What herb are you?



You Are Rosemary

You are stable and grounded. You may take a slow, steady approach to live, but you're a survivor.
You are an intellectual and very rational. You can see things from a logical, detached viewpoint.

You are successful but not particularly ambitious. You have a way of letting success come to you.
You tend to be a bit understated and modest. You let your accomplishments speak for themselves.
You are marijuana--

Okay, I got rosemary as well.
You are marijuana--

Okay, I got rosemary as well.

:m131: I was wondering if someone would type that. lol.
You are marijuana--

Okay, I got rosemary as well.

My brain went the same place.

Rosemary for me too.
You Are Cinnamon

You are intelligent and complex. You are both mild mannered and intense.
You are passionate to the point of being overpowering. (lolwat) People can't ignore your presence.

You are always questioning and learning in your life. You're on a bit of a spiritual journey.
You are drawn toward power and success. You are never quite satisfied with your achievements.

You Are Mint

You are a honest person with a strong personality. Your frank point of view is refreshing.
You've been quite lucky in your life, though you have made more of your own luck than you realize.

You are engaging and disarming. You definitely have the "gift of gab!"
You live an edgy, dynamic life. Sometimes you get a little burned, but you always bounce back.

You Are Hibiscus
You are an optimistic, carefree person. You often express your happiness.
You value friendship and interaction. You are good at bringing people together.

You are enthusiastic and full of bliss. You bring a lot of positive energy to a group.
You are open and accepting. You don't have anything to hide, and you are able to love others for who they are.

You Are Basil

You are a mild mannered person. People feel naturally calm around you.
You are warm hearted and loving. You have a close knit circle of friends and family.

You have the courage to be who you are in life, even if others disagree. You're proud of your uniqueness.
You are good at caring for and healing others. You are naturally soothing.
You Are Basil

You are a mild mannered person. People feel naturally calm around you.
You are warm hearted and loving. You have a close knit circle of friends and family.

You have the courage to be who you are in life, even if others disagree. You're proud of your uniqueness.
You are good at caring for and healing others. You are naturally soothing.
You Are Chamomile

You are a peaceful, relaxed person. Nothing really gets under your skin.
You appreciate coziness and comfort. There's nothing you like better than a good nap.

You don't let yourself stress or worry. You believe all things work out in the end.
You are able to remain serene in the middle of a storm. You believe it's important to be a gentle person.
You Are Cinnamon


You are intelligent and complex. You are both mild mannered and intense.
You are passionate to the point of being overpowering. People can't ignore your presence.

You are always questioning and learning in your life. You're on a bit of a spiritual journey.
You are drawn toward power and success. You are never quite satisfied with your achievements.
You Are Chamomile

You are a peaceful, relaxed person. Nothing really gets under your skin.
You appreciate coziness and comfort. There's nothing you like better than a good nap.

You don't let yourself stress or worry. You believe all things work out in the end.
You are able to remain serene in the middle of a storm. You believe it's important to be a gentle person.

You Are Chamomile


You are a peaceful, relaxed person. Nothing really gets under your skin.
You appreciate coziness and comfort. There's nothing you like better than a good nap.

You don't let yourself stress or worry. You believe all things work out in the end.
You are able to remain serene in the middle of a storm. You believe it's important to be a gentle person.