What is your emotional need set?


C'est la vie
Retired Staff
Every person has their own specific set of emotional needs when it comes to relationships. Most emotion needs fall under the following categories...

Affection (expression of care)
Sexual Fulfillment
Conversation (how we share our common interests and demonstrate our intelligence)
Recreational Companionship (being able to do the activities you enjoy together)
Honesty and Openness
Physical Attractiveness
Financial Support (someone who can bring home the bacon)
Domestic Support (cooking, cleaning, etc.)
Family Commitment (help in raising the kids)
Admiration (a need for compliments)

So what is your set of emtional needs? List in order the previous categories in how important they are to you and feel free to add others to your set if you want. Mine in order are...

1. Conversation
2. Affection
3. Honesty and Openness
4. Recreational Companionship
5. Physical Attractiveness
6. Sexual Fulfillment
Wow, so similar to you Satya

1. Conversation
2. Affection
3. Honesty and Openness = Trust
4. Recreational Companionship
5. Sexual Fulfilment
6. Physical Attractiveness
So far it looks like we're not a bunch of sex maniacs! :lol:

Honesty and Openess
Recreational Companionship
Physical Attractiveness
Sexual Fulfillment
Affection (expression of care)
Conversation (how we share our common interests and demonstrate our intelligence)
Honesty and Openness
Domestic Support (cooking, cleaning, etc.)


what about...
  • stick-to-itiveness? (ie: being stubborn about staying in the relationship allows you to be happy)[/*:m:1902xch8]
  • companionship (someone to share the same experiences, whether bad or good, and help bear the burden)[/*:m:1902xch8]
  • adoration (i'd balk at this, but... some people feel compelled to worship others... this is meant as a need to adore, not the need to be adored)[/*:m:1902xch8]
  • teamwork (similar to companionship, but a need to feel totally in-sync with regards to completing mutual goals; this would be an energy-seeking need)[/*:m:1902xch8]
  • oneness (a desire to become as close to each others' soul as you can possibly get)[/*:m:1902xch8]
Inkling said:
Affection (expression of care)
Conversation (how we share our common interests and demonstrate our intelligence)
Honesty and Openness
Domestic Support (cooking, cleaning, etc.)


what about...
  • stick-to-itiveness? (ie: being stubborn about staying in the relationship allows you to be happy)[/*:m:1cjno2xi]
  • companionship (someone to share the same experiences, whether bad or good, and help bear the burden)[/*:m:1cjno2xi]
  • adoration (i'd balk at this, but... some people feel compelled to worship others... this is meant as a need to adore, not the need to be adored)[/*:m:1cjno2xi]
  • teamwork (similar to companionship, but a need to feel totally in-sync with regards to completing mutual goals; this would be an energy-seeking need)[/*:m:1cjno2xi]
  • oneness (a desire to become as close to each others' soul as you can possibly get)[/*:m:1cjno2xi]

I would say "companionship" falls under recreational companionship and "adoration" falls under admiration. And I would say that teamwork and oneness are pretty much the same thing.

But I definitely like Commitment and Teamwork. They are emotional needs about dedication to the relationship.
1. Conversation (how we share our common interests and demonstrate our intelligence)
2. Honesty and Openness
3. Family Commitment (help in raising the kids)
4. Domestic Support (cooking, cleaning, etc.)
5. Physical Attractiveness
6. Financial Support (someone who can bring home the bacon)
7. Affection (expression of care)
8. Admiration (a need for compliments)
9. Sexual Fulfillment

My experiences are limited so the results are inaccurate.
In my teens:
Physical Attractiveness
Recreational Companionship (being able to do the activities you enjoy together)
Honesty and Openness
Affection (expression of care)
Sexual Fulfillment

In my twenties:
Affection (expression of care)
Financial Support (someone who can bring home the bacon)
Recreational Companionship (being able to do the activities you enjoy together)
Honesty and Openness
Sexual Fulfillment

Now in my thirties:
Honesty and Openness
Affection (expression of care)
Sexual Fulfillment
Recreational Companionship (being able to do the activities you enjoy together)
Conversation (how we share our common interests and demonstrate our intelligence)
Oh that is right! Once women are in their mid to late thirties they reach their sexual peak. That would probably explain why sexual fulfillment is on the rise.
2.Honesty and Openness
3.Recreational Companionship
4.Family Commitment
Satya said:
Every person has their own specific set of emotional needs when it comes to relationships. Most emotion needs fall under the following categories...

Affection (expression of care)
Sexual Fulfillment
Conversation (how we share our common interests and demonstrate our intelligence)
Recreational Companionship (being able to do the activities you enjoy together)
Honesty and Openness
Physical Attractiveness
Financial Support (someone who can bring home the bacon)
Domestic Support (cooking, cleaning, etc.)
Family Commitment (help in raising the kids)
Admiration (a need for compliments)

So what is your set of emtional needs? List in order the previous categories in how important they are to you and feel free to add others to your set if you want. Mine in order are...

1. Conversation
2. Affection
3. Honesty and Openness
4. Recreational Companionship
5. Physical Attractiveness
6. Sexual Fulfillment

  • Conversation (how we share our common interests and demonstrate our intelligence)
    Honesty and Openness
    Affection (expression of care)
    Sexual Fulfillment
    Recreational Companionship (being able to do the activities you enjoy together)
    Admiration (a need for compliments)
yea, Willard F. Harley wrote some good books... read 2 of them myself

i'll have to get back to you on this though, going to be a busy day
1. "It" value: The air they carry. Intelligence, social grace, a dash of enigma.
2. Ambition: What they are passionate about, where they want to be, the fire.
3. Communication Skills: Clear headed, effective communicator, self-awareness.
4. Intimacy: Being comfortable in the presence of, physical contentedness.
5. Independence: A degree of independence, ability to preserve being an individual.

Not really an "emotional" need set, upon reflection.