What kind of dreams do infjs have? | Page 2 | INFJ Forum

What kind of dreams do infjs have?

Lots of apocalyptic lucid dreams for me too. Especially when I was younger.

Yeah...that seems to be a fairly familiar theme with many of the people here...interesting.
I have had some really crazy ones.
I had one with bodies in piles stacked so high that they were obscured by the mist...
So many ways of destruction have I dreamed - I often wonder since they are so vivid, if it’s an alternate timeline that I’m only becoming aware of in this reality because it has been destroyed so fantastically in most cases?
Sometimes...it doesn’t even seem like Earth.
Calea zacatechichi
I had some of this at one time. It's nasty and bitter af when made into a tea. I've heard it can be smoked but I didn't do that. The tea just made me tired, I didn't notice anything different about my dreams. Eventually, I threw it in the trash.

In the past, I've had several flying dreams And lucid dreams and also had some success with astral projection. Currently, I rarely have/remember a dream. Idk if that's a good or bad thing, but it's peaceful and one less thing in my life to analyze. So that's good. Ta-ta!
In the past, I've had several flying dreams And lucid dreams and also had some success with astral projection. Currently, I rarely have/remember a dream. Idk if that's a good or bad thing, but it's peaceful and one less thing in my life to analyze. So that's good. Ta-ta!

I usually don’t analyze my dreams, for some strange reason. But I’m not sure this is because I don’t find them interesting enough or rather because I fear I’d end up surrendering myself to the authorities if I did analyze them. :m187:
I’m sure you are still dreaming, the issue most people face is a lack of recall upon waking.
Some medications will diminish your recall even further...especially benzodiazepines like Valium.
There are several ways to improve this...the easiest being a dream journal.
Upon waking you jot down as much as you can remember, people, plot, setting, emotions, feelings, etc....even if it’s just a feeling you are left with and you can think of nothing else.
It starts to tell your brain that this is something you wish to remember and starts to train it to do so...you have to be consistent with it though.
Also upon waking, if possible, you lay there for a while awake but with your eyes still closed and you go over as much of the dream you just had in your head before opening your eyes and coming to full consciousness.
If you wish to induce more lucid dreams it is best to start a routine of questioning during the day where you ask yourself if you are awake or dreaming...do this as much as possible and every time you remember...after some time, the idea is that you will also eventually ask this same question of yourself in a dream (as it has become a daily habit now) and you will hopefully realize that you are dreaming and become lucid.
The best thing to do for dreams that carry on is to take a few more minutes and drink some water...walk around your house...think of a positive memory.
If you are having sleep paralysis...then I can help with that too...but I don’t think that is what you meant.

I’ve heard of that one, but am not very familiar with it.
Even though you are not on any other meds it may still have side effects that are unwanted...just be careful...read as much about the experiences of others on that particular herb as you can find.
Most of these herbs actually keep you from falling into too deep of brain waves...they act as a stimulant in a way to certain regions while the rest of the brain falls asleep, providing better recall, but usually not directly inducing bizarre dreams (though there are some that will definitely do that 100%).
You should also try binaural beats...I have found the best for me is right around 4hz - 4.5hz...but you may want to start out higher if you aren’t used to meditating into a lucid dream or OOB...try 6.3hz (the general frequency for astral projection and lucid dreaming).
There are also some youtube meditations with “dream alarms” (I will post one at the end for you).
Again the idea is that you will hear the alarm in your dream and it will induce lucidity in your consciousness.
However...you may be having lucid dreams every night and not know it because your recall is not there.
This is the problem most have - it’s not that they aren’t doing it or becoming lucid - it’s that they don’t remember until they start to practice recall exercises.
Cannabis oil is good stuff!
I’m in WA state and we have a nice selection of marijuana products. ;)

Let me know if you want any further help or suggestions or if you just want me to zip it, lol. ;)
I await your dream herb report!
Take care!
I think a dream journal is a great idea I will give it a try. As far sleep paralysis goes I have had that too. Its happened 4x in my life. The first time I was in complete fear. It was one of the most fearful events of my life. I felt as if death was watching me and nothing but darkness around me. I couldn't move but I didn't want to either as I felt that whatever was watching me would kill me if I moved. I know that sounds weird but since you brought it up...I like the idea asking myself if I'm awake or dreaming, I will try this for sure. Also, I can definitely wear headphones to bed, in fact thats when I get a lot of my research in as I make a playlist of videos to listen to as I fall asleep usually. The dream world is exciting and going to bed is somewhat of a safe place, I think thats why I enjoy it so much. Lots of good info, thanks!
As far sleep paralysis goes I have had that too. Its happened 4x in my life. The first time I was in complete fear. It was one of the most fearful events of my life. I felt as if death was watching me and nothing but darkness around me.

