What Is Your Opinion on INTJs?

Do you think most intjs want to be intjs or are instead simply happy they finally have an explanation as to why they feel so different from everyone else?
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Do I like them? Sure I do.

What are they like? No more and no less messed up than the rest of us.

I had a fun conversation with one of my favorite INTJs. We were discussing the role of emotion and thought in an individual’s development from infancy. Among other things, we touched on the fact that thought is considered a higher order function and noted that, from a development standpoint, this is a great example of the concept of “transcending and including”.

Anyway, aside from all that, my favorite INTJs have given up on the notion that thinking can somehow stand alone and is therefore superior, or that they have some sort of purified process, untouched by emotion. And whether or not they say it this way, they get that we have a needs based core that is first experienced through feeling, and followed up on by thought. They actually know better than to lose touch with their feelings or discard the feelings of others, and in fact, believe it would be detrimental and therefore illogical to do so.
I'm fairly active on the INTJ's forum. The mature ones (i.e. the ones who have realized that emotion has a place in the world) are really great to interact with. The immature ones... they're pretty nightmarish. They're so convinced of their "rationality" and "objectivity" that they are blind to their blatant biases. There's no arguing with them. It's either be browbeaten or get in a pointless argument. But they do have a serious, intellectual vibe that draws me in.

The INTJ I know in real life is pretty toxic. He's arrogant, narcissistic, hyper-competitive, and cruel. I've just recently cut him off after 7 years of dealing with his shit. Thankfully, most INTJs are nothing like that.
They are about as cool as Siri on the iphone. Fun and entertaining at first but get boring and annoying by popping up when you least want them to and giving advice that only they understand. ;P
I have a girl friend who I believe is an INTJ (Thought she was an ISTJ before, though). She's pretty much a bad ass bitch.

A lot of other girls are intimidated by her and are repelled by her.. "Logical" outlook. I really like her though. Sometimes I
could go without her unsolicited advice, but she really is a sweet girl. She's just very misunderstood.

On the inside, she's a lot more sensitive than she appears to be.. And I feel honoured that she has revealed some of this vulnerability to me.
We're not as close anymore, but I hope to keep in touch with her.
If your opinion of apples are only those that have fallen on the ground, you will only ever know those that are rotten and have worms in them. Think about it...
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INTJs are beautiful out there in the wild, on foreign forums, but they seem to develop strange Borg mentality on their own forum.
I'm really digging the brains of one of my friends who I believe is a female intj..we would go for hours writing theories about everything and being playful.
it's not all great with her though..that friendship has it's natural difficulties too.. add complex and complex and expect easy? nah... ..
affections speak a bit differently.. that one moment she really allowed herself to fall into my arms while hugging.. that was an eye opener.

But honestly.. .. if it is possible to get to a common ground ..especially in that T/F area without blaming each other for differences or expecting the other to be something else.. it can work out nicely.
(isn't that about all types, hm.. ..)

We both had stuff we went through in that moment.. and patterns were kicking in to do damage control.
I personally wouldn't blame her.. or start bashing types..I don't want to. (Although a part of me believes that I killed that friendship because of uncontrolled sponging and trying to be what she said she wanted me to be..carrying my part of it so to say.. :/ )
That's a shame - I'm sorry you've had a bad experience with INTJs.

Did you ever meet an older one, or were they all young people?
Usually younger, but sometimes also older. These people usually give me the vibe they are silently watching you in a corner, judging you and talking shit behind your back. They make me really paranoid. But maybe I mistyped them as INTJ when they were actually antisocial idk :p I had a good friend who was an INTJ. I could really laugh with him. But there was no softness in him. He never showed empathy and he was obsessed with himself. Also he turned out to be very unreliable and told a guy I had a crush on him, when he knew it was a secret.

I think they're cool. The most recent interaction I had with one was largely pleasant. However, he was elitist towards people he regarded as his inferiors (in his case class). Aside from that, he was nice to me. We had strong disagreements about economics and neither of us would budge.

He had an interest in science and annoyingly complained to me about the inaccuracies in his textbooks, he was more of a perfectionist than me. In contrast, I would just do the work and get it done, accuracy isn't as important to me as getting the work done. Perfection is an afterthought.

I think they're cool. The most recent interaction I had with one was largely pleasant. However, he was elitist towards people he regarded as his inferiors (in his case class). Aside from that, he was nice to me. We had strong disagreements about economics and neither of us would budge.

He had an interest in science and annoyingly complained to me about the inaccuracies in his textbooks, he was more of a perfectionist than me. In contrast, I would just do the work and get it done, accuracy isn't as important to me as getting the work done. Perfection is an afterthought.
ENTJs are quite capable of strategizing as well, but because their Te comes before their Ni, they won’t value their visions and plans as much as they will action. The ENTJ’s primary objective is often to get the job done, and their Ni will function as a means of thinking up a strategy to accomplish that.

INTJ’s primary objective is to realise a specific vision (Ni), and Te acts to assert the actions necessary to realise that vision. The difference is subtle on paper, but in action, you will see a vast chasm of difference. The best way I can describe it is this:

ENTJ: Agenda first, analytics/morals second.

INTJ: Analytics/morals first, agenda second.

In action, this often translates to ENTJs choosing specific actions to get what they want, while INTJs will try to strategize with intellectual and rhetorical methods before jumping into action.
ENTJs are quite capable of strategizing as well, but because their Te comes before their Ni, they won’t value their visions and plans as much as they will action. The ENTJ’s primary objective is often to get the job done, and their Ni will function as a means of thinking up a strategy to accomplish that.

INTJ’s primary objective is to realise a specific vision (Ni), and Te acts to assert the actions necessary to realise that vision. The difference is subtle on paper, but in action, you will see a vast chasm of difference. The best way I can describe it is this:

ENTJ: Agenda first, analytics/morals second.

INTJ: Analytics/morals first, agenda second.

In action, this often translates to ENTJs choosing specific actions to get what they want, while INTJs will try to strategize with intellectual and rhetorical methods before jumping into action.
That's spookily accurate.