Transgender Children

Ugh, the more I read the responses in this thread, the more I want to protect this kid from ALL of you. People are fcuking insane. It also seems to me that the transgender members in this thread are being a little selfish about their issues and personal cause while conveniently forgetting that this is the life of one individual who is a DEVELOPING CHILD and not their own lives and experiences. It upsets me beyond reason, that you guys keep forgetting that this is a mere kid we are talking about, who is incapable of making such radical and life-altering decisions. Not even science could tell you what a child (or a person) will grow up to be in the future, give me a fcuking break!

I am with acd on everything she says.

And I am out of this conversation...with extreme prejudice now. I don't have a problem with transgenderism but I do have a serious problem when you cross the line of imposing a lifestyle on someone let alone that someone being a child of 11 years old.
Thanks for the info.
Though the first article said that it is unknown whether the brain appears a certain way as a result of transexual preferences or if the person's gender identity is a result of their brain make-up. So nothing is proven, but there is good reason to suspect that it is physiological.
Yeah, that's about my appraisal as well. It's pretty much impossible to prove either way because we're talking about structures that barely show up on an MRI as it is, so getting a detailed reading on them in a child is pretty hard to do, and denying someone hormone treatment just so you can test their brain is pretty unethical.
I suppose what I am grappling with is: What does being a woman feel like to someone born a man? I don't understand the experience, but I am curious about it. I'm curious about how much is biological and how much is environmental. I don't find transexual people to be repulsive. I just don't understand it.
It's really hard to explain... Basically, when I express myself as a woman, it feels natural, and when I express myself as a man, it feels wrong. There's lots of other smaller things, but then again lots of 'cis' (non-transgendered) boys crossed their legs or played with dolls or whatever - like you see in the article and in documentaries, but that's what people can relate to and pin down to understand easily.

The most convincing stuff is deeply personal and sometimes sexual, and I kind of wish I didn't have to bare myself like that for people to stop questioning me, but I'm kind of used to if that's what it'll take, then...

No. You don't have to tell me anything.

No. You don't have to tell me anything.
I don't have to, but I do want you to understand. For Alexandra's sake, as well as mine, and for the sake of thousands of children like her who need treatment but don't get it because people are so misguidedly horrified at the prospect of something they don't come into contact with regularly and therefore don't know about.

Let's put it this way: it's not a decision. It's not something that I chose for myself. I know very few trans people who wouldn't just as soon choose to be cis, and even then, only for the perspective, not because it's a joyride. It's not like getting a tattoo or a piercing. It's not like drinking, or driving, or voting. It's a treatment for a very serious neurological condition which can and has taken many lives. It's something that has to be done to not be constantly miserable, unmotivated, and suicidal. The only 'decision' involved is when to do it, and how.
what is this i dont even

Yeah as Resonance said, it's not a decision. You don't choose this. You can't be brainwashed into this.

It doesn't sound like she's been forced into anything, it sounds like she's just trans and wants to be a girl. The father and agency, unless I'm missing something here, sound like bigoted twats.
I do have a serious problem when you cross the line of imposing a lifestyle on someone let alone that someone being a child of 11 years old.

Most people in our society would at least somewhat purposefully impose things on others, including (or especially) children, in some way or another. An individual cannot grow up uninfluenced. It's impossible. If you throw a kid out into a forest, that is also a form of imposing. If a child hypothetically grew out of a test tube and had no human contact, then that would be their influencial set of experiences.

Even trying to be unimposing is a form of imposing, in the sense of lifestyle or environmental influence.

I know you're referring to an extreme imposition of lifestyle, but my point is that they're going to be pushed and pulled by people or their surroundings in some way no matter what, and there's no sense in getting caught up or wanting to feel prejudice towards others for it.
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To transgendered members:

