tree of life.'///


If the a man.....not in a dream....nor a vision....or in a unsober fully awAken state......1) What does that mean!!!.... What's the significance bad or good.....if any!!!!!!..... do you know!......Do YOU know someone who does KNOW!!!.....HAVE you ever heard of this happening!!!!!!.... ~~~
Looks like a spam bot of some sort.

I find this one interesting. Most don't select an avatar, and most are trying to sell something. I don't know what game this one is playing.
Looks like a spam bot of some sort.

I find this one interesting. Most don't select an avatar, and most are trying to sell something. I don't know what game this one is playing.

That is why I think it is someone on drugs.
I'd say, before all, it means you've read (which is the same as being told) about Sephirot.

It would have been more interesting, if you came and said: "I saw this. I don't know what it is, never heard of anything like it; here's how it looked." And then you describe Sephirot, which the others know about from some sources.
after you see something..... u look for knowledge to describe,,,,, it...(past that point).therefore...the only thing to me interesting is the answer!
u dont know.... because ..... Your usually playing games.... do you know the answer.... not a smart remark~~~
after you see something..... u look for knowledge to describe,,,,, it...(past that point).therefore...the only thing to me interesting is the answer!
It would be very hard by just seeing Sephirot, to come up with the idea how it's called. Did it have a label "Sephirot" on it? That's why I assume you've been familiar with the concept from before.

And that's all I'm saying.
poor english skills.... that's your comeback!!..... possibly on drugs..WOW!!!... that's your comeback..... only thing you had to say was nothing,,,,, because it's evident,.,, that you!!!! ..DONT..KNOW!! THE ANSWER......but instead YOU would judge AND put down....and show your insignificant WAYS..... LIKE YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE!!!
poor english skills.... that's your comeback!!..... possibly on drugs..WOW!!!... that's your comeback..... only thing you had to say was nothing,,,,, because it's evident,.,, that you!!!! ..DONT..KNOW!! THE ANSWER......but instead YOU would judge AND put down....and show your insignificant WAYS..... LIKE YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE!!!

Sorry, I wasn't trying to put you down. I don't know the answer and am quite happy in my insignificance, thank you very much.

Also, it isn't necessarily my favorite quote. It is only one quote that I happened to like.
I agree..... but I had no prior knowledge...... I remembered the image from my visible some....and came across the name of the object.... now i know the name..... did some more research...and.. now i know some stories....and some great philosopher's........
I agree..... but I had no prior knowledge...... I remembered the image from my visible some....and came across the name of the object.... now i know the name..... did some more research...and.. now i know some stories....and some great philosopher's........
That sounds more interesting, at least. (:

Would you clarify, if I understood correctly. You've never read about or seen it; then you see it for real; you wonder what it is, you read, read, read, you randomly find it?

I'd say you are double time lucky charm - first to see it (because it seems very few do), second to find out what it was.
it just means that i was fully aware.... most people who have "so called" special occurrence's are nomally sleep... or most cases.... basically I know with out any doubt !!....that i saw this......and it made IT....alot easier to talk about it... because i know i saw it....... I've never done forums....this is my first,,,, and i figured that maybe someone could tell me more.....I have a curiosity for the subject now...
what did you do when you saw it? was it facing you?

this area of the forum actually has a lot of stuff about things like these.

i have experienced things too while wide awake. but not visually. only auditory and tactile
and most of the other people in the thread link here^ were also awake

by the way, what i have read is, messages/ideas are filtered through your mind. It becomes like symbols/symbolism
For example if a person believes in angels, they will see an angel but if a person believes in a spirit guide/animal guide, that is what they will see. Although in the end, they are exactly the same. So it is interesting you see this form but haven't had the belief prior in this thing yourself --or maybe you have picked it up in your past..but just don't remember.
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By the way, you are not even Jewish, right? And you didn't know anything about Kabbalah before? So how did it happen and what did you see? A human form, similar to this one, along with all the circles on it? Did you have a conversation?
It appeared for about 7-10 seconds.... it was still ....then immediatley started spinning directly in front of me.... when it stop... i tried to touch it... but before i could move it vanished....