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Vaccines Debate

[h=1]Mali Ebola Deaths Follow U.S. Vaccines - Robert Scott Bell Interview[/h]
I think it's a good idea to be careful about vaccines because you never know what's in them. Look no further than the nearly 100 million people who received the Polio vaccine which was contaminated with a virus which actually is known to cause Cancer. This has been admitted by the CDC. That is 1/3 of the current American population. If you're interested in more about this, you can of course google about it and you will see a plethora of hits all over the place from reputable sources and even websites some many consider to be "conspiracy." But the facts are there.

There are some vaccines which I am against - anything flu or HPV related really makes me turn my nose up. There are some things your immune system is built to fight against, and there are other things that even a healthy immune system can't battle and thus needs a little help.

I am just as put off about vaccines as I am about antibiotics. It's so important to understand the body and how it works and why vaccines are important and how they work within the body. I think it's also important to have an understanding how these viruses spread so that we can appropriately safeguard ourselves against illness instead of swallowing whatever they tell us will "fix the problem."
CDC offers its fiorst ever apology!!!!

CDC admits that this years flu vaccine doesn't work!


Expect more revelations to come....

So what your saying is that the CDC is honest with the public when they discover that one of their vaccines won't be as effective this year as it was year before due to a unpredicted new strain of the flu virus that was discovered this winter, way after they started production in March for this flu season? I appreciate them letting us know.

Something like that cannot be predicted with 100% accuracy. We are all aware that they aren't psychics. They do the best they can. I'm glad they gave us the heads up.

"Current flu vaccines are built to protect against three or four different kinds of flu virus, depending on the product. The ingredients are selected very early in the year, based on predictions of what strains will circulate the following winter.
The ingredients always include a Type A H3N2 flu virus. The most severe flu seasons tend to be dominated by some version of that kind of flu bug. The three most deadly flu seasons of the last 10 years – in the winters of 2003-2004, 2007-2008, and 2012-2013 – were H3N2 seasons.
In March, after the H3N2 vaccine strain was vaccine production was underway, health officials noted the appearance new and different strain of H3N2. "This is not something that's been around before," Frieden said.
But health officials weren't sure if the new strain would become a significant problem in the United States this winter until recently, they said. Lab specimens from patients have shown that the most commonly seen flu bug so far is the new strain of H3N2. Specifically, about 48 percent of the H3N2 samples seen so far were well matched to what's in the vaccine, but 52 percent were not, the CDC said."
So the CDC finally admitted their vaccine doesn;t work after a scandal began to brew after 14 people DIED from the vaccine in Italy

Shame the CDC can only be honest after people have died and their necks are on the line

But they are balanced out by the many honest campaigners who are helping to spread vaccine awareness

[h=1]Italian Court Rules MMR Vaccine Caused Autism: US Media Blacks Out Story[/h] May 8, 2013 by Joe Martino. 672 Comments.

