Toad Licking

When I saw the thread title, I thought this thread was going to be about the ingestion of toad venom and its associated effect from bufotenin.

When I saw the thread title, I thought this thread was going to be about the ingestion of toad venom and its associated effect from bufotenin.

Same here
He should get with Steven Slater. Instant success.
Toad lickin' goodness!
Mmm, frog legs!

And that's bull-snicky about that table "being used for cut vegetables". A stainless steel surface in a kitchen doesn't have be designated vegetables only. It only needs to be sterilized after a meat product touches it, and then you can chop veggies on it. You spray bleach water on it, let it sit for a bit, then wipe, pretty simple.

I think the only thing he did wrong perhaps was having living animals in the kitchen; that's generally frowned upon, though, that's usually in regards to non-edible sorts such as dog or cat. Dead animals are permitted in food-prep areas; I don't see why living ones that could in theory be prepared into food would be not allowed. But I guess you don't normally eat toad, do you? If only they were frogs.
Whiney consumers + whiney media = unfounded hysteria.
I've driven through there!
haha. I love that it's in Iowa.
*sigh* I used to live there.
no disrespect ;). I rather toads than rats in my restaurants.

Oh, I didn't take offense. I'm just disappointed that idiots live in every state I've been to (Hawaii and Alaska have yet to be confirmed).