Sleep paralysis... Definitely one of the scariest things I've experienced. It definitely had that "near death experience" feel and for that reason the moment right after proved to be of deep existential significance.
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What kind of dreams do infjs have?

sexxy onez

Yeah...that seems to be a fairly familiar theme with many of the people here...interesting.
I have had some really crazy ones.
I had one with bodies in piles stacked so high that they were obscured by the mist...
So many ways of destruction have I dreamed - I often wonder since they are so vivid, if it’s an alternate timeline that I’m only becoming aware of in this reality because it has been destroyed so fantastically in most cases?
Sometimes...it doesn’t even seem like Earth.

My worst was seeing people get burned alive in a wave of fire only for it to repeat again but up close seeing everything burnt to a crisp then when their bodies hit the pavement they burst into steam. So yea like everyone else here but thankfully I don't get these often. Seen several cities go up like that as well. One of the strangest was where there was a statue of some kind then some strange music began to play and there were demons dancing around it then in front of me a word appeared "summonism".

No herbs, shrooms, synthetics, no pharmaceuticals of any kind, nothing at all. I get the strangest dreams lol.
I usually dream about possible future, possible outcome(s), possible problem(s) and possible solution(s) these days. If these type of dreams occurs during and/or after it, I usually don't remember or not aware If I dreamed anything different than possibilities, sometimes it seems I didn't dream at all.

Sometimes I dream possible past (something happened differently in the past therefore it caused another timeline). Nothing anything particular about it. Sometimes I live in a different house as a kid. Sometimes I do something I never did or wanted as a teen. Sometimes what happened in the past happens differently than it should. Sometimes I live in another timeline.

Sometimes I dream about seemingly meaningless dreams which seem to me occurred by using random information by my brain. For example, I dreamed an apartment building world: People were living in a big apartment building, contained small apartment rooms that seemed very familiar to jail rooms (too small, there is a bed, a toilet and a sink), but the content of the rooms depended on the people who live in it (for example: a veteran's room was full of war photos, there was a very clean like new green uniform hanging, the veteran was sitting on a chest which probably contained with his gun and tools he used, he was cleaning his boots. there was a mother who was hanging clothes on the rope in her small room, etc.). I was walking in front of the rooms and watching what is happening inside of these rooms. All door was open. It felt like I was watching the life of these people.

Sometimes I'm a different person in dreams which often occurs. These dreams are about everything, it's very interesting and different. If I'm myself, it usually definitely about me and it's more symbolic but I don't think it's interesting even though it may be different. Those dreams are usually related to my current life. Though I couldn't still understand the symbols of this dream if there is anything about me because it isn't related to my current life at the time: I was walking in a desert, thirsty, I had a very good reason to be there. I wanted to reach somewhere to do something important like a mission but I don't know what is it. While walking, I heard a music that seemed to me traditional Indian music with a male voice singing with passion. I wondered where the music comes from and suddenly the ground grumbled increasingly and I realized something large coming, also the music. I look around and saw a sailing ship with wheels comes towards me very fast. It stopped moving suddenly very near to me, also the music stopped. I look up to see the people on the ship but I couldn't because of the sun, blinding my eyes. Then I woke up. I still think about it and it seems to me it's one of the different dream that isn't interesting much, nothing more.

My reoccurring dreams are 4 type:

First is: I live in a better version of this world. Cities have more green areas. People are apparently happy. All the people love each other. People are very friendly. I can be myself 100% and I feel happy. It's always sunny. It's not cold nor hot. Also, the city I'm living in is very different. Which, the world is the world I want to live in.

Second is: The opposite of the first one. The world is ruined. People are very sad. They care only about their life. Living in ruined buildings, in shadows. Which, the exaggerated reflection of this world. It pretty much like this:


It's from ultimate mortal kombat 3 (video game) and yes, it's the fundamental of these dreams.

Third is: I dream about school. Sometimes it's about my primary school and my old class, it's sometimes about high school and my old class. Nothing interesting/different happens, it's just another boring part of the school day. You may ask did you miss it? No, but sometimes I wonder what happened to these people.

Forth is: For some reason, I'm nearly blind therefore I can hardly do anything. It involves mostly trying to read something. According to science, you can't read because when you dream, the part of the brain responsible for reading isn't active. But once I read a text in my dream. It was the name of a band on a poster. I don't remember the band's name. Maybe I did read it because the text was more like a painting than a standard font. Maybe I perceived it as a symbol, not as text.

Sometimes, I dream maybe more than 20 very short dreams in a row about everything. Usually, I'm someone else.

When I was a kid, I set a goal about realizing it's a dream when I dream one and trying to wake up. It took me years to able to realize it but I had a trouble about always realizing it and waking up. I even had an existential crisis in dreams therefore it turned into a nightmare and I had to force myself to wake up. Sometimes if the dream is interesting, it seems I don't want to realize it's a dream so I can continue to sleep.