The debate over vaccines continues as an Italian court ruled in favor of the Bocca family whose nine-year-old son became autistic after receiving the MMR (Measles/Mumps & Rubella) vaccine. I came across this case and felt it was a good idea to report on this as the vaccine debate has been a hot topic here lately. Although the case concluded in 2012, the information is just as relevant today. UPDATE: We realize the controversy surrounding Wakefield and his study. Please also note that the story about Wakefield being paid to create data to due vaccine makers is a false story. At the time of this false story, vaccine makers were protected from even being able to be sued. He obviously can see no benefit in creating a “fake study” to sue people that cannot be sued. Instead of focusing on Wakefield, observe the other studies involved and the massive growing movement to re-think vaccines based on science and evidence. We also recognize that Autism is a spectrum disorder, meaning that there is a wide range in how it affects people. A phenomenon due to vaccines could account for some type of Autism on that spectrum. On the other hand we recognize that there could be be some genetic differences within ones DNA that could result in showing behavior and other types of characteristics seen in what we have labelled as Autism or ASD. Autism is a spectrum disorder, meaning that there is a wide degree of variation in the way it affects people.
Valentino Bocca was given the MMR vaccine when he was 15 months old in 2004. The family has stated that immediately after the jab their son began showing signs of serious discomfort. The Bocca family decided to act and took the case to court. Judges determined the vaccine did cause the autism after new evidence was presented and awarded the Bocca family 174,000 euro (£140,000) after the Italian Health Ministry conceded the MMR vaccine caused autism in their nine-year-old son Valentino. After the ruling, Italian lawyers began examining around 100 similar cases which they believe could lead to more families pursuing court cases. Of course this case does not come with two sides to the argument. In Britain, doctors and health experts insist that the onset of autism after the vaccine was merely a coincidence and that other children develop autism around the same time. The official statement of the Department of Health is that ‘there is a wealth of evidence showing children who receive the MMR vaccine are no more at risk of autism than those who don’t.’ The Bocca case is not the first case where children have been allegedly damaged by vaccines. The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid out over $2 billion in compensation to families who have been damaged by vaccines. The Bocca case ruling will likely re-open much debate over vaccine safety and effectiveness. This was largely made popular when the respected medical journal The Lancet published an article in 1998, making a connection between the triple vaccine and autism. Later on, the author’s methods were discredited but this of course came with controversy as well. Luckily, the news of it alone was enough for families to re-question the vaccine when thinking of their children. Though the debate is still ongoing, many people are seriously questioning vaccines and this isn’t just the average person. Medical doctors have been educating themselves further on vaccines as the evidence continues to pile up about the ineffectiveness and lack of safety associated with vaccines. The number of autism cases has risen greatly since the 1970s, as the number of vaccines a child receives continues to rise dramatically. Although it is not yet clear what the new evidence was that concluded the Bocca case, it is almost certain that it will continue to build the case for re-thinking vaccines. The black out in US media is a prime example of how much medical information is censored in North America. This may add to the fact that it seems North America is a lot more unaware of healthy practices regarding medicine, lifestyle and diet. Of course this isn’t to say that everyone is like this in North America, but when you look at the numbers we can see that North America is among the unhealthiest when it comes to developed countries. A great example of how the medical industry tends to avoid new vaccine science comes in the case of Dr. Andrew Wakefield. He has been involved in extensively reviewing the MMR vaccine and its safety, and has found not only some scary results, but also a great opposition and blacking out when it comes to the medical field looking at his evidence. The videos below go into this story in depth.
The following is from Dr. Mercola “It’s virtually impossible to read an article about the MMR vaccine without coming across a reference to British gastroenterologist Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s 1998 research published in The Lancet, which suggested there may be a link between the MMR vaccine, chronic bowel disease and autism. Ever since the article’s publication, it has remained one of the most cited yet controversial studies on the topic of vaccine safety. Few public health officials or doctors speaking about vaccination in the media today fail to drive home the point that Wakefield’s research was subsequently “discredited” by the General Medical Council in Britain, while completely ignoring the facts about what his research actually showed, and the long list of studies done since then by other researchers that back up his initial findings. Dr. Wakefield’s 1998 study involved a retrospective case series analysis, which essentially reviews the clinical histories of a group of patients with a constellation of signs and symptoms that link them together and create a pattern. In this case, it was a group of autistic children with gastrointestinal problems, which led to the discovery of a novel bowel disease that Wakefield and his colleagues at the Royal Free Hospital in London first described. But rather than celebrating the discovery of a tangible, treatable and potentially preventable serious health problem that could help those suffering with similar health issues, Wakefield’s discovery became a hotly debated controversy in which Dr. Wakefield’s personal and professional reputation was smeared. Why? Because the clinical story didn’t end with bowel disease; it also included symptoms of regressive autism after receiving the MMR vaccine… In the years following his 1998 finding, which linked the MMR vaccine to inflammatory bowel disease and symptoms of autism, Dr. Wakefield published another 19 papers on the vaccine-induced bowel disorder. All were peer reviewed, and none have been retracted. However, none of these 19 papers are ever discussed in the media. The only study that keeps seeing the light of day is the original Lancet article from 1998. Another interesting fact is that, since that study, a large number of replication studies have been performed around the world, by other researchers, that confirm Wakefield’s initial findings. Yet you never hear a word about those either!”


For video clips click on link above

[h=2]Sunday, May 8, 2011[/h][h=3]Still no independent confirmation of Wakefield's claims[/h]

One of the things that anti-vaccines groups desperately want to have, is the scientific support for their claims. A lot of parents know that rigorous studies, peer reviewed, published in scientific journals and indexed on Pubmed are the standard in discussions about medical care. Therefore, the anti-vaccine brigade are trying to maintain that, really, countless scientific studies across the globe have shown that vaccines are bad for you.

The anti-vaccine, pro-any-conspiracy theory website (the citation of which automatically invokes Skopie's Law), provides a neat shopping list that staunch supporters of the long debunked “MMR causes inflammation of the gut which somehow causes autism and Andrew Wakefield is really a hero” notion can use to spam evidence based discussions, as recently seen on the Shot of Prevention blog where Marsha McClelland of the “We the People United for Vaccine Education Misinformation” Yahoo group copied and pasted in support for Andrew Wakefield.

She “writes”:

In the years after his initial controversial finding, linking the MMR vaccine to Crohn’s disease and autism, he published another 19 papers on the vaccine-induced disorder.
All were peer reviewed. However, strangely enough, none of these 19 papers are ever discussed in the media. The only study that keeps seeing the light of day is the original study from 1998, along with the original questions about conflicts of interest, which he explains in great detail in this interview. (my comment - that refers to the Mercola interview with Andrew Wakefield).​

Note the buzz word “peer reviewed“ – also note the fundamental misconception that anyone would give a toss whether Wakefield believes that Wakefield was correct.

She goes on:

This is very interesting indeed, because not only has he continued his own studies, but since then, a large number of replication studies have been performed around the world, by other researchers, that confirm his initial findings.
It’s been replicated in Canada, in the US., in Venezuela, in Italy [but] they never get mentioned. All you ever hear is that no one else has ever been able to replicate the findings.​

That – Martha and friends – is because no one (apart from Wakefield and his buddies) has ever been able to replicate Wakefield’s claims. I had previously looked at 5 studies supposedly „independently“ replicating Wakefield, but this list was 28 citations long (I guess the length is supposed to duly impress AND to keep anyone from checking). To quote Kenneth Branagh: “There is safety in numbers”. Luckily, both Chris and Liz Ditz were bothered enough to spend their valuable time to debunk the list (THANK YOU!) – I have created a synthesis of their and my previous searches and comments to create the “one stop copy and paste resource for the evidence minded”. Links add extra depth - sorry about the length, it may exceed the number of characters allowed for blog comments...

