My initial MBTI results defined me as INFJ, when I first found out about typing and tested to discover my own personality type. Everything about those results makes perfect sense for who I am, and how I interact with and perceive the world around me. HOWEVER, after researching more about typing assessments, I stumbled across a site about socionics, and how INFJ is often confused with INTJ, and that their method of assessment could return a different and possibly more accurate result. So I took their test as well. Sure enough, I came back INTJ instead. But almost everything I read about INTJ's typical methods of interaction feels off to me. There are some extreme tendencies that I have toward INTJ behaviors in many situations and thought processes, but in the end I favor and am defined by the ways of an INFJ. While browsing threads here, I came across another testing site, and went thru their process out of curiousity...and got these results. I seem to nearly cut right down the middle...and am not sure how to ever get a definite answer on my true type. And if you scroll down to one of my following posts to this thread...i got another result entirely as well...INFP. Any thoughts or advice for someone new to all of this? I am copying my profile bio/info here as well so that you can get a little insight into who I am.
I am a single mom of 2 children, a 7 year old girl and a 2 1/2 year old boy, that I am currently staying at home with. My daughter challenges me to my core, and we seem to be in constant conflict. My son is articulate and sweet, but when combined with my daughter can cause me incredible stress as well. I have a small zoo in my house, consisting of 2 dogs, 4 cats, and 2 birds. I often wish I had NO pets, but feel obligated to keep them, rather than risk what might happen to them if I gave them away. I am disorganized and my house is a mess, but I hate clutter with a passion and the sight of it brings me incredible anxiety. The task of cleaning is one I approach often, but rarely complete because there are so many different things to accomplish that I get frustrated and overwhelmed and quit.
This section, and the biography section seem like they would serve the same purpose, so I am not sure what this one is looking for that doesn't belong in the other one. I would try to list off the things I enjoy in life that are specific to me, but lately I have a hard time determining what worldly pleasures i would indulge in if I were ever able to leave my house. It's been too long since I was able to do stuff for ME. I will say that one of my biggest loves is singing. It brings me comfort and I have a song for everything in life. There is always a song in my heart...hence my choice of user name. If there are any other things you would like to know about me, please ask. Perhaps it will prompt realization in me and allow me to rediscover some things I have lost over time. I am an open book, and welcome the challenge.
I grew up in a home with two parents that are still married today. I have 1 younger brother and 2 younger sisters. I also have 3 other younger brothers from my biological father, whom was unaware of my existence until I contacted him when I was 25 years old. I chose to completely remove him from my life over a year ago though, after learning of his relapse into drug use. This decision is something that I still struggle with in my heart and mind fairly often. My family didn't move around a lot, and aside from an apartment that we lived in briefly when I was an infant, we lived in only 2 other homes, for approximately 12 years each. After that, my parents took the rest of my siblings and moved out of state. Although I tried to move with them, after 4 months away from home, I had to return. As far as my childhood is concerned, I don't remember most of it. I have a couple very strange, seemingly impossible memories of infancy...such as what it felt/sounded like to chew on the plastic siding of my crib, and standing on my changing table while grasping for the Winnie the Pooh wall decor above me. I have no real solid memory until around the age of 12. There are a few snapshot memories that are mostly invoked by the feeling of that moment, but aside from that, it's a blank slate. From about 12-21 my memories improve, but are somewhat patchy at times. I have fairly solid remembrance of everything beyond that point. We grew up with little money, and my mom was often tired and without patience. The brunt of her frustration was fixated toward me, and as an adult, she acknowledged and apologized for how she treated me as a child. As I said before though, I rarely remember anything from that time. My dad was much the same toward me, until I was 20 years old and 9 months pregnant with my daughter, when I abruptly stopped him in the middle of one of his verbal assaults and told him that I would no longer acknowledge his very existence if he continued to treat me as if I were unworthy of his respect. Since then, he has been nothing but kind to me. My mom and me started redeveloping a healthier bond when I was about 18, and although rough at times, as the years have progressed, so have we in our ability to communicate and understand each other. I was always closest to my brother, from childhood until now, although we rarely have any intentional interaction anymore. My middle sister and I have grown closer as we aged, but still lack any real deep connection, and I know little about her personal life. My youngest sister is very much a stranger to me. Although I lovingly mothered her as a child, I disconnected as I entered my teens and went through the tailspin of emotions and changes that come with that. When in her presence NOW, her reclusive and timid personality causes me to feel unsettled and worrisome, therefore I avoid any attempt to pursue a more solid relationship with her.
