The list is too long :D
I cant tell you because I am hiding, denying, and ignoring it all.
My negativity and also my thoughts and words around others.
My extreme and volatile anger, childish tantrums, poor body image and self conciousness, occasional feelings of no self worth, periods of laziness and no direction, utter recklessness, over the top perfectionism, obsession with being as righteous or as ethical as possible, occasional extremism, depression from being overwhelmed and overburdened with too much responisibility, feeling like i can never do enough to help, fear of dependancy on any other human, many of my intuitions, dreams and visions that i struggle to rationalise and other 'paranormal' things that creep other people out.
I'd rather not hide or deny parts of myself. It seems unhealthy to do that. There seems to be a way to show the various parts of myself without having to act in harmful ways.


There is a spontaneous part of me that comes out to play, usually when I am around certain SFPs and ESFJs and, to a lesser degree, INPs. I am Fe after all, so there is a lot to hide. I don't hide this when these parts of me are readily expressed or evoked by the other person(s) around me. It's "spontaneous" but not without the presence of certain types of people.

Deny/ignore -

There's this selfish and unloving side of me that I'd rather ignore. There are ways to make selfishness look fashionable, but it doesn't ultimately work very well in dealing with people.
I deny my true feelings, because it's just too painful to acknowlege them.

I ignore my own needs and desires, because I have others who depend on me.

I hide my sensitivity and gentleness to protect myself from the world.

None of this is healthy, of course, but I'm workin on it. ;)
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The part that gets crushes on women. It's a middling state to be in and I prefer not to acknowledge it.

Granted it's women I don't know who write so well that it turns me on, but still.
Honestly, I deny, ignore and hide my internalised homophobia. I feel like I'm going to have to address this sooner or later, if I want to evolve and grow as a person.
I deny my negative feelings if I'm depressed or upset until I can't take it anymore. Then it all painfully blows up when nobody's to see.
I hide my aggression issues, my roughness, my introverted nature to some possible degree, my passion because I have it in excess sometimes. I hide my tears and misfortunes.
I ignore my own needs quite often.
Yeah, I have to suppress if not hide my passionate side because it can be too much. :D
Yeah, I have to suppress if not hide my passionate side because it can be too much. :D

Yeah, I definitely relate.

I made a video about that years ago. Maybe I'll dig it up and repost it here.
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