Let me take a guess, your parents had an openly bitter divorce/separation while you were young/pre-pubescent in which you viewed the opposing gendered parent as the aggressor/belligerent and sided with the parent of your self-chosen gender?
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Ahh crap. Okay, I’m not gonna get my briefs in a bind about sexuality issues. Without coming to some common ground about what is natural, healthy, or morally good those kinds of discussions are pretty pointless. I seriously doubt we can agree on all or any of those standards so why freakin try? What I will piss am moan about is the idea that a human being is not in control or responsible for their sexual impulses, sexual preferences, sexual pursuits, sexual appetites etc. The idea that my sexual preferences are genetic is as stupid as saying, “John’s dad liked to fish so John is genetically inclined to like fishing.” But to hell with that. The bigger fish to fry here is the idea that people in society are whatever they want to be instead of what they actually are. Talk about some abstract crap. The repercussions of that kind of nonsense could be pretty horrible. As soon a you prove that choices are actually genetic facts and completely out of the alleged victims ability to alter you will have just opened up a can of worm ridden shit. For if my desire to be a man, woman, heterosexual, homosexual, or transsexual is genetic than every sexual/sexuality related impulse/choice that any human has can now be labeled as genetic and would thus remove personal responsibility in any act where sexuality, sex, or sexual desire played a part. It’s not their fault. They are a victim of genetic inevitabilities. A poor little puppet of their DNA. Bullshit! We chose what we want. We chose what we like and what we don’t like. Anyone hiding behind genetics to justify a decision they have freely made is at the very least a coward and at most a delusional idiot. If you were born with just a penis you are a boy. That’s a freaking fact! If you want to lop your junk off then you are using your freakin free will to unnaturally alter your body. Have fun with that. But don’t give me some line of crap about how you are whatever you feel you are. You were a boy who chose to change. Not a girl trapped in a boys body. If you were a girl you wouldn’t have been born with just a penis. Humans are not whatever they want to be. They have to make that shit happen or be whatever they already are. Call an apple a freakin apple or go wander off to some other dimension where reality isn’t reality and quit hiding behind shaky scientific theory and abstract philosophical refuse. Rational humans should fight to burn genetic bullshit arguments to the ground because if anyone ever successfully proves that people are not responsible for their sexual/sexuality related choices they will have stupidly condoned things like rape, incest, child molestation, and every other sexual inclination a human can muster.

As far as religion, God, and eternity are concerned…good luck explaining to a perfect God, on whatever kind of judgment day you can imagine, that you weren’t actually rebelling against any kind of natural order but were instead just striving to correct his mistakes. O, but what about reconstructive type surgeries? God made mistakes there right? Fixing a cleft lip and lopping off your shit are not in the same universe. People baffle me. If I cut off my ears I’m insane but if I cut off my junk I’m a victim of a genetic imperfection seeking to express who I was meant to be.

Now that you’re up in arms let me just say that I have no problem loving people who have made willful decisions about their sexuality or their bodies. We can agree to disagree about what is or isn’t healthy, right, or good. That’s not my beef. My beef is with anyone who tries to say they are not in control of their impulses, preferences, or decisions. There are a lot of things I don’t understand in this world; things that are difficult to see but if there is one freakin thing I’ve learned it’s that humans have a free will. You want to blame God for the way the planets are aligned, be my guest. You want to blame God for the personal decisions you make; better prepare to defend that steaming pile because that shit doesn’t stand up in court and sure as hell shouldn’t find a leg to stand on in any rational society. Do I think being different is wrong? No. Do I think someone equating their personal choices to uncontrollable differences is wrong? You bet your ass I do.

As far as this child is concerned; the sooner he learns that you don’t always get what you want the better prepared he’ll be for real life in the real world. Contrary to popular and idiotic belief, children’s identities are under construction. If not, show me an adult who has not changed drastically from their childhood and I’ll show you 100,000 that have. If a kid wants to be super man do you give them a cape an let them jump off buildings? Plus introducing all this sexuality/sexual stuff on children is sick. It’s like what freakin pedophiles try to do. That kid shouldn’t be discussing adult sexuality issues like they are already who they will forever be. Also, it’s a complete abandonment of reasonable and responsible parenting to let your kid be or do whatever the hell they want. They’re a freakin kid! Do your job an parent them. They can fix or wreck their lives till their heart’s content when they actually grow up.

P.S. For whatever it's worth, I don't hate anyone and I don't believe God hates anyone either. Loving people doesn't mean we all have to agree.
To transgendered members:

Let me take a guess, your parents had an openly bitter divorce/separation while you were young/pre-pubescent in which you viewed the opposing gendered parent as the aggressor/belligerent and sided with the parent of your self-chosen gender?

Try again?
Try again?

We just going to try shotgunning this huh? I prefer not to be so personal if you don't want to discuss, but I'm guessing that you have a conflict issue against males because you stated as much in another thread.

I like them in general (oddly despite not liking men) but small ones are SO CUTE. <3

I could be wrong, but this says to me, I have unresolved anger towards men and I derive pleasure from an emasculating view towards small penises.