I have experienced a wide range of challenging and agonizing circumstances in my life and went through many transitional phases to get to where I am now. Although I have always favored my introversion, there were periods of intense extroverted living, where my one desire was to be out amongst my friends and the public scene. I felt empowered and confident, and was often able to gain positive favor everywhere I went, leaving a lasting impression on the people I encountered along the way. Over the last several years though, I have become more secluded then ever before. Due to both self-isolation and a lack of freedom from parenting responsibilities, I don't have much of a outside social life anymore, and most of my communication to the outside world is strictly through the internet. Sadly, my best relationships are with people I have never even met, while those I've known most of my life rarely make an effort to be in mine anymore. On the flip side, I don't often make an effort to be in their lives anymore either. I believe this is, in part, because I lack the ability to be consistent in maintaining active, physically-available friendships, as a result of having no freedom from my children majority of the time, and rather then be seen as a "flakey" or unreliable friend, I choose to only reach out when I've been reached to first. I hate the thought of significantly investing in someone, or having them invest in me, only to be a disappointment to them when I am not able to continuously progress the relationship without constant and often lengthy interruption from my life situation. Regardless of this, if I am pursued, I almost always respond in the same way. If I am ignored, I will also ignore. In the relationships closest to my heart, I tend to mirror the other person, only giving as much as they give, so as not to risk more than necessary. However, if I perceive a need... from either my closest friend or a complete stranger, whether due to their obvious admittance or subconscious projection, I will pursue them until I feel I have helped them meet that need to the best of my ability.
Lately, I have found myself spending the bigger portion of my day "counseling" people in regards to the many facets of their lives. These people consist of those I have known throughout most of my life, as well as complete strangers that I have come in contact with during my time on the internet. They almost always come to me somehow...occasionally through means I cannot explain, and even if they don't ask for my insight or opinion in the beginning, once I sense a deeper issue under the exterior view of things, I cannot seem to help myself from picking apart and working through everything in my head, while I share my unreserved and outspoken opinion of what is "really" going on with them. I often get an instinctual and instantaneous "feeling" about people, and if given the opportunity, will blatantly tell them who I believe them to be at their very core, and why they think/act/feel the way they do about life and it's many issues. Oftentimes the accuracy of what I say is unexpectedly profound to them, and from that point on, they will return to me over and over, seeking my views of what they may not initially be able to see on their own. I have always believed that you can see (and for me that means "feel") the true intent and purpose of someone by simply staring into their eyes. Oddly enough, the most common physical characteristic people tell me they love about me is MY eyes. They say they are "entrancing" and deep. Recently I started wondering if this has nothing to do with their exterior appearance, and more to do with what they are capable of "seeing". When I look at someone upon first encountering them in my life, and "see" malice, deceit, or the potential for violence, I usually find a disarming way to break off from them so as not to cause any feelings of rejection or provoke conflict. The exception to this is if I sense that these things are a result of a deeply rooted, underlying emotional trauma inside the person. That immediately triggers the part of me that undoubtably goes in pursuit of "fixing" them at all costs, often ignoring the risk involved. I often have to come to the point of complete emotional exhaustion before I will detach from these people completely, and even THEN I will do all that I can to separate from them without leaving them feeling judged or abandoned.