To summarize re-using Martha’s words: you may have been tricked into believing that Andrew Wakefield’s claims had been independently verified in 28 publications from 5 different countries. I’m afraid that is false. For those of you who have swallowed this type of reporting hook line and sinker, the below debunks each of the 28 studies from around the world that have been cited in his support.

1. The Journal of Pediatrics November 1999; 135(5):559-63 =
Horvath K., Papadimitriou J.C., Rabsztyn A., Drachenberg C., Tilden J.T. 1999. Gastrointestinal abnormalities in children with autism. J. Pediatrics 135: 559-563.

This study did not look for measles virus. Instead it looks at gastrointestinal (GI) malabsoption as an underlying mechanism for autism. It does not appear to have controls with autism & without GI symptoms OR controls without autism & with similar GI symptoms. Most children with autism & GI symptoms had upper GI problems such as reflux
This in no way “replicates” or “supports” Wakefield’s “findings”, which have been shown repeatedly to have been manufactured or the result of laboratory contamination.

2. The Journal of Pediatrics 2000; 138(3): 366-372 =
Furlano RI, Anthony A, Day R, Brown A, McGarvey L, Thomson MA,Davies SE, Berelowitz M, Forbes A, Wakefield AJ, Walker-Smith JA, Murch SH. Colonic CD8 and T cell filtration with epithelial damage in children with autism. J Pediatr 2001;138:366-72.
This paper claims to have "confirm[ed] a distinct lymphocytic colitis in autistic spectrum disorders", which is something that no other research groups find and has been the center of the recent GMC hearings against Wakefield. The extreme "engineering" towards a specific gut pathology has been summarized by Brian Deer.
Note the emergence of a theme: Wakefield is a co-author and no fewer than 7 of this paper's authors are also authors on the retracted paper in The Lancet; this paper cannot be said to independently ”replicate” or “support” Wakefield’s “findings”.

3. Journal of Clinical Immunology November 2003; 23(6): 504-517 =
Ashwood P, Anthony A, Pellicer AA, Torrente F, Wakefield AJ. Intestinal lymphocyte populations in children with regressive autism: evidence for extensive mucosal immunopathology. Journal of Clinical Immunology, 2003;23:504-517.

Again, this paper seeks to further claim "a pan-enteric mucosal immunopathology in children with regressive autism that is apparently distinct from other inflammatory bowel diseases", but we know that Wakefield et al. are the only researchers who have "found" this in the past 15 or so years.

Same theme: Wakefield (and Anthony) is a co-author; cannot be said to support his own work.

4. Journal of Neuroimmunology 2005
A meaningless citation as this would be a whole volume of a journal - this happens if you just copy and paste without any regard to the content. Supports nothing except maybe the notion that the anti-vaccine folk cannot cite biomedical literature properly.
If you go back to, John was kind enough to link to to the paper, which is
Ashwood P, Wakefield AJ. Immune activation of peripheral blood and mucosal CD3+ lymphocyte cytokine profiles in children with autism and gastrointestinal symptoms. J Neuroimmunol. 2006 Apr;173(1-2):126-34.

doesn't mention MMR, instead, the authors start from their own wrong premise "Gastrointestinal pathology, characterized by lymphoid nodular hyperplasia and entero-colitis, has been demonstrated in a cohort of children with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD)." and continue to find "In both peripheral blood and mucosa, [intracellular] CD3+ TNFalpha+ and CD3+ IFNgamma+ were increased in ASD children" ,
has Wakefield as senior author, therefore no independent replication of his results.

5. Brain, Behavior and Immunity 1993; 7: 97-103 =
Singh VK, Warren RP, Odell JD, Cole WP. Antibodies to myelin basic protein in children with autistic behavior. Brain, Behavior and Immunity 1993;7:97-103

Found some but not all children with autism had specific antibodies to myelin basic protein (MBP). Study did not look for measles virus, nor did study look for mumps or rubella virus or administration of the MMR.

It precedes the Lancet paper and in no way ”replicates” or “supports” Wakefield’s claims.

6. Pediatric Neurology 2003; 28(4): 1-3 Citation not found.
According to, this is
Singh VK, Jensen RL Elevated levels of measles antibodies in children with autism Pediatric Neurology 2003; 28(4): 292-294.

To the best of our knowledge, this study has not been replicated, and the findings refuted by several other studies, such as Baird G, Pickles A, Simonoff E, Charman T, Sullivan P, Chandler S, Loucas T, Meldrum D, Afzal M, Thomas B, Jin L, Brown D. Measles vaccination and antibody response in autism spectrum disorders. Arch Dis Child. 2008 Oct;93(10):832-7.
This study does not support Wakefield’s claims.

7. Neuropsychobiology 2005; 51:77-85 =
Jyonouchi H, Geng L, Ruby A, Zimmerman-Bier B. Dysregulated Innate Immune Responses in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Their Relationship to Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Dietary Intervention.Neuropsychobiology. 2005;28:51 77-85

This study did not look for measles virus but evaluated inflammatory response to specific dietary proteins.
In no way ”replicates” or “supports” Wakefield’s “findings”

8. The Journal of Pediatrics May 2005;146(5):605-10 =
Jyonouchi H, Geng L, Ruby A, Reddy C, Zimmerman-Bier B. Evaluation of an association between gastrointestinal symptoms and cytokine production against common dietary proteins in children with autism spectrum disorders.J Pediatr.2005;146(5):605-10.

