What do you do to channel your "F" creativity?

Altruistic Muse

Community Member
Are all of us creative? Are we creative by definition? If so, what do you enjoy doing in this vein?! I love sewing. Right now my little phase is drawing designs on fabric, embroidering them and then making jewellery from this. It's a lot of fun :)
I don't really channel anything to give a creative output. It is more for a relase in a sense or to calm me down. When I am channeling my F to make myself feel better, it is usually though listening to music, or socalizing with people in some way.

Honestly, I don't think I channel any specefic function for the sake of creativity and creativity alone. My only creative outlet that I had was in highschool when I took ceramics (and I really do miss it). It really was just to calm me, or stimulate me, I wasn't doing it based off any kind of feeling or context.
I doodle ALL the time

And I also am always humming or singing something or thinking up a song when I'm out and about.

When I get the time I also like to work on piano
I think anything that depends on your own style of doing things can be a creative outlet.

Most of my creativity manifests itself in drawing (hence avatar), though I'm still just learning the craft.
My only creative outlet that I had was in highschool when I took ceramics (and I really do miss it). It really was just to calm me, or stimulate me, I wasn't doing it based off any kind of feeling or context.

sounds fun to me. i have always wanted to do ceramics.

i really loved developing photos in the dark room... i miss that activity.

also, i miss playing music with good friends, without egos getting in the way.
I like to write and I love drawing though not much good at it. Can't sew, seem to have 2 left hands, can knit but can't follow a pattern so long scarves and weird blanket type things. Haven't knitted in over a year though.

I really really want to make jewellry and soap, just need the equipment. Want some paints too. Oh, and I'm also getting into japanese cooking.
To "channel" it? Don't know. Just happens. I'll feel overcome by something and it drives me to write.
I think of that more as a coping mechanism that I've gotten rather colorful at.
(Screw you world I'm going to make my own up! Kind of thing.)

I've been bored by contentment lately, so haven't been writing much..
But I find I've been more into crafty stuff..as a way to just wind down and relax.
Like, sit at home and listen to jazzy music and drink cheap wine and make paper beads.
(Got the idea of making them from women in Uganda who make paper beads out of ephemera.)

My creativity lately (absence of powerful emotions) is put into making tangible objects..
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