Where it originates is what is of interest to me. That's not to say that being trans is an error either, just that it has a subconscious origin rather than being simply a matter of choice or genetics like choosing a favorite ice cream or being born incorrectly. My heterosexuality is likewise a deeply subconscious matter to me that is neither a matter of choice or birth.
We just going to try shotgunning this huh? I prefer not to be so personal if you don't want to discuss, but I'm guessing that you have a conflict issue against males because you stated as much in another thread.

I could be wrong, but this says to me, I have unresolved anger towards men and I derive pleasure from an emasculating view towards small penises.

Where it originates is what is of interest to me. That's not to say that being trans is an error either, just that it has a subconscious origin rather than being simply a matter of choice or genetics like choosing a favorite ice cream or being born incorrectly. My heterosexuality is likewise a deeply subconscious matter to me that is neither a matter of choice or birth.

lol my view towards small penises being cute is of no value to any discussion we could be having. I didn't say I want to cut off all large ones lol.

Like 90% of my friends are guys so that doesn't make any sense. Like, my best friend, the one I can cry with, total "bro" type, the one who's always been there for me, the one who I lived with for about six months recently... he's a guy. You don't gain a dislike of men when the people that love you the most are men. (Platonic love, I mean.)
lol my view towards small penises being cute is of no value to any discussion we could be having. I didn't say I want to cut off all large ones lol.

Like 90% of my friends are guys so that doesn't make any sense. Like, my best friend, the one I can cry with, total "bro" type, the one who's always been there for me, the one who I lived with for about six months recently... he's a guy. You don't gain a dislike of men when the people that love you the most are men. (Platonic love, I mean.)

Fair enough, you certainly don't strike me as overly aggressive in your stance. Although, in regards to the conflict presented in the OP, I do think some gender conflict has been ingrained into the child considering that the issue is being/has been played out in such a publicly bitter manner and I have to wonder how much the child has been subconsciously deterred by the behavior of their father.
Fair enough, you certainly don't strike me as overly aggressive in your stance. Although, in regards to the conflict presented in the OP, I do think some gender conflict has been ingrained into the child considering that the issue is being/has been played out in such a publicly bitter manner and I have to wonder how much the child has been subconsciously deterred by the behavior of their father.

I think it's a lot harder than you think to be trans knowingly. If the kid were faking it, you would have known that from the second she had to be dressed up like a girl in public. Even for honestly trans people it's tough to not just break down that first time out in clothes that are supposed to belong to what everyone views as being the opposite sex from you.

Children are much harsher judges. I think if they were to do a fair analysis of her, they would find she is legitimately trans. I would at least hope for her sake some of you would agree that they need to emphasize the fair analysis of the whole thing, and not go in with any preconceived views. Treat her as any child suspected of gender identity disorder. Gender therapists are much, much, much more careful with children.

BTW, I can imagine most fathers would think their child's mom to be insane or demented if their boy started dressing like a girl in public. Probably enough to lie to get his child back, even potentially at the expense of the child.

I worry about her. That's my position.
I think it's a lot harder than you think to be trans knowingly. If the kid were faking it, you would have known that from the second she had to be dressed up like a girl in public. Even for honestly trans people it's tough to not just break down that first time out in clothes that are supposed to belong to what everyone views as being the opposite sex from you.

Children are much harsher judges. I think if they were to do a fair analysis of her, they would find she is legitimately trans. I would at least hope for her sake some of you would agree that they need to emphasize the fair analysis of the whole thing, and not go in with any preconceived views. Treat her as any child suspected of gender identity disorder. Gender therapists are much, much, much more careful with children.

BTW, I can imagine most fathers would think their child's mom to be insane or demented if their boy started dressing like a girl in public. Probably enough to lie to get his child back, even potentially at the expense of the child.

I worry about her. That's my position.

That's my concern as well though. In a rather which came first, the chicken or the egg kind of way. Has the father's aggressive behavior towards the mother and child subconsciously influenced the child to feel threatened or deterred from the male gender or is it the other way around as others have suggested? Without more information I suppose we cannot know, but it would be up to the gender therapists to determine and manage either way.
That's my concern as well though. In a rather which came first, the chicken or the egg kind of way. Has the father's aggressive behavior towards the mother and child subconsciously influenced the child to feel threatened or deterred from the male gender or is it the other way around as others have suggested? Without more information I suppose we cannot know, but it would be up to the gender therapists to determine and manage either way.

It could very well also be neither. I just hope they don't ruin her trying to man her up. That often leads to suicide and such.
I have a feeling that there is one incredibly confused child at the center of this. Poor kid.