Although I am rather grateful for my ability to perceive and identify the needs of others, it is both a blessing and a curse. I often get trapped inside my own head. I live in a constant inner world of conflict and although sorting through the most impossible of situations in another persons life feels easy and natural for me, I am paralyzed when my OWN life is involved. I find myself constantly over analyzing even the smallest of issues, magnifying it to monumental proportions within my mind, often losing sight of the original issue in the process. I see both sides to everything and will argue for and against each of them, finding every possible obstacle, reward, and outcome, although rarely favoring one side over the other. I am passively neutral on almost everything, with the exception of a few core beliefs that I aggressively defend at all costs. When dealing with a problem in my own life that does not require immediate emotional interaction with another person involved in the same problem, I tend to take a lot of time to contemplate all aspects of the emotional and logical arguments surrounding it before making a final decision. Depending on the severity or urgency of the issue, this could take days, months, or even years to reach a conclusion...if I reach one at all. If the emotional risk outweighs the rational reward, I tend to abandon the idea completely, until it cycles back around again at a later time and I'm forced to deal with it again. I feel like I never accomplish anything. I get stuck inside myself for long periods of time, and refuse to let anyone help me because I believe they are either incapable of knowing what I need from them in order to soothe my anxiety, or I feel like I am heavily burdening them without necessity because I know eventually I will cycle out of this rut. I do NOT want to be given advice from anyone, because I know where the conflict is stemming from, and I feel that I also KNOW what I SHOULD do, it's just my refusal to DO it that is causing the overwhelm, or my inability to define a "safe" decision to a difficult problem with an approaching deadline. I feel like I live a life of complete hypocrisy...forever encouraging and assisting the world around me in discovering and achieving the best life possible, yet suffocating beneath the monstrous mountain of confusion and pain within my own.
I discovered the world of Personality Typing and tested as INFJ earlier this week. Upon reading my results, I was quickly overwhelmed with senses of both panic and validation. The panic ensued as I absorbed more and more about my type, and began to feel like I had been "found out" after successfully flying under the radar my entire life. The validation came from realizing that after a lifetime of trying to explain myself to the world without success, I had finally found people who DID. A real, true, completely encompassed understanding of who I am at the core of my being. This was the first time I'd ever experienced something like that. I really had no idea how to react or respond to that feeling. Over the past several days, I have fervently researched everything I could get my hands on about INFJ personalities. I even pursued the option that I may have tested incorrectly, and the odds of being an INTF instead, because that was my result according to socionic typing. INFJ resulted from MBTI testing. Although I have extreme NT tendencies, I clearly favor on the side of NF when it all comes down to it.
I have so many questions and so much to learn about my type, and how it interacts with the world. Many things I think I have always known in my heart, and probably analyzed in my thoughts time and time again, without ever speaking about to anyone for fear of being misunderstood or appearing insane. I joined this forum in hopes of gaining some insight and information from those of you who are developed and knowledgable in who they are. I am really excited to find out so many new things.
What are your Interests?
I don't really study anything anymore. I used to avidly research animals and their behaviors, species, breeds, genetics, etc. But not since an adolescent. I havent picked up a book at all in almost 10 years. Over time, my once focused and absorbant reading ability has disappeared, leaving me unable to concentrate on or retain what I'm reading.
Hobbies...singing is the only one that immediately comes to mind and is by far the most prominent "activity" that I pursue outside of attempting to "save the world" as my boyfriend puts it. I sing along to the radio and to myself all the time, but the purposeful, passionate singing comes when I am experiencing something deep and meaningful in my life, whether positive or negative. I record myself, I create a video backing, and I share it with the people in my life in hopes that it will bring as much happiness to them in HEARING it as it does to me in SINGING it.
What do you want to do in life?
I have never defined a career "goal" for myself. Recently though, I am firmly leaning in the direction of psychologically based jobs. I am unsure which sub-field interests me most right now however. Once again, this is where my inability to make decisions comes into play. I am fueled by the joy of seeing others discover and pursue the best things their lives can offer them. I never give advice...because that would mean I am telling them what *I* want for their lives. I only try to bring them deeper into themselves, allowing for the rediscovery of their fundamental beings, therefore allowing them to reestablish healthy goals for themselves. From that point on, all I do is try to encourage them in their journey, and redirect them when they start to revert to learned patterns of the past.
My approach to each person is rarely the same. I seem to unintentionally evolve to fit their individual needs and environment, becoming so easily relatable to them that my incredibly direct and generally accurate insight into their lives is readily accepted because it's coupled with a feeling of being truly understood. I rarely encounter anyone who argues against what I see in them. If they DO, the argument never lasts long. Once they take a moment to reassess what I've told them, they always return with an apology and admittance of truth to my words, followed by lots of questions.
