What is the meaning of your life?


What is the meaning of your life?

The Meaning of Your Life is Understanding

There's so much to life, and once you think you have it figured out, you realize you have so much more to learn.
By understanding life, you can discover what it means for you. Where you find your purpose is very individual.

Your eyes are always open to new possibilities and ideas. You never feel like you know it all.
You are constantly exploring, learning, and growing. And you never tire of it!

The Meaning of Your Life is Understanding

There's so much to life, and once you think you have it figured out, you realize you have so much more to learn.
By understanding life, you can discover what it means for you. Where you find your purpose is very individual.

Your eyes are always open to new possibilities and ideas. You never feel like you know it all.
You are constantly exploring, learning, and growing. And you never tire of it!

The Meaning of Your Life is Joy
The purpose of your life is simple: to live it to the fullest.
You believe that happiness is a choice, and being happy isn't that hard to figure out.

Too many people struggle in their lives. You think they should just let go and enjoy what they've been given.
It's easy to find misery, but it's difficult to find happiness. You know that all the happiness you need comes from within.

Ah, thanks blog things!
The Meaning of Your Life is Pleasure

You don't have to be reminded that life is short. You're going to live it up and have fun.
You are more afraid of regretting what you didn't do, and you try to do it all.

You want to travel the world, experience passion, eat great food, and have amazing adventures.
Whenever possible, you indulge. You want to sample all the world's pleasures, even if your health and finances suffer a little.

The Meaning of Your Life is Pleasure

You don't have to be reminded that life is short. You're going to live it up and have fun.
You are more afraid of regretting what you didn't do, and you try to do it all.

You want to travel the world, experience passion, eat great food, and have amazing adventures.
Whenever possible, you indulge. You want to sample all the world's pleasures, even if your health and finances suffer a little.
The Meaning of Your Life is Love

When it comes down to it, life is all about who's in your life - not what's in your life.
You seek to love as many people as possible. People give purpose to your life.

Romantic love is important, but the love you seek is broader and more universal than that.
The longer you live, the more you realize how rare true friends are. You treasure the relationships you do have.
The Meaning of Your Life is Joy

The purpose of your life is simple: to live it to the fullest.
You believe that happiness is a choice, and being happy isn't that hard to figure out.

Too many people struggle in their lives. You think they should just let go and enjoy what they've been given.
It's easy to find misery, but it's difficult to find happiness. You know that all the happiness you need comes from within.