This study did not look for measles virus. Instead, the study evaluated inflammatory response to specific dietary proteins.
In no way ”replicates” or “supports” Wakefield’s “findings”

9. Autism Insights 2009; 1: 1-11 citation not found on PubMed, but this refers to Krigsman, A. , Boris, M., Goldblatt, A., Stott, C. Clinical presentation and histologic findings at ileocolonoscopy in children with autistic spectrum disorder and chronic gastrointestinal symptoms Autism Insights 2010:2 1-11.

Arthur Krigsman was a colleague of Andrew Wakefield at Thoughtful House, Wakefield and Carol Stott (a contributor to this paper) are editors of the vanity press journal Autism Insights (previously discussed on LBRB. Not very likely that this "peer review" was very tough.
In no way ”replicates” or “supports” Wakefield’s “findings”

10. Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology February 2009; 23(2): 95-98 =
Galiatsatos P, Gologan A, Lamoureux E, Autistic enterocolitis: Fact or fiction? Can J Gastroenterol. 2009:23:95-98

Case report, featuring two adult patients with gastrointestinal problems and ASD diagnoses. The authors call for “more investigations” in their discussion.

In no way ”replicates” or “supports” Wakefield’s “findings”

11. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry 2009:21(3): 148-161 =
Singh VK. Phenotypic expression of autoimmune autistic disorder (AAD): a major subset of autism. Ann Clin Psychiatry. 2009 Jul-Sep;21(3):148-61.

This paper makes assertions that are not supported by the evidence base in the paper. It is mainly a summary of research, with no mention of what children were looked at. Chris found the actual paper (, and among the data used it included a Wakefield paper = not independent. Also included in the references are papers from questionable journals like Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons and Medical Veritas, which all suddenly makes sense if you see that Singh is associated with these folkthat tick the "our treatment heals everything" quack box (see one Singh studyon PTSD).
This looks like it would support a connection between MMR and autism, but since no-one has independently reproduced this and the author stands to make money off the claims this review has to be viewed with extreme reservations.

12. Journal of Child Neurology June 29, 2009; 000:1-6 = provides the pre-print, hence the missing volume and page numbers:
Genuis S.J., Bouchard, T.P. Celiac Disease Presenting as Autism, J Child Neurol January 2010 25(1):114-119

This paper proposes that many children with autism have celiac disease, that this causes micro nutrient deficiencies and that the behaviour of the children improves when you put them on a gluten free diet. No MMR mentioned.
Does not support Wakefield's claims.

13. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders March 2009;39(3):405-13 =
Nikolov RN, Bearss KE, Lettinga J, Erickson C, Rodowski M, Aman MG, McCracken JT, McDougle CJ, Tierney E, Vitiello B, Arnold LE, Shah B, Posey DJ, Ritz L, Scahill L. Gastrointestinal symptoms in a sample of children with pervasive developmental disorders. J Autism Dev Disord. 2009 Mar;39(3):405-13.

This study did not look for measles virus, nor did study look for mumps or rubella virus. Study evaluated children previously diagnosed with pervasive developmental disorders (PDDs) for gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms. 22.7% were found to exhibit GI symptoms, but were otherwise no different from subjects without GI problems in demographic characteristics, measures of adaptive functioning, or autism symptom severity.
In no way ”replicates” or “supports” Wakefield’s “findings”

14. Medical Hypotheses August 1998;51:133-144. =
Bolte, ER Autism and Clostridium tetani Medical Hypotheses August 1998;51:133-144.
Speculative paper presenting the hypothesis that autism symptoms are caused by a subacute, chronic tetanus infection
In no way ”replicates” or “supports” Wakefield’s “findings”

15. Journal of Child Neurology July 2000; ;15(7):429-35 =
Sandler RH, Finegold SM, Bolte ER, Buchanan CP, Maxwell AP, Väisänen ML, Nelson MN, Wexler HM. Short-term benefit from oral vancomycin treatment of regressive-onset autism. J Child Neurol. 2000;15:429-435

This study did not look for measles virus. Instead, this study evaluated 11 children’s response to a specific antibiotic. Gains faded following cessation of antibiotic.
In no way “replicates” or “supports” Wakefield’s “findings”

16. Lancet. 1972;2:883-884 =
Walker-Smith J, Andrews J. Alpha-1-antitrypsin, autism, and coeliac disease.Lancet. 1972 Oct 21;2(7782):883-4.

This is a "letter to the editor" published decades prior to the Wakefield Lancet paper and can hardly be said to “replicate” the latter. Walker-Smith and Andrews report on the investigation of alpha-1-antitrypsin levels in 8 children with autism vs in children with untreated and treated celiac disease and control children and finds levels in children with autism and celiac disease are similar. This has little to do with Wakefield or the MMR (it also predates the introduction of the MMR), however, Dr. Walker-Smith is a co-author of the retracted study in The Lancet.
In no way “replicates” or “supports” Wakefield’s “findings”

17. Journal of Autism and Childhood Schizophrenia January-March 1971;1:48-62 =
Goodwin MS, Cowen MA, Goodwin TC Malabsorption and cerebral dysfunction: a multivariate and comparative study of autistic children. J Autism Child Schizophr. 1971 Jan-Mar;1(1):48-62.

