Type HP

Type HP. The 2018 Edition

  • ISTJ

  • ISFJ

  • INFJ

  • INTJ

  • ISTJ

  • ISFP

  • INFP

  • INTP

  • ESTP

  • ESFP

  • ENFP

  • ENTP

  • ESTJ

  • ESFJ

  • ENFJ

  • ENTJ

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Happy Phantom

Well-known member
HP. The 2018 edition. Also feel free to explain how you arrived at your conclusion. Keep in mind I’m cold hearted. Like an iceberg.
What type do you think you are?
This is for entertainment purposes only so please feel free to give your opinion.
Haha, never. I had high votes on friendliest, remember? I actually try to lay off situations where I see a potention problem so you guys don’t have to work so much. You’re welcome. :innocent:

Also, please vote. Ty!
High Fe and adept social navigation. INFJ verging on ENFJ for sure.
How did you arrive at high Fe? I wish I were more extroverted but the real me is not. The pics you’ve seen and my star trek smile (someone once told me that) most likely gives you that impression. I can push myself to go out and enjoy things but there is a limit and once the timer goes off I must retreat.
I meant it in a relative sense. You obviously have it. Other people clearly don't lol.

If I saw you in person I would be able to better gauge the lesser Fe, compared to an actual enfj.
Use your Ni.