what is perfect?


Community Member
what is perfect?
will we ever trully know it?

yep iv been thinkng about this for some length of time! im worn out.

this comes about because although i strive for a full happy life im not a perfectionist. know heaven is perfect.
is perfect excepting what is?
because i can ecept every thing around me; happenings, opinions, allsorts. eventhough i don't allways agree.
(sorry about spelling!)

soory this is a bit all over the place.
any help??
It is an interesting question.

The most pragmatic, applied definition of perfect would be something that fully matches an expectation or desire.

I also think of perfection as something absolute like the laws of physics. No matter how these are viewed, understood, explained, they remain constant. The same is true of fractals.

And yet, I often find comfort and peace in imperfections. It's often that moment that deviates from the pattern that re-engages me in a sense of discovery. While I find the Julia and Mandelbrot sets beautiful and perfect, those same fractals realized in a tree with all its asymmetries that resulted from the angle of a wind current or a drought from a few years back are made more beautiful to me because the process of their realization faced obstacles and chance.
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I think many people see perfect as flawless.
But you could also describe perfect as something that is beautiful.
Or the thing is what it’s supposed to be, and you decide what it’s supposed to be, and you can change that view if you want to.

If you imagine a perfect flower, you will probably see one that is flawless. But when you see a beautiful flower outside, one that is absolutely beautiful although it has its flaws, you can also describe it as perfect.

Well... this is the way I see it.
I hope this makes any sense :P

Perfection could mean optimum efficiency, an automobile that won't ever break down or need fixing of any sort--and that also will not do damage to the environment when operated.

But maybe that perfection ceases to be as soon as human beings start driving the automobile, anyway. Humans cause car accidents.

Anything having to do with human beings isn't going to be perfect because human beings aren't perfect. So we can't build perfectly efficient anythings that will last for eternity. Haha. My automobile example is a fallacy; it's not possible.

Maybe a natural ecosystem unhampered by civilization's meddling is perfect? Through being self-sustaining.

I'd say that, as none of us are exempt from entropy and none of us are omnipotent beings, none of us will ever live in a world where we have exactly what we want all the time--perfection is completely subjective, cuz we're just makin' do with what we got.
I think a type of performance can be done perfectly. A look on one's face can be perfect at a specific time as a silent response. Something can be balanced perfectly. Something can be represented perfectly. Three out of three bullseyes are perfection. A ton-eighty, or three triple twenties, is perfect in darts. There is art that is perfect.
I also feel sometimes when a kid does something as good as they can it can be looked at as perfection. A wise response to a "butt" can be perfect.
Sometimes love is perfect. A piano in tune is perfect. A dog's love is perfect.
It is a perfect time to go get some rest.
Nothing is perfect. In so far as things are, they are not perfect precisely because we perceive them to be. Do not search for perfection; you will not find it.
Absence of flaw. But then there is such a thing as too perfact theirfore imperfact. So perfect is balance. But some flaw is imperfact...

So perfect is merly a matter of perception.
Perfection could mean optimum efficiency

Similar to as stated above this is how I would put it: I think perfection is being the best that one can be. And I do believe in it, for I strive to achieve what I percieve as perfection or pretty close. However there are problems, because perfect to me is not always what others percieve as perfect which means that I compare myself to others...
I feel like perfection carries connotations of being 'without flaw.' It sounds like a state that exists on a saintly, unearthly plane - which is therefore unattainable.

On the other hand, there's the idea of subjective perfection. 'Perfect for me,' and that sort of thing. I wonder if the idea of subjective perfection isn't just people accommodating though, and altering their idea of 'flawless' to fit into a more realistic framework.

Then again, if this idea of 'perfection' is 'flawless' for them, then it would necessarily involve the incorporation of flaws into the definition of perfection, which would then become a system without flaw. Based on their perception. Which is just one big circle. (disclaimer: I'm a little buzzed)

Augh. Anyway. I think what it might come down to is whether or not there is one true, universal 'perfect' state. But I don't think that's the question being asked.

So. The way I take it, the quest for 'perfection' can be a dangerous thing, or at least something to be cautious of. It can lead people to set up unattainable expectations that will never be met and that will lead only to disappointment. Life is not perfection. There is nothing perfect about it, because there is nothing that will ever lead to perfect, sublime happiness forever. I try to strive to appreciate flaw instead for the qualities it brings: tolerance, understanding, growth, uniqueness (and hopefully, ultimately happiness).

Well, do you think you could say there is anything in the universe that is perfect? Or any natural law?
Hmm, that's hard. On the one hand, I see nothing flawed in a striking night sky, or a beautiful mountain scape. On the other hand, there are naturally difficulties and downsides to those things: all stars are slowly dying, mountains support little life.

In regards to natural laws, my understanding is that the majority of them have exceptions of some kind. Nothing is understood at so fundamental a level that it is without a doubt true in all circumstances.

But maybe that's why the idea of 'perfection' bothers me.
Because it might not exist!
And that's interesting, if it doesn't exist, how did anyone come to the idea that it does?
As much as I do doubt, I try to hold faith that there is a certain something, some call it God, some call it the Universe, that is within and without of all things.

Achieving the state of mind (or lack thereof?) of this alll knowing or constant force, even if it is something that constantly fluctuates, is my idea of perfection. An ordered chaos brought upon by Dialectic means.

Perfection is the place our minds go in our deepest bouts of prayer or meditation. In utero. In deep sleep. In death. A state of everything that brings forth the suspension of the ego, of consciousness, so it may seem like nothing when in fact, it is everything.