A paper published decades previously cannot be said to “replicate” a later paper, the paper predates the introduction of the MMR vaccine in the US, the authors are not concerned with vaccination at all, but is mainly concerned with finding distinguishing features between childhood autism and adult schizophrenia using a number of challenges and physiological measurement. One minor in their discussion is that "malabsorption" would lead to autistic behaviour, so more in the sense of paper 12.

In no way “replicates” or “supports” Wakefield’s “findings”

18. Journal of Pediatrics March 2001;138:366-372.

Same paper as #2 above. Wakefield and 6 others from the Lancet paper are co-authors; cannot be said to support their own work.
In no way ”replicates” or “supports” Wakefield’s “findings”

19. Molecular Psychiatry 2002;7:375-382. Torrente F., Machado N., Perez-Machado M., Furlano R., Thomson M., Davies S., Wakefield AJ, Walker-Smith JA, Murch SH. Enteropathy with T cell infiltration and epithelial IgG deposition in autism. Molecular Psychiatry. 2002;7:375-382.

Gosh, we know these guys – it’s Andy Wakefield and his colleagues from that paper in The Lancet, this time claiming IgG deposit in gut samples indicative of an autoimmune gut pathology and call me cynical, but I don't believe any of this, because it has only ever been seen by this group.
In no way ”replicates” or “supports” Wakefield’s “findings”

20. American Journal of Gastroenterolgy April 2004;598-605.=
Torrente F, Anthony A, Heuschkel RB, Thomson MA, Ashwood P, Murch SH. Focal-enhanced gastritis in regressive autism with features distinct from Crohn’s and Helicobacter pylori gastritis. Am J Gastroenterol. 2004;99:598-605

Murch SH, Anthony A, Thompson MA, Torrente F and Ashwood P were previous co-authors with Wakefield A. Again, there are no independent groups reporting similar findings and this does not look at MMR or any vaccine anyway.
In no way ”replicates” or “supports” Wakefield’s “findings”

21. Journal of Clinical Immunology November 2003;23:504-517 =
Ashwood P, Anthony A, Pellicer AA, Torrente F, Walker-Smith JA, Wakefield AJ. Intestinal lymphocyte populations in children with regressive autism: evidence for extensive mucosal immunopathology. J Clin Immunol. 2003 Nov;23(6):504-17.

We totally get it by now – Wakefield and Wakefield’s colleagues confirm their own results.

In no way ”replicates” or “supports” Wakefield’s “findings”

22. Neuroimmunology April 2006;173(1-2):126-34 =
Ashwood P, Wakefield AJ. Immune activation of peripheral blood and mucosal CD3+ lymphocyte cytokine profiles in children with autism and gastrointestinal symptoms. J Neuroimmunol. 2006;173(1-2):126-34.

same as number 4.

23. Prog. Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry December 30 2006;30:1472-1477 =
Shinohe A, Hashimoto K, Nakamura K, Tsujii M, Iwata Y, Tsuchiyaa KJ, Sekine Y, Suda S, Suzuki K, Sugihara G, Matsuzaki H, Minabe Y, Sugiyama T, Masayoshi Kawai M, Iyo M,Takei N and Mori N Increased serum levels of glutamate in adult patients with autism- Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry Volume 30, Issue 8, 30 December 2006, Pages 1472-1477

Study of adults with autism on blood levels of amino acids, to assess whether altered glutamatergic neurotransmission was likely in autism. Study did not look for measles virus, nor did study look for mumps or rubella virus or anything connected with the gut.
In no way “replicates” or “supports” Wakefield’s “findings”

24. Clinical Infectious Diseases September 1 2002;35(Suppl 1):S6-S16 =
Finegold SM, Molitoris D, Song Y, Liu C, Vaisanen ML, Bolte E, McTeague M, Sandler R, Wexler H, Marlowe EM, Collins MD, Lawson PA, Summanen P, Baysallar M, Tomzynski TJ, Read E, Johnson E, Rolfe R, Nasir P, Shah H, Haake DA, Manning P, Kaul A. Gastrointestinal microflora studies in late-onset autism. Clin Infect Dis. 2002 Sep 1;35(Suppl 1):S6-S16.

Stool samples from children with regressive autism were compared to samples from children without autism; differences in stool flora were found. The study did not look for measles virus, nor did it look for mumps or rubella virus. Study did not evaluate changes in gut structure.
In no way “replicates” or “supports” Wakefield’s “findings”

25. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2004
Another of those citation snafus -
Song Y, Liu C, Finegold SM. Real-time PCR quantitation of clostridia in feces of autistic children. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2004 Nov;70(11):6459-65.

This study describes how to do PCR for specific bacteria on stool samples of autistic and non autistic children.
In no way “replicates” or “supports” Wakefield’s “findings”

26. Journal of Medical Microbiology October 2005;54:987-991 =
Parracho HM, Bingham MO, Gibson GR, McCartney AL. Differences between the gut microflora of children with autistic spectrum disorders and that of healthy children. J Med Microbiol. 2005 Oct;54(Pt 10):987-91.