Therefore, I couldn't control my dreams. Every time I realize it's a dream I wake up automatically. But once, I realized it's not a dream but I wanted to control it. All I could do was improving the quality of the visuality and details of the current state of the dream by stopping it.
I think a dream journal is a great idea I will give it a try. As far sleep paralysis goes I have had that too. Its happened 4x in my life. The first time I was in complete fear. It was one of the most fearful events of my life. I felt as if death was watching me and nothing but darkness around me. I couldn't move but I didn't want to either as I felt that whatever was watching me would kill me if I moved. I know that sounds weird but since you brought it up...I like the idea asking myself if I'm awake or dreaming, I will try this for sure. Also, I can definitely wear headphones to bed, in fact thats when I get a lot of my research in as I make a playlist of videos to listen to as I fall asleep usually. The dream world is exciting and going to bed is somewhat of a safe place, I think thats why I enjoy it so much. Lots of good info, thanks!

NP, for sure.
There are really two ways of doing things...lucid dream, or astral projection/out of body experience (OOBE).
The easiest way to tell which is which is to try and manipulate something while in that state...if you can pick it up, open doors, physically change things, talk to “people” , then it is a lucid dream...and once you realize that - you can literally do anything...fly, breathing underwater (this is a recurring theme for me also), change the whole environment with your thoughts.
Whereas, during an OOBE you generally cannot manipulate physical objects or speak to people you may encounter...you have to walk through doors and walls (easier to float about then try and walk...just will yourself to do it) - there have been occurrences where someone OOB has been able to make an audible noise that someone in-body was able to hear...one such instance speaks of falling forward and hitting a wall while OOB in the kitchen of his mother whom he traveled astrally to see...she said after the fact that it sounded like the edge of a piece of paper sliding down the wall and it startled her.
Anyhow...there are also occasional “people” or creatures you may see while OOB...most ignore you...most you should ignore.
There are also accounts of people being “helped out” of their body by a being in that realm.
There are very obvious physical sensations that also go along with going OOB...you do get sleep paralysis, and you also get strange vibrations and the sensation that your heart is beating too fast and you are not breathing...this goes along with a variety of scary and bizarre noises - some of which sound like they are whispering in your ear and sometimes it sounds like a huge crowd of people...music, explosions, etc. very often the combination of these are enough to scare a person into breaking their concentration (which is like a soft focus as you find that space where your body is asleep but your mind is very much awake).
It’s broken my concentration and messed up many OOBEs for me...but that is why you practice.
I will comment below on the paralysis.

Sleep paralysis... Definitely one of the scariest things I've experienced. It definitely had that "near death experience" feel and for that reason the moment right after proved to be of deep existential significance.

Yes...aka - a hypnogogic state...for some this is incredibly frightening as you can hear and sometimes see things that you normally cannot while fully conscious.
If you are not prepared you can conjure up some very terrifying images for yourself...but that is the thing - you are usually in control...it is just the shock of being paralyzed that causes people to freak out (with good reason), and this either causes you to bring about thought forms that reflect that state of mind - so scary. Or...as we pass from on plane of existence to the other it is possible to hear and see a more complete picture of what is really going on around us all the time.
For instance - I equate the loud noises and sounds to passing through and being able to hear an unfiltered version of the collective consciousness we all share in.
The binaural beats help cover up the sounds and makes them less distracting.
You will feel a buzzing...a whole body vibration, or waves of energy...can be almost pleasant...then everything goes black for a moment and then all of the sudden - pop - you are fully aware...and you are able to move again...just not your physical body...so now is the time to try and exit.
Some exit during the vibrations...but the consensus is to try and build the vibrations until you spontaneously pop out, or you wait for them to diminish and then attempt to leave.
I usually reach my hand up to see if I can feel my face - if I can’t then I know I’m good to go.
(Which was really disconcerting the first time...you reach up and cannot feel your head...that definitely broke my concentration)
But it’s small steps in the right direction until you can make the real jump out of your body.
Even then...once you first do it...it’s so fantastical that it usually messes you up the first few times as well...lol.

As far as sleep paralysis is concerned, it may be frightening, but you are actually partially on your way to going OOB.
I can break it now if I don’t want it to happen - I kick out my leg and it’s all good.
But for those occasions where you cannot break out...the best thing to do is to envision yourself someplace pleasant...or somewhere beautiful...imagine yourself there...most of the time this will then turn into a lucid dream.
Just remember that you are okay...it is scary, but nothing to worry about.

My worst was seeing people get burned alive in a wave of fire only for it to repeat again but up close seeing everything burnt to a crisp then when their bodies hit the pavement they burst into steam. So yea like everyone else here but thankfully I don't get these often. Seen several cities go up like that as well. One of the strangest was where there was a statue of some kind then some strange music began to play and there were demons dancing around it then in front of me a word appeared "summonism".

