What do ENTPs usually look like


Permanent Fixture
I forget
I'm just saying in general what do they look like? Or ENTPS, describe what you look like. Maybe there is a physical feature that most ENTPS have in common. I'm just really curious to know. Thanks for all answers.
They wear masks.

Most ENTPs I know have a perpetual stoner smirk, but since I'm perpetually stoned I might not be the best judge of that.
Most ENTPs I know have a perpetual stoner smirk, but since I'm perpetually stoned I might not be the best judge of that.

lol - i can so relate
The mask is true, I never leave the house without my trusty super-hero mask. Never!
I mean, like facial features, like small ears of big ears, brown eyes or blue, big nose or small nose, etc.

i find that many comedians resemble or are ENTPs...they all have a certain look about them. what Arg said comes pretty close. if i am to generalize, they usually have bright wide eyes that are not wide-set with rounded foreheads. this does not apply to all ENTPs, just as an average from what i've come across.

ilovethewind, i dont' believe eye colour has anything to do with how certain MBTI types look.

EDIT: in bold. also, this account is not based on fact as it is obviously subjective .
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Big Round Eyes?

What about asian, aboriginal or african ENTPs?

Physical features have nothing to do with MBTI.
I just wanted to know if you think this is true, I'm sorry if I offended anyone :(


Socionics is different to MBTI and while there are aspects to it that I prefer, that site in particular is pretty bad (imo).

I've never looked into VI with much depth but don't place too much credence on it, like Shai said race differences mean any VI description would have to be rather general and as such couldn't be too accurate.

I even posted on a Socionics forum once to get them to VI me, there were a few random guesses suggesting SJ/SP types but ultimately they said I needed to tell them about myself cause it didn
Helpful but misleading and full of false information.

wow, I see this is the place for in depth opinion and intelligent discourse.

I was unable to decide if your post was misleading or full of false information as it contained no information, and I'm pretty sure the post was aimed at the author of thread.
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I was directing it to the post above, to Scone24.

This thread is based on the false premise that people of similar personality temperaments share facial or body features in common. It's blatantly false.

There's a personality temperament theory in the Kama Sutra as well, based on penis size or vagina size.
I was directing it to the post above, to Scone24.

This thread is based on the false premise that people of similar personality temperaments share facial or body features in common. It's blatantly false.

There's a personality temperament theory in the Kama Sutra as well, based on penis size or vagina size.

I know who the post was directed at, but rather than discuss what was in the link you issued a blanket dismissal without any reference to a point made in it, and did so in a rather insulting way.

As for personality types sharing facial features, how can you say it's 'blatantly false'. How do you know there are not common genes in personality and appearence or that the experiences in ones childhood, influenced by personality type, influence the development of facial features in adolescence, we know so little about these things that to say it is blatantly false is arrogant beyond belief.

May I suggest that if you have nothing to contribute to a discussion then you avoid posting in the thread as it adds nothing other than to stop people who may have something to contribute from doing so for fear of being shouted down.
[FONT=&quot]Wow, the newb is feisty. Keep insulting Shai Gar and I’ll let you sit next to *me*… Granted it was a little teeny bit unprovoked and random, but the enemy of my enemy and all that rot. I’m also probably the least intellectually stimulating person here so I’m not sure if that’ll work out either. [/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]All deer yoni in this bitch. Just saying. Vamachara FTW! Hmm I shouldn’t have had the second margarita with lunch. Heh.[/FONT]
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