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Shai Gar

if you're in love with an INFJ but you know that if you marry her without sowing your wild oats, you'll just cheat on her a great many times?
So your saying if you dont have sex with her first, you think you would cheat?

Or you will for sure cheat reguardless??

First of all...from what I hear sex with an INFJ is a very fulfilling thing...because we are so intuned with the act of making love we kinda make it mind blowing every time. (I am no expert cuz...I have never had sex with an INFJ...but I have had lots of sex and I know what they said after)
First of all...from what I hear sex with an INFJ is a very fulfilling thing...because we are so intuned with the act of making love we kinda make it mind blowing every time. (I am no expert cuz...I have never had sex with an INFJ...but I have had lots of sex and I know what they said after)

I highly recommend it :mpoke:
if you're in love with an INFJ but you know that if you marry her without sowing your wild oats, you'll just cheat on her a great many times?

Develop self-discipline.
Develop self-discipline.

^^ This.

Okay, so.. Is said INFJ in love with you? What does she want out of relationship? Is monogamy vital to her? If you want to make her happy you should know those things. And if you love her like you say you do then you obviously want to make her happy. Or, in my opinion you should. What it sounds like however is that you desire to possess her. And while you are in possession or her, you'd also like to have a little of this one and that one. If she is the kind of girl who desires monogamy in a marriage, and you KNOW that you aren't able to give that to her, then prove that you love her and don't marry her. Allow her to find someone who can give her what she desires and needs.
Or, you are mistaking love for something else my friend.
if you're in love with an INFJ but you know that if you marry her without sowing your wild oats, you'll just cheat on her a great many times?

If you won't be open and honest with her about your wanting to fuck other women, but would choose to do it anyway, then my sense is you do not respect her person enough to truly love her, much less respect yourself enough to be forthright and comfortable about that which you want.

What motivates these lines of thinking I can only imagine, but regardless, I don't think or feel such a situation is one on which to build a foundation of marriage - by my values, anyway.

That said, you've got to meet your own needs the best way you know how with the resources available to you in the context of your situation. To the degree you can do that without deceit, I wish you well.

what neecey said

aaand an infj girl would know about someone's need to sow his wild oats. he's on a time limit to get his act together.

i've never sexed another infj either (cept myself)...i'm pretty sure we're still teh awesome.
I think this whole sowing of wild oats is a myth anyway. What's wrong with homegrown?
^^ This.

Okay, so.. Is said INFJ in love with you? What does she want out of relationship? Is monogamy vital to her? If you want to make her happy you should know those things. And if you love her like you say you do then you obviously want to make her happy. Or, in my opinion you should. What it sounds like however is that you desire to possess her. And while you are in possession or her, you'd also like to have a little of this one and that one. If she is the kind of girl who desires monogamy in a marriage, and you KNOW that you aren't able to give that to her, then prove that you love her and don't marry her. Allow her to find someone who can give her what she desires and needs.
Or, you are mistaking love for something else my friend.


I think this whole sowing of wild oats is a myth anyway. What's wrong with homegrown?

Quite agree.

Develop self-discipline.

if you're in love with an INFJ but you know that if you marry her without sowing your wild oats, you'll just cheat on her a great many times?

are you even sure the INFJ is into you? you kinda sound like a douchebag and INFJs don't usually like douchebags.
are you even sure the INFJ is into you? you kinda sound like a douchebag and INFJs don't usually like douchebags.
sorry, couldn't help it
I may have let out a giggle too....
The decent thing to do would be:

Step 1. Suggest an open relationship

If that isn't viable then

Step 2. Move on
if you're in love with an INFJ but you know that if you marry her without sowing your wild oats, you'll just cheat on her a great many times?

Leave her to someone who will respect and care for her.
Most INFJ relationships are based on commitment. She won't cheat on you (probably).

Right now you might not be worthy of her - but conquer yourself and then marry is what I say.