What are the chances you'll be rich



There's a 59% Chance You'll Be Rich

It's not a shoe in that you'll be rich, but the chances are greater than not.
Keep saving those pennies, and figure out a few ways to earn some more.

You know that there's no way to get rich quickly, and you're content to get rich slowly.
You just need to keep doing what you're doing for many, many years!
There's a 62% Chance You'll Be Rich
It's not a shoe in that you'll be rich, but the chances are greater than not.
Keep saving those pennies, and figure out a few ways to earn some more.

You know that there's no way to get rich quickly, and you're content to get rich slowly.
You just need to keep doing what you're doing for many, many years!

Meh, I see this question as being equivalent to asking "What are the odds I'll become a tenth degree black belt?"

The answer? Persistence and discipline... over 1 I guess.
There's a 63% Chance You'll Be Rich

"You know that there's no way to get rich quickly, and you're content to get rich slowly."

yep... haha

There's a 39% Chance You'll Be Rich

No doubt about it, you really love money. You just love spending it more than making it.
You have expensive tastes, and it takes a lot of dough to bankroll you.

You'd love to be rich, but it's not going to happen unless you start saving some of your hard earned money.
Try to sock away some funds for a rainy day. That's how normal folks get started on becoming rich.

Rich people? Meh.
Normal? Far from it.
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There's a 58% Chance You'll Be Rich

It's not a shoe in that you'll be rich, but the chances are greater than not.
Keep saving those pennies, and figure out a few ways to earn some more.

You know that there's no way to get rich quickly, and you're content to get rich slowly.
You just need to keep doing what you're doing for many, many years!
Oh wells
There's a 33% Chance You'll Be Rich
No doubt about it, you really love money. You just love spending it more than making it.
You have expensive tastes, and it takes a lot of dough to bankroll you.

You'd love to be rich, but it's not going to happen unless you start saving some of your hard earned money.
Try to sock away some funds for a rainy day. That's how normal folks get started on becoming rich.
There's a 73% Chance You'll Be Rich

One of my most unINFJish sides i think. I am fairly good with money.

There's a 52% Chance You'll Be Rich

It's not a shoe in that you'll be rich, but the chances are greater than not.
Keep saving those pennies, and figure out a few ways to earn some more.

You know that there's no way to get rich quickly, and you're content to get rich slowly.
You just need to keep doing what you're doing for many, many years!
There's a 89% Chance You'll Be Rich

It's not a shoe in that you'll be rich, but the chances are greater than not.
Keep saving those pennies, and figure out a few ways to earn some more.

You know that there's no way to get rich quickly, and you're content to get rich slowly.
You just need to keep doing what you're doing for many, many years!

I don't need you anyway; [MENTION=731]corndogman[/MENTION]
There's a 89% Chance You'll Be Rich

It's not a shoe in that you'll be rich, but the chances are greater than not.
Keep saving those pennies, and figure out a few ways to earn some more.

You know that there's no way to get rich quickly, and you're content to get rich slowly.
You just need to keep doing what you're doing for many, many years!

I don't need you anyway; [MENTION=731]corndogman[/MENTION]
Tell it to the judge.
There's a 51% Chance You'll Be Rich
It's not a shoe in that you'll be rich, but the chances are greater than not.
Keep saving those pennies, and figure out a few ways to earn some more.

funny, I am rich
There's a 53% Chance You'll Be Rich

It's not a shoe in that you'll be rich, but the chances are greater than not.
Keep saving those pennies, and figure out a few ways to earn some more.

You know that there's no way to get rich quickly, and you're content to get rich slowly.
You just need to keep doing what you're doing for many, many years!

Note that i sort fo cheated, claiming to have graduated college already when I actually won't do so until December.
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There's a 44% Chance You'll Be Rich
No doubt about it, you really love money. You just love spending it more than making it.
You have expensive tastes, and it takes a lot of dough to bankroll you.

You'd love to be rich, but it's not going to happen unless you start saving some of your hard earned money.
Try to sock away some funds for a rainy day. That's how normal folks get started on becoming rich.

Money? not really..

I do have some luxuries..not many..

Maybe true about the saving part..I am generally bad at handling money yet I am 16 at the moment..