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
My kids
My significant other
My family
My friends
My music
My phone/laptop
What would be your epitaph?
Uuummm....as funny as people say I am, I'm drawing a blank here.
I think I will have to come back to this one.
Your unique MMDI type dynamics code is uemo.
Your personality type is probably INTJ (or perhaps INFJ). In case you are one of the 15% for whom this result is not correct, you should regard this as a starting point only and use this report to decide for yourself what your personality type is.
Your personality type code can be obtained by combining the four letters of each preference, i.e.: INTJ. However, as no questionnaire is 100% accurate, we suggest that you also consider whether your type might be INFJ.
This table suggests that your preferences are most likely to be for INTJ or INFJ.
If your personality type is INTJ then you have a strong, private sense of strategic vision, both for the future and how that future will can be achieved. Your vision, or sense of knowing, may be difficult to articulate, but even if wasn't others might find it difficult to accept (e.g.: as impractical or unrealistic). Pursuing your vision might be a lonely task, therefore, as you develop and pursue plans without anyone else really understanding the nature of what you are trying to achieve.
If your personality type is INFJ then have a strong, private sense of knowledge and vision, often for hidden things that other people would think can't be known. You see imaginative possibilities and insights, especially in relation to people, anticipating a future for them that they can't even see themselves. Although you probably have some strong relationships, your insights may be so unusual that others find them difficult to accept, and you may therefore find it difficult to articulate them.
▪ your dominant function is iNtuition and very introverted
▪ your auxiliary (second most important) is Thinking and slightly extraverted
▪ your tertiary (third) is Feeling and slightly extraverted
▪ your inferior (fourth) is Sensation and very introverted
What does this mean?
The most important mental muscle (or 'dominant function') for an INTJ is the perceptive one of iNtuition. This means you like looking at information from a global viewpoint, spotting new patterns and relationships that lead to an understanding of the key issues. You focus more on possibilities for the future than the here-and-now, and you enjoy intellectual challenges and variety.
The perceptive iNtuition function is introverted. That is, iNtuition is used primarily to govern the inner world of thoughts and emotions. You may therefore seek to develop a understanding of how the world can be, wanting to understand the patterns underlying your observations of the world around you and the way in which the team or organisation works. You are strategic in nature, wanting to establish a clear vision towards which you and the team are working, though you tend not to involve others in the development of that vision.
I am a single mom of 2 children, a 7 year old girl and a 2 1/2 year old boy, that I am currently staying at home with. My daughter challenges me to my core, and we seem to be in constant conflict. My son is articulate and sweet, but when combined with my daughter can cause me incredible stress as well. I have a small zoo in my house, consisting of 2 dogs, 4 cats, and 2 birds. I often wish I had NO pets, but feel obligated to keep them, rather than risk what might happen to them if I gave them away. I am disorganized and my house is a mess, but I hate clutter with a passion and the sight of it brings me incredible anxiety. The task of cleaning is one I approach often, but rarely complete because there are so many different things to accomplish that I get frustrated and overwhelmed and quit.
This section, and the biography section seem like they would serve the same purpose, so I am not sure what this one is looking for that doesn't belong in the other one. I would try to list off the things I enjoy in life that are specific to me, but lately I have a hard time determining what worldly pleasures i would indulge in if I were ever able to leave my house. It's been too long since I was able to do stuff for ME. I will say that one of my biggest loves is singing. It brings me comfort and I have a song for everything in life. There is always a song in my heart...hence my choice of user name. If there are any other things you would like to know about me, please ask. Perhaps it will prompt realization in me and allow me to rediscover some things I have lost over time. I am an open book, and welcome the challenge.
