Do you have difficulty trusting your own judgment? Why?
This could be personally, professionally, emotionally, socially, etc.
I have faltered many times in the past in trusting my own judgment, sometimes worse than others. I think we are all susceptible to second guessing ourselves. I do believe it's the mark of a wise or intelligent person to not be too arrogant and try to look at other views.
But, when it comes down to the crunch and making decisions or when it comes to "knowing" what's right for ourselves, I have come to learn, through painful experience that we all have our inborn (if you believe in God, you could say God-given) strength and it is a step toward self actualization and personal strength to trust that and play to our own strength.
An INFJs strength is his/her intuition. When we learn to honour that and listen to it, we are at our best.
There is nothing wrong with listening to others and their perspective (you know what they say about opinions and assholes....
jk). We all have one and more information only serves to help us. However, these others have their own strengths, each in a personal way, like Morgan's father's strength is his "big T".
this is a big one for me. In the past I didn't dare to trust myself: my believes, my choices, my conclusions. Basicely it was because my father knew it always better. I believe he has a big T and his logical thinking is so much stronger than mine. I choice with my guth feeling and he after thinking it trough. So he always judged my conclusions because I didn't had thought them true. And I agreed with him because his conclusions where completely logical and thought trough. And the feelin of failure. If I choose something and it turns out to be bad and other people say "how could you make such a stupid choice", I would feel very stupid in the eyes of the other people
But than someone told me: "the only one who knows what is best for you, is you yourself". And that had a big impact. No matter what an other person sees as the best option, no matter that my choices may turn out bad, it is my choice and my life and even bad choices have there value!!
This is where we may falter. Someone else may
think they know better, because
for them it is better.
This is where true growth comes from and we become the best we each can be. When something like that were to happen now, I would listen respectfully, if that person was
worth listening to in the first place (and that's another issue), and then I would thank them for
their perspective and that's it. It would merely be more data.
I've learned that we need to honour ourselves. Others may or may not do it, but we MUST do it.