No herbs, shrooms, synthetics, no pharmaceuticals of any kind, nothing at all. I get the strangest dreams lol.

Crazy stuff!
Yeah...similar things here...no drugs either.
There was one world where most of the population was under control of drugs doled out by the government to placate everyone.
Except it ended up killing everyone instead somehow.
There was one world where the minds of the people were forcefully made to become part of a “hive mind” via technologic advances, yet they all died.
Many explosions...many asteroids....diseases, etc.
A few alien invaders but usually it’s self-destruction by the people in one way or another, lol.


Crazy stuff!
Yeah...similar things here...no drugs either.
There was one world where most of the population was under control of drugs doled out by the government to placate everyone.
Except it ended up killing everyone instead somehow.
There was one world where the minds of the people were forcefully made to become part of a “hive mind” via technologic advances, yet they all died.
Many explosions...many asteroids....diseases, etc.
A few alien invaders but usually it’s self-destruction by the people in one way or another, lol.[/QUOTE]

Much of what you said there is actually in the works and has been for decades, they even make it the theme of books and movies those who are the powers behind the curtain. In the end it will all blow up in their faces while taking civilization down with them. I need to refresh but there is some crumbs of this stuff dating back into the 19th century no less where people were saying some of the stuff even then.
I just mainly want to know what kind of infjs do dreams have tbh
Gonna list some last dreams I had.

  • Snorting cocaine with Charles Manson
  • Took some LSD then had hallucinations it looked like this
  • Smoked weed with buddies.
  • Guys gave me shrooms it felt kinda like weed.
  • Been in psychiatric hospital, I been pretty cool there.
  • My parents took me to the farmstead while I was sleeping tho there been many people in the room just like been in Psych Hospital, I said ''I'm going home''[It's over 30km from there to ''home''], so I started moving, after 5km of walk I found another group that were going in the same city[A woman with kids], the youngest one lost his ball, I found it and gave him back, the kid said ''Thank you Jesus!'', I smiled, I joined that group, after 1km of walk we found other groups of people and we competed who will get to the teleportation station first, only one group could teleport, our group got there first and we teleported - ALL THAT STUFF HAPPENED ONE MORE TIME. When we teleported the distance got bigger, we took a car and they drive me to take a test[We been in the shop too], when we got there, I saw my ex-classmates being in other groups, they somehow took my doctor's note from me and the predicted answers, they started asking about my life cause they needed to convince teachers that they're the people in the note to get the right question, I told them some stuff but not accurate, so test started, after 10mins I still didn't know what to do, I asked a teacher what to do, he showed me a plane in the shape of a hand colored in gay flag and said you need to draw this plane. I said this hand? He said Yeah. And dream ended. BTW I was wearing old school christmas cardigan[mostly white] and black workout pants.
Gonna list some last dreams I had.

  • Snorting cocaine with Charles Manson
  • Took some LSD then had hallucinations it looked like this
  • Smoked weed with buddies.
  • Guys gave me shrooms it felt kinda like weed.
  • Been in psychiatric hospital, I been pretty cool there.
  • My parents took me to the farmstead while I was sleeping tho there been many people in the room just like been in Psych Hospital, I said ''I'm going home''[It's over 30km from there to ''home''], so I started moving, after 5km of walk I found another group that were going in the same city[A woman with kids], the youngest one lost his ball, I found it and gave him back, the kid said ''Thank you Jesus!'', I smiled, I joined that group, after 1km of walk we found other groups of people and we competed who will get to the teleportation station first, only one group could teleport, our group got there first and we teleported - ALL THAT STUFF HAPPENED ONE MORE TIME. When we teleported the distance got bigger, we took a car and they drive me to take a test[We been in the shop too], when we got there, I saw my ex-classmates being in other groups, they somehow took my doctor's note from me and the predicted answers, they started asking about my life cause they needed to convince teachers that they're the people in the note to get the right question, I told them some stuff but not accurate, so test started, after 10mins I still didn't know what to do, I asked a teacher what to do, he showed me a plane in the shape of a hand colored in gay flag and said you need to draw this plane. I said this hand? He said Yeah. And dream ended. BTW I was wearing old school christmas cardigan[mostly white] and black workout pants.

Man you are so cool, I wish I could be like the dream you
I had an awesome dream last night, some people would call it a nightmare, but it was interesting.

I was younger in a dream, my mother was cheating on my father with few guys, I got to a school and took classes, on my sweater was written ''I am meth addict'' and ''my mother fucks with all the guys'', I got home, every day there people were cutting 2 pig throats and 2 humans would become those pigs, this time it was me, I still could observe myself after I have become slaughtered pig, I been cut in pieces then.
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