I grew up in a home with two parents that are still married today. I have 1 younger brother and 2 younger sisters. I also have 3 other younger brothers from my biological father, whom was unaware of my existence until I contacted him when I was 25 years old. I chose to completely remove him from my life over a year ago though, after learning of his relapse into drug use. This decision is something that I still struggle with in my heart and mind fairly often. My family didn't move around a lot, and aside from an apartment that we lived in briefly when I was an infant, we lived in only 2 other homes, for approximately 12 years each. After that, my parents took the rest of my siblings and moved out of state. Although I tried to move with them, after 4 months away from home, I had to return. As far as my childhood is concerned, I don't remember most of it. I have a couple very strange, seemingly impossible memories of infancy...such as what it felt/sounded like to chew on the plastic siding of my crib, and standing on my changing table while grasping for the Winnie the Pooh wall decor above me. I have no real solid memory until around the age of 12. There are a few snapshot memories that are mostly invoked by the feeling of that moment, but aside from that, it's a blank slate. From about 12-21 my memories improve, but are somewhat patchy at times. I have fairly solid remembrance of everything beyond that point. We grew up with little money, and my mom was often tired and without patience. The brunt of her frustration was fixated toward me, and as an adult, she acknowledged and apologized for how she treated me as a child. As I said before though, I rarely remember anything from that time. My dad was much the same toward me, until I was 20 years old and 9 months pregnant with my daughter, when I abruptly stopped him in the middle of one of his verbal assaults and told him that I would no longer acknowledge his very existence if he continued to treat me as if I were unworthy of his respect. Since then, he has been nothing but kind to me. My mom and me started redeveloping a healthier bond when I was about 18, and although rough at times, as the years have progressed, so have we in our ability to communicate and understand each other. I was always closest to my brother, from childhood until now, although we rarely have any intentional interaction anymore. My middle sister and I have grown closer as we aged, but still lack any real deep connection, and I know little about her personal life. My youngest sister is very much a stranger to me. Although I lovingly mothered her as a child, I disconnected as I entered my teens and went through the tailspin of emotions and changes that come with that. When in her presence NOW, her reclusive and timid personality causes me to feel unsettled and worrisome, therefore I avoid any attempt to pursue a more solid relationship with her.
I have experienced a wide range of challenging and agonizing circumstances in my life and went through many transitional phases to get to where I am now. Although I have always favored my introversion, there were periods of intense extroverted living, where my one desire was to be out amongst my friends and the public scene. I felt empowered and confident, and was often able to gain positive favor everywhere I went, leaving a lasting impression on the people I encountered along the way. Over the last several years though, I have become more secluded then ever before. Due to both self-isolation and a lack of freedom from parenting responsibilities, I don't have much of a outside social life anymore, and most of my communication to the outside world is strictly through the internet. Sadly, my best relationships are with people I have never even met, while those I've known most of my life rarely make an effort to be in mine anymore. On the flip side, I don't often make an effort to be in their lives anymore either. I believe this is, in part, because I lack the ability to be consistent in maintaining active, physically-available friendships, as a result of having no freedom from my children majority of the time, and rather then be seen as a "flakey" or unreliable friend, I choose to only reach out when I've been reached to first. I hate the thought of significantly investing in someone, or having them invest in me, only to be a disappointment to them when I am not able to continuously progress the relationship without constant and often lengthy interruption from my life situation. Regardless of this, if I am pursued, I almost always respond in the same way. If I am ignored, I will also ignore. In the relationships closest to my heart, I tend to mirror the other person, only giving as much as they give, so as not to risk more than necessary. However, if I perceive a need... from either my closest friend or a complete stranger, whether due to their obvious admittance or subconscious projection, I will pursue them until I feel I have helped them meet that need to the best of my ability.