More in the same vein: This study compared fecal flora for children with autism with two control groups: siblings without autism and unrelated children without autism. Minor differences were found. The study did not look for measles virus, nor did study look for mumps or rubella virus. Study did not evaluate changes in gut structure.
In no way “replicates” or “supports” Wakefield’s “findings”

27. Archivos venezolanos de puericultura y pediatría 2006; Vol 69 (1): 19-25. = González LG., López K, Navarro DC, Negrón L, Flores LS, Rodríguez R, Martínez M, Sabrá A. Características endoscópicas, histológicas e inmunológicas de la mucosa digestiva en niños autistas con síntomas gastrointestinales [Endoscopic and Histological Characteristics of the Digestive Mucosa in Autistic Children with gastro-Intestinal Symptoms] Archivos Venezolanos de Puericultura y Pediatría Enero-Marzo 2006, Volúmen 69, Número 1 Arch Venez Pueri Pediatr 2006 69(1):19-25. 1.

The authors cannot replicate Wakefield’s 1998 “findings” of a distinct autistic enterocolitis, although they do report a higher incidence of gastrointestinal problems in their autistic group. 2. It appears that the Gonzalez paper was funded by Thoughtful House, under Wakefield’s leadership as previouslyshown
In no way “replicates” or “supports” Wakefield’s “findings”

28. Gastroenterology. 2005:128 (Suppl 2);Abstract-303 =
Balzola F, Daniela C, Repici , Barbon V, Sapino A, Barbera C, Calvo PL, Gandione M, Rigardetto R*, and Rizzetto M .

This is a meeting abstract that has never been published as a peer reviewed study since 2005. Nine adult males with autism and GI symptoms were evaluated for GI disease. Study did not look for measles virus, nor did study look for mumps or rubella virus. Study did not evaluate changes in gut structure.
In no way “replicates” or “supports” Wakefield’s “findings”

Numbers: of 28 studies 2 were duplicates, 3 were only retrievable because of the links on the page, 13 were written by Wakefield and/or Lancet co-authors and/or Thoughful House colleagues (counting two duplicates), 3 predate the Lancet paper by years or even decades and not one independently replicates Wakefield’s claims, made in the retracted Lancet paper, the associated press conference and in many statements since.

Italy suspends Fluad flu vaccine from Novartis after deaths

It's a real shame for US americans that their government won't protect them as quickly as the Italian government has and in fact only reacted once another government did

This is not only a problem for the health of the affected people but also because many US americans seem to not believe any information that doesn't come from government sources

This is particualrly absurd to those who keep a close eye on events because they know how corrupt the US government is, how often it lies and how the big pharma lobby is the most powerful

This means that some people are putting themselves in a consciousness catch-22 situtation where they will only accept the truth from people who have no interest in giving them the truth (unless they are caught red-handed when they then resort to PR damage limitation exercises); the original americans who threw off the control of the british central bank would be spinning in their graves to see how americans are once again under the control of the central bankers and their offshoot corporations in big pharma

Hopefully as more information emerges these people can stop hanging onto the coat-tails of the nanny state and become independently minded adults able to think for themselves
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[h=1]War on Health - Gary Null's documentary exposing the FDA[/h]

[h=2]Studies Find Flu Shots Can Harm Your Heart, Infant And Fetus[/h] By Sayer Ji
Global Research, December 06, 2014
GreenMedInfo 17 January 2013

