What obligations do we have to ourselves as individuals?


C'est la vie
Retired Staff
This is a question regarding personal responsibility.

People of all walks of life like to avoid personal responsibility. I'm trying to ascertain all the reasons why people may choose to avoid, deny, blame others, minimize, justify, etc. rather than take personal responsibility for their beliefs, feelings, thoughts, perceptions, judgments, and actions.

In order to do that, it is important to identify the obligations that we have to ourselves.
This is a question regarding personal responsibility.

People of all walks of life like to avoid personal responsibility. I'm trying to ascertain all the reasons why people may choose to avoid, deny, blame others, minimize, justify, etc. rather than take personal responsibility for their beliefs, feelings, thoughts, perceptions, judgments, and actions.

In order to do that, it is important to identify the obligations that we have to ourselves.

One reason is in the US our Declaration of Independence tells us we have the right to pursue happiness. I think that encourages any citizen to do what they want to be happy - regardless of the consequences.

I think our 'Obligation' is to do "No Harm" - to ourselves, to others, to all sentient beings, to the planet earth.

My 'thinking' is at complete odds with the 'Right' to pursue happiness idea.

The media promotes the idea of being happy as well.

Another idea is what are the real role models in our culture? All the really cool people (the rich and famous) lie, cheat, and steal from everyone else all the time. Corporate executives, politicians, Presidents, and Church leaders do not take responsibility for their actions. Oh sure - once in a while they "apologize" in public. But the people let it slide because they're conditioned to by their leaders.

What do you think?
The only obligation I think we have to ourselves is one of honesty regarding our actions. All else can be excused for good reason.

What you describe in your post actually sounds more like obligations to society.
I don't think I have a responsibility for jack shit. It doesn't matter how evil or wrong what I want to do is. If I WANT to do it, and I find the benefit/enjoyment outweighs the risk/cost, then from my own perspective it makes perfect sense to go ahead. I do have a sense of empathy or principle though, which I can't really explain.
My personal obligations:

Truth in all matters. I like riddles, are cool because they have a funny way of revealing the truth. I specifically enjoy sarcasm in riddle form.

I have found that my lies and cover-ups are always going to be hurting someone or myself until I find a way of reconciling my thoughts and my actions.

I strive to balance my input with my output.

In my quest for happiness there are sure to be many ups and downs but I take full responsibility for making sure to minimize damage and maximize fun along the way.

I firmly believe that all wrongs have the ability to be efficiently and peacefully righted and that it is my duty to survey from my unique vantage point my life and my situations looking for causes of unhappiness and negativity and to head toward the future with my mind always set on understanding and mending my faults. And having lots of fun while I'm doing it!!!

My goal is to excel in all that I do.

motto: "don't get too comfortable here!..."

I would like, for just one moment, to see the entire human race making music and dancing together in tandem.

...I have a lot of work to do : )
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I don't think I have a responsibility for jack shit. It doesn't matter how evil or wrong what I want to do is. If I WANT to do it, and I find the benefit/enjoyment outweighs the risk/cost, then from my own perspective it makes perfect sense to go ahead. I do have a sense of empathy or principle though, which I can't really explain.

Does this mean you identify with republicans?
I want some Canadian honey.
Mmmmmmmmm mmm mm mmmmmmm
Personal obligation(s): to pursue what is good, using good means.

This begs the question: what is good? That can take a lifetime to figure out.
Personal obligation(s): to pursue what is good, using good means.

This begs the question: what is good? That can take a lifetime to figure out.

LOL. U can define it anyway u like. There's no inherent reference point or polarity to goodness and evil. People have a good sense of what's good and evil though. We have an innate sense of what we like and what we don't like.
This begs the question: what is good? That can take a lifetime to figure out.

i usually keep in mind: saruman vs. gandalf, sith vs. jedi, and all the places in between seem to be where I'm most comfortable :)
My personal obligations:

Truth in all matters. I like riddles, are cool because they have a funny way of revealing the truth. I specifically enjoy sarcasm in riddle form.

I have found that my lies and cover-ups are always going to be hurting someone or myself until I find a way of reconciling my thoughts and my actions.

I strive to balance my input with my output.

In my quest for happiness there are sure to be many ups and downs but I take full responsibility for making sure to minimize damage and maximize fun along the way.

I firmly believe that all wrongs have the ability to be efficiently and peacefully righted and that it is my duty to survey from my unique vantage point my life and my situations looking for causes of unhappiness and negativity and to head toward the future with my mind always set on understanding and mending my faults. And having lots of fun while I'm doing it!!!

My goal is to excel in all that I do.

motto: "don't get too comfortable here!..."

I would like, for just one moment, to see the entire human race making music and dancing together in tandem.

...I have a lot of work to do : )

wonderful list =) i think the biggest responsibility we have to ourselves is to be honest, and not lie to ourselves about what we've done or who we are, or what kind of impact we have on others and on the world in general. it's painful to accept that you're flawed, but much worse to deny it, imo
The only obligation I think we have to ourselves is one of honesty regarding our actions. All else can be excused for good reason.

What you describe in your post actually sounds more like obligations to society.


That's because I believe both are one and the same. You can't have society without individuals and you can't exist as an individual (in general) without the social norms of society.
To me it's all one system.

If an individual acts with honesty towards themselves without consideration of their actions upon others (society) we end up with what we have now...
which is to say - war - with ourselves - with others - with the planet.
I am first and foremost obligated to God, however that doesn't directly answer your question nor would many find it satisfying. So how about this, we are obligated to ourselve to be obligated.

every man believes in something, even if that something is nothing.
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self care first, family and friends second, and service to my community third.

I think we owe it to ourselves to NOT judge either ourselves or others but to leave more, and not physical things, in the world before we Leave the world.

God is or is not. His/her hand is either felt by the individual or it isn't. It has been my experience that those that need to preach to others are often the very ones that forget to hear the message they are preaching.

Just do the next right thing and leave god out of it. If he is up there he will notice. Vanity begs some to carry the message and never hear the meaning of the words.
self care first, family and friends second, and service to my community third.

I think we owe it to ourselves to NOT judge either ourselves or others but to leave more, and not physical things, in the world before we Leave the world.

God is or is not. His/her hand is either felt by the individual or it isn't. It has been my experience that those that need to preach to others are often the very ones that forget to hear the message they are preaching.

Just do the next right thing and leave god out of it. If he is up there he will notice. Vanity begs some to carry the message and never hear the meaning of the words.

Your experiences are limited