Lately, I have found myself spending the bigger portion of my day "counseling" people in regards to the many facets of their lives. These people consist of those I have known throughout most of my life, as well as complete strangers that I have come in contact with during my time on the internet. They almost always come to me somehow...occasionally through means I cannot explain, and even if they don't ask for my insight or opinion in the beginning, once I sense a deeper issue under the exterior view of things, I cannot seem to help myself from picking apart and working through everything in my head, while I share my unreserved and outspoken opinion of what is "really" going on with them. I often get an instinctual and instantaneous "feeling" about people, and if given the opportunity, will blatantly tell them who I believe them to be at their very core, and why they think/act/feel the way they do about life and it's many issues. Oftentimes the accuracy of what I say is unexpectedly profound to them, and from that point on, they will return to me over and over, seeking my views of what they may not initially be able to see on their own. I have always believed that you can see (and for me that means "feel") the true intent and purpose of someone by simply staring into their eyes. Oddly enough, the most common physical characteristic people tell me they love about me is MY eyes. They say they are "entrancing" and deep. Recently I started wondering if this has nothing to do with their exterior appearance, and more to do with what they are capable of "seeing". When I look at someone upon first encountering them in my life, and "see" malice, deceit, or the potential for violence, I usually find a disarming way to break off from them so as not to cause any feelings of rejection or provoke conflict. The exception to this is if I sense that these things are a result of a deeply rooted, underlying emotional trauma inside the person. That immediately triggers the part of me that undoubtably goes in pursuit of "fixing" them at all costs, often ignoring the risk involved. I often have to come to the point of complete emotional exhaustion before I will detach from these people completely, and even THEN I will do all that I can to separate from them without leaving them feeling judged or abandoned.
Although I am rather grateful for my ability to perceive and identify the needs of others, it is both a blessing and a curse. I often get trapped inside my own head. I live in a constant inner world of conflict and although sorting through the most impossible of situations in another persons life feels easy and natural for me, I am paralyzed when my OWN life is involved. I find myself constantly over analyzing even the smallest of issues, magnifying it to monumental proportions within my mind, often losing sight of the original issue in the process. I see both sides to everything and will argue for and against each of them, finding every possible obstacle, reward, and outcome, although rarely favoring one side over the other. I am passively neutral on almost everything, with the exception of a few core beliefs that I aggressively defend at all costs. When dealing with a problem in my own life that does not require immediate emotional interaction with another person involved in the same problem, I tend to take a lot of time to contemplate all aspects of the emotional and logical arguments surrounding it before making a final decision. Depending on the severity or urgency of the issue, this could take days, months, or even years to reach a conclusion...if I reach one at all. If the emotional risk outweighs the rational reward, I tend to abandon the idea completely, until it cycles back around again at a later time and I'm forced to deal with it again. I feel like I never accomplish anything. I get stuck inside myself for long periods of time, and refuse to let anyone help me because I believe they are either incapable of knowing what I need from them in order to soothe my anxiety, or I feel like I am heavily burdening them without necessity because I know eventually I will cycle out of this rut. I do NOT want to be given advice from anyone, because I know where the conflict is stemming from, and I feel that I also KNOW what I SHOULD do, it's just my refusal to DO it that is causing the overwhelm, or my inability to define a "safe" decision to a difficult problem with an approaching deadline. I feel like I live a life of complete hypocrisy...forever encouraging and assisting the world around me in discovering and achieving the best life possible, yet suffocating beneath the monstrous mountain of confusion and pain within my own.
I discovered the world of Personality Typing and tested as INFJ earlier this week. Upon reading my results, I was quickly overwhelmed with senses of both panic and validation. The panic ensued as I absorbed more and more about my type, and began to feel like I had been "found out" after successfully flying under the radar my entire life. The validation came from realizing that after a lifetime of trying to explain myself to the world without success, I had finally found people who DID. A real, true, completely encompassed understanding of who I am at the core of my being. This was the first time I'd ever experienced something like that. I really had no idea how to react or respond to that feeling. Over the past several days, I have fervently researched everything I could get my hands on about INFJ personalities. I even pursued the option that I may have tested incorrectly, and the odds of being an INTF instead, because that was my result according to socionic typing. INFJ resulted from MBTI testing. Although I have extreme NT tendencies, I clearly favor on the side of NF when it all comes down to it.
I have so many questions and so much to learn about my type, and how it interacts with the world. Many things I think I have always known in my heart, and probably analyzed in my thoughts time and time again, without ever speaking about to anyone for fear of being misunderstood or appearing insane. I joined this forum in hopes of gaining some insight and information from those of you who are developed and knowledgable in who they are. I am really excited to find out so many new things.
What are your Interests?