Updated December 5, 2014
Flu vaccines, according to the best scientific evidence available today, will only work against 10% of the circulating viruses that cause the symptoms of seasonal epidemic influenza. Additionally, flu vaccines have been found to elicit inflammatory reactions that may harm the human heart, the developing fetus, and the fragile immune systems of our infants. So, do the theoretical benefits really outweigh the known harms?
In a recent article, The Shocking Lack of Evidence Supporting Flu Vaccines, we addressed the surprising lack of empirical evidence supporting the use of flu vaccines in the prevention of seasonal influenza, in children under two, healthy adults, the elderly, and healthcare workers who care for the elderly.
The reality is that vaccines not only do not work as advertised, but they represent a significant health threat, likely on the same order of magnitude as influenza itself, due to their well-known role in compromising immunological self-tolerance (autoimmunity), as well as by eliciting a wide range of adverse health effects associated with the use of adjuvants, preservatives, foreign animal DNA and cell byproducts, adventitious viruses, and other so-called “inactive ingredients,” including even the unnatural route and method of antigen administration itself.
Basic Virology Facts Reveal Trivalent Flu Vaccines Are At Best 10% Effective
But it shouldn’t take expensive, elaborate, time-consuming research to grasp the obvious limitations in effectiveness of flu vaccines from the perspective of this fundamental fact of influenza virology:
Over 200 viruses cause influenza and influenza-like illness which produce the same symptoms (fever, headache, aches and pains, cough and runny noses). Without laboratory tests, doctors cannot tell the two illnesses apart. Both last for days and rarely lead to death or serious illness. At best, vaccines might be effective against only Influenza A and B, which represent about 10% of all circulating viruses.” (Source: Cochrane Summaries).
Indeed, if facts like these were not so commonly ignored or denied, and it was the actuallyclinically-confirmed, unequivocal “evidence” that drove the so-called “evidence-based” medical system into its annual, seasonal influenza-induced, frenzy of pro-vaccine propagandizing and proselytizing, we might look at this ritual of mass vaccination as something other than just a profit-, policy-, and, for the masses, faith-based indoctrination, which sadly it has become.
“Science-Based” Medicine Unwilling To Look At Empirical Evidence On Vaccine Harms
Similarly, were those self-avowed “skeptics,” and would-be advocates of “science-based medicine,” who claim vaccinating is always safer and more effective than not vaccinating, to acknowledge research indicating the limitations and increasing failings of vaccination, as well as the value of natural influenza flu alternatives,* they might someday earn the right to use powerful-sounding words like “Science” and “Evidence” in their crusade against your access to the empirical truth and your right to bodily self-possession, i.e. your right to make free and informed decisions for yourself to engage or disengage from medical interventions, that carry a known risk of harm and even death.
The reality is that many top biomedical journals cannot and will not suppress the truth concerning the many unintended, adverse health effects of vaccines. This would, after all, be both immoral and illegal, especially when human lives, and particularly the lives of our most vulnerable, our children, are on the line. In other words, by publishing empirical research that shows vaccines are not safe and effective a priori, many thwart the party line, as represented by the policies and official statements of the CDC, the FDA, and the ACIP, and many online skeptic bloggers (anti-anti-vaccine groups, if you will; most whom fail to grasp the foolishness of such a dialectic, since they rarely take a critical look in the mirror) who claim those refusing vaccines, or educating about their harms, are guilty of crimes, or have blood on their hands.
Flu Vaccines Found To Increase Heart Attack Risk
For example, a concerning study published in 2011 in the International Journal of Medicinerevealed a fact rarely addressed by conventional health authorities, or the mostly uncritical mainstream media, namely: flu vaccines result in inflammatory cardiovascular changes indicative of increased risk for serious heart-related events such as heart attack.[ii]
Titled, “Inflammation-related effects of adjuvant influenza A vaccination on platelet activation and cardiac autonomic function,” their study concluded:
Together with an inflammatory reaction, influenza A vaccine induced platelet activation and sympathovagal imbalance towards adrenergic predominance. Significant correlations were found between CRP [C-reactive protein) levels and HRV [heart rate variability] parameters, suggesting a pathophysiological link between inflammation and cardiac autonomic regulation. The vaccine-related platelet activation and cardiac autonomic dysfunction may transiently increase the risk of cardiovascular events.
The four main areas of concern mentioned above are:

  • Platelet Activation: An indicator of increased risk for pathological clotting and/or obstruction of a blood vessel, e.g. heart attack, embolism or stroke.
  • Sympathovagal imbalance towards adrenergic predominance: An indication of disturbed autonomic regulation within the heart.
  • Elevation of C-Reactive Protein: An indicator of inflammation-mediated cardiovascular disease risk.
  • Reduced Heart Rate Variability: An indicator of increased heart disease risk.
Flu Vaccines Found To Adversely Affect Pregnant Women
This study is not, however, the first to raise concern over states of pathological inflammation caused by flu vaccines, and vaccines in general. In 2011, the journal Vaccine published a study titled, “Inflammatory responses to trivalent influenza virus vaccine among pregnant women,” which found that flu vaccination causes measurable increases in inflammation in pregnant women which may increase the risk of preeclempsia and other adverse outcomes such as preterm birth.[iii] In this study both CRP and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α levels increased to concerning levels between one to two days after vaccination. Should we be surprised, considering flu vaccines still contain highly inflammatory, neurotoxic and immunotoxic heavy metals, such as mercury-based thimerosal? Even when the precautionary principle is employed, and mercury-based adjuvants removed in tacit recognition of its profound dangers, aluminum hydroxide is then used to replace it, injected directly into the bodies of healthy infants in the name of synthetically modifying and “improving” their immunity (see: Can We Continue To Justify Injecting Aluminum Into Children?).
And so, despite the fact that vaccine-induced disruption and dysregulation of a pregnant woman’s immune system could compromise her pregnancy, resulting in birth defects[iv] and miscarriage (which is a well-known phenomena within the veterinary field: vaccine-induced abortion), the CDC has defied both common sense and the precautionary principle by urging pregnant women to receive flu vaccines, without informing them of their true risks.
Infants At Risk of Pathological Inflammation Following Vaccines
Just as disturbing is the CDC’s recommendation that all infants, six months or older, receive flu vaccines on top of an already burgeoning vaccination schedule, which begins at the day of birth with the STD vaccine containing hepatitis B surface antigen, despite clear evidence that infants experience cardiorespiratory complications and C-reactive protein responses as a result of all vaccines, administered either singularly or simultaneously in combination. One 2007 study published in the Journal of Pediatrics, found that 85% of newborn infants experienced abnormal elevations of CRP when administered multiple vaccines and up to 70% in those given a single vaccine. Also, overall, 16% of infants were reported to experience vaccine-associated cardiorespiratory events within 48 hours postimmunization. [v]
Suffice it to say, vaccinating against the flu (or any pathogen) is not as safe and effective as we are being told. But please do not adopt my opinion on the matter as your own. Do your own research, and feel free to review some of the underreported and/or otherwise suppressed research on vaccination we have collated at our Vaccine Research and Education page.
*Never mind the timelessly and often cross-culturally confirmed and reconfirmed evidence contained within “orally transmitted” traditional, plant-based medical systems, used the world over.

