What causes bring out the activist or defender in you? | INFJ Forum

What causes bring out the activist or defender in you?


Sep 5, 2009
So, all of us probably have some causes or issues we feel strongly about and want to fight for or people, groups, or other things we want to defend? What are these whether social problems or issues, mental health, economic equalities, environment, etc.
Any kind of discrimination and limitation on personal freedom. Everyone should have the right to safely express the full spectrum of their personality. I don't understand what the big deal is with this that it upsets so many people; our world would be extremely boring without variety, to say the least.
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Any kind of discrimination and limitation on personal freedom. Everyone should have the right to safely express the full spectrum of their personality. I don't understand what the big deal is with this that it upsets so many people; our world would be extremely boring without variety, to say the least.

Radiant said it better than I. :nod:

I was going to say oppression. It covers a wide range of potential causes to champion. Mostly I act on an individual level but have been known to stand up for whole populations.
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I've always had a thing for defending individuals who are being mistreated or singled out especially if they're being bullied or teased. Something in me would kick in and I wanted to step in front of them and hold the crowds back so to speak :D. I would see myself as the lone person standing up for them. But I learned that helping someone who is being bullied is not always about being their sole warrior or support, which can add to the feeling that they're helpless, and can't protect or defend themselves. Real assistance may come in the form of giving them the tools and helping them find the confidence to handle it without diminishing the seriousness of abuse.
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I intend to fight for those who suffer from mental health issues. So much so that I am switching careers from IT to Psychology and have begun attending University. I already have most of the answers I need. So I pursue the degrees not to learn, but to gain the appropriate authoritative credentials to get mental health professionals to respect and hopefully heed my advice in order to make a real and significant difference for the sufferers.

I just want to give you a big hug. It almost brought tears to my eyes listening to your job 'entrance music'. You are a really good person.
first and foremost:
literacy. don't even ge me started on how important i think that is.
also, i have a strong desire to work in hospice. i feel the pull to work with the dying.
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The oppression or exploiting of people and thereby placing them on a lower level I find is one of the most incomprehensible things people do to each other. I just can't wrap my head around it. I know most of the time it's about earning more and more and more money, but that's what makes it even worse.
I also really can't stand animal cruelty and the absence of understanding we have no right to destroy earth's natural environments.
Why on EARTH do people do these things?

My plan is getting a Master's degree in Conflict Resolution and Governance. I just really want to reach out and help out.
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Human Species and their stereotypical behavior.

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Unbalances in equality in any sector of society. Real equality, as opposed to socialistic equality that is. Everyone having the same opportunities, But not necessarily the same outcomes.
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Crimes against humanity, children, young women, and generally the people I love. I usually don't go out of my way to defend myself. I know who I am and I like who I am. But I'll unleash bullets of psychological destruction and bring down someone who prey on the innocent. And I usually won't do it alone. I'll bring other people on to do it with me.

Meanwhile, here's a motivational posters for all INFJs out there.

One of my 'defender' triggers is defenceless elderly people who aren't treated with dignity... Like an old feeble man being taken advantage of or mistreated. I'm not sure where this stems from specifically but when I witness it (even in fiction) the unfairness of it takes a hold of me and I become tearful.

I'm very passionate and more argumentative on the topics of women rights, especially in so-called 'Islamic' countries... Female genital mutilation... Oppression in general, or unfairness. I feel strongly about social mobility and social welfare for the most vulnerable.

I also abhor animal cruelty.

Ugh what terrible things humans can do to the helpless! :(
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When I hear about teen suicide (because of bullying [due to some perceived intolerable difference in sexuality, race, etc.]), it really upsets me.

I saw a male cross-dresser at the bus stop the other day. I am so happy there are places-- a school, in this case-- where he feels safe being himself.
Living in a very dangerous place creates a sense of solidarity between me and victims of injustice, third world nations, people who are victims of violence. I try to always buy fair trade coffee and do research on social injustice and plan on donating to medicins sans frontiers.
I believe in helping people help themselves -- power cultivated from within is infinitely more powerful than power cultivated exogenously.

One exception would be what [MENTION=4423]Sriracha[/MENTION] said: children. Also, invalids, the crippled, mentally retarded, the elderly, etc. In other words: those who can't help themselves in some form or fashion.
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I believe in helping people help themselves -- power cultivated from within is infinitely more powerful than power cultivated exogenously.

This is one of the things I want to see better developed in education. Lately, it seems teaching and learning is based on depending on someone else for the answer. I see education as teaching someone to be independent and self confident through self knowledge, self discipline, and self development, with internal motivation, initiative, and persistence as the key. When there is too much dependence on others for information, help, or success, it encourages blaming someone else for lack of succes or failure rather than taking responsibility for self. There is too little personal accountability in our culture. Yes, more resources should be available to make learning more engaging and effective from the educator's and administrator's end, but it can't always be about what someone can do for you. As a learner, your education should be your own responsibility. No one can learn for you. I see too many learners who use pity so that they don't have to put as much effort in learning. But what some don't realize is that if you depend too much on someone else for the answer or to get things done, you are essentially giving others more power and control over your life, to make it harder or easier for you as they see fit.
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I volunteer at a summer camp (last 5 years) for physically and/or cognitively disabled adults which are a largely dismissed, ignored people group. They can break our hearts and fill them at the same time. I am a fierce defender of these.
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Animal abuse. Human abuse comes a distant second. I believe people, no matter their condition, have the means to help themselves in most cases. We're humans, who created a human society in which humans can thrive; the people who need help have options readily available for them, be it loving family, fiends, charity groups, social welfare programs, etc.

Animals, however, have almost no options in our society. They're sold and traded like merchandise, involuntarily forced to breed, genetically altered, crammed in to tight living spaces, mass slaughtered for food, "thrown away" if they don't serve a purpose and put "to sleep" if they need costly medical treatment. They make a crippled, mentally handicapped child appear as well-off as Donald Trump by comparison.
This thread is shedding some light on who the activists and advocates are.