I don't really study anything anymore. I used to avidly research animals and their behaviors, species, breeds, genetics, etc. But not since an adolescent. I havent picked up a book at all in almost 10 years. Over time, my once focused and absorbant reading ability has disappeared, leaving me unable to concentrate on or retain what I'm reading.
Hobbies...singing is the only one that immediately comes to mind and is by far the most prominent "activity" that I pursue outside of attempting to "save the world" as my boyfriend puts it. I sing along to the radio and to myself all the time, but the purposeful, passionate singing comes when I am experiencing something deep and meaningful in my life, whether positive or negative. I record myself, I create a video backing, and I share it with the people in my life in hopes that it will bring as much happiness to them in HEARING it as it does to me in SINGING it.
What do you want to do in life?
I have never defined a career "goal" for myself. Recently though, I am firmly leaning in the direction of psychologically based jobs. I am unsure which sub-field interests me most right now however. Once again, this is where my inability to make decisions comes into play. I am fueled by the joy of seeing others discover and pursue the best things their lives can offer them. I never give advice...because that would mean I am telling them what *I* want for their lives. I only try to bring them deeper into themselves, allowing for the rediscovery of their fundamental beings, therefore allowing them to reestablish healthy goals for themselves. From that point on, all I do is try to encourage them in their journey, and redirect them when they start to revert to learned patterns of the past.
My approach to each person is rarely the same. I seem to unintentionally evolve to fit their individual needs and environment, becoming so easily relatable to them that my incredibly direct and generally accurate insight into their lives is readily accepted because it's coupled with a feeling of being truly understood. I rarely encounter anyone who argues against what I see in them. If they DO, the argument never lasts long. Once they take a moment to reassess what I've told them, they always return with an apology and admittance of truth to my words, followed by lots of questions.
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
My kids
My significant other
My family
My friends
My music
My phone/laptop
What would be your epitaph?
Uuummm....as funny as people say I am, I'm drawing a blank here.
I think I will have to come back to this one.
Your unique MMDI type dynamics code is uemo.
Your personality type is probably INTJ (or perhaps INFJ). In case you are one of the 15% for whom this result is not correct, you should regard this as a starting point only and use this report to decide for yourself what your personality type is.
Your personality type code can be obtained by combining the four letters of each preference, i.e.: INTJ. However, as no questionnaire is 100% accurate, we suggest that you also consider whether your type might be INFJ.
This table suggests that your preferences are most likely to be for INTJ or INFJ.
If your personality type is INTJ then you have a strong, private sense of strategic vision, both for the future and how that future will can be achieved. Your vision, or sense of knowing, may be difficult to articulate, but even if wasn't others might find it difficult to accept (e.g.: as impractical or unrealistic). Pursuing your vision might be a lonely task, therefore, as you develop and pursue plans without anyone else really understanding the nature of what you are trying to achieve.
If your personality type is INFJ then have a strong, private sense of knowledge and vision, often for hidden things that other people would think can't be known. You see imaginative possibilities and insights, especially in relation to people, anticipating a future for them that they can't even see themselves. Although you probably have some strong relationships, your insights may be so unusual that others find them difficult to accept, and you may therefore find it difficult to articulate them.
▪ your dominant function is iNtuition and very introverted
▪ your auxiliary (second most important) is Thinking and slightly extraverted
▪ your tertiary (third) is Feeling and slightly extraverted
▪ your inferior (fourth) is Sensation and very introverted
What does this mean?
The most important mental muscle (or 'dominant function') for an INTJ is the perceptive one of iNtuition. This means you like looking at information from a global viewpoint, spotting new patterns and relationships that lead to an understanding of the key issues. You focus more on possibilities for the future than the here-and-now, and you enjoy intellectual challenges and variety.
The perceptive iNtuition function is introverted. That is, iNtuition is used primarily to govern the inner world of thoughts and emotions. You may therefore seek to develop a understanding of how the world can be, wanting to understand the patterns underlying your observations of the world around you and the way in which the team or organisation works. You are strategic in nature, wanting to establish a clear vision towards which you and the team are working, though you tend not to involve others in the development of that vision.
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