  • [ii] Gaetano A Lanza, Lucy Barone, Giancarla Scalone, Dario Pitocco, Gregory A Sgueglia, Roberto Mollo, Roberto Nerla, Francesco Zaccardi, Giovanni Ghirlanda, Filippo Crea. Inflammation-related effects of adjuvant influenza A vaccination on platelet activation and cardiac autonomic function. J Intern Med. 2010 Sep 1. Epub 2010 Sep 1. PMID: 20964738

  • [iii] Lisa M Christian, Jay D Iams, Kyle Porter, Ronald Glaser. Inflammatory responses to trivalent influenza virus vaccine among pregnant women. Vaccine. 2011 Sep 20. Epub 2011 Sep 20. PMID: 21945263

Facts About the Measles Outbreak

The United States has already had more cases of measles in the first month of 2015
than the number that is typically diagnosed in a full year. This follows a year in which
the number of cases was several times more than the average since 2000, when the
disease was declared eliminated in the United States. FEB. 2, 2015RELATED ARTICLE

Where Cases Have Been Reported This Year

A majority of the cases this year have been tied to an outbreak at Disneyland, which began in December. At least 40 people who visited or worked at the theme park contracted measles, and the disease has now spread to at least six other states. The map shows the counties where cases have been reported. DATA AS OF FEB. 2

the CDC sez
More than 95% of the people who receive a single dose of MMR will develop immunity to all 3 viruses. A second vaccine dose gives immunity to almost all of those who did not respond to the first dose.
Yes there are side-effects to vaccines…rarely can they be serious or fatal, this is usually in the case of an anaphylactic reaction to the preservatives contained within.
My little nephew is in the autistic spectrum and I can tell you exactly why he is that way - his piece of shit Mom decide to drink, and smoke meth and weed and who knows what else, and unfortunately the child will pay the price not her (she was going to AA and NA when hey were together but she was lying the whole time). (What is really sad is she already had two kids being raised by her grandparents, and then after having my nephew and my brother kicked her out for doing drugs ((she would get high at home while my brother was at work)), apparently she hooked up with a junkie like her and had another fucked up baby that will have emotional and behavioral problems. This is a case where I feel the state should intervene and force her tubes tied….she has set up such huge road blocks for all these poor children…she should be in prison if you ask me.
There is no solid proof that vaccines are causing our children to have Autism…we should look at the antidepressants we take, the artificial colors and flavors in the food. the pesticides and antifungals we spray, the cleaning products we use in our house…the artificial baby formula you fed your child…the pollution in the air…the radio waves and electromagnetic fields that permeate our cites and homes.
I think they will eventually find THE reason for Autism…but I don’t think it just one thing only like vaccinations…it’s more likely a combination of multiple things IMO from what I have read about it.
When people use words like fascism, guerrilla warfare, and other such words, I am immediately alienated when the context is health. You want a war over medicine?

I did some research, and it seems Gary Null is an extremist. Why would we listen to the doctors, let's listen to the business major.

But yeah. I don't know why anyone would give their infant an anthrax vaccine. Anthrax is incredibly rare. If you were hit by anthrax, I'm pretty sure it was a targeted terrorist attack, in which case this falls under preparedness.

I don't do drugs. Period. That doesn't include vaccines though. Your views can be whatever they want. But Vaccines are not drugs.

My stance is two things:

One, that video is poorly made. They aren't making you think about the issue, they're telling. A good documentary provokes thought and leads to individualistic response. This one did not do that. On the propaganda vs. documentary scale, it is propaganda.

Two, yes the FDA is corrupt. It is up to the individual to sort this out by working together with others to find the truth. Not Gary Null, the business man. As a parallel movement, see the water thing.

Here is what I see. FDA is told to do a job. They do it. Blindly. This is justice in its purest form, blind. If you want it to overlook certain things they're told to do, elect the right people.

I don't see him having any plan of other than "this sucks, america sucks, this is horrible". That is dumb. If you have a problem, change it. Don't go around shoving your views in my face. I would have others who are not so biased to join in. Emotion should be segregated from the information you consume.

As a note, I fall on the autism spectrum, and I'd rather it not be referred as a disorder. I hate that as well. "The FDA was a criminal" Let me say that again "The FDA was a criminal"

My face is >:C right now. The idea is that you see these horrible documentaries, but you see no action taken to organize and protest after it by the documentary creators.

Its like they want to fail.

I'm not reading the whole thread, I'm sure that'll make my head explode, but:

I trust these because of the way they were presented to me.

The way the flu vaccine works is that you guess what is going to be prevalent this year, and base your medicine off of that. This year it is apparently going to be bad, because scientists were wrong in making the vaccine for the usual suspects.

"The single best way to prevent influenza infection is to receive vaccination every year. Some organizations have a mandatory vaccination policy. Despite this, influenza outbreaks can occur in highly vaccinated populations, especially in confined settings." - CDA

Best possible response to conditions nobody understands but the people that were there.

I concede that this did happen, but there is a line where one must have faith or look into the matter himself, and do their own science. This isn't science.

Sorry for the rant. Push the right buttons, and this is what you get. Especially when it is something so distasteful as sensational news, and are willing to listen to pretty much any source other than the main source, which is the FDA. Ask not Gary Null, but ask the FDA or CDA directly.

~ Roald Dahl…he wrote Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and James and the Giant Peach and many other’s you would probably know.

Why are we still arguing this?
Go get vaccinated.