To dream or not to dream . . .?


True or false, is it better to not have expectations or dreams than be disappointed if it doesn't work out the way you hoped it would or the way you think it should?
Ignorance is bliss, but I'd rather live a life that is full of experiences...even the the bad ones. I'd rather dream and be disappointed then not have the chance to be disappointed.

(that sounds pretty cheesy...but meh)
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It would be too passive otherwise. Maybe I just can't imagine it differently, but it seems to me that: to exist is to dream. Otherwise it would feel, at least for me, as if I don't exist at all.

Besides, skilled dreamers learn how to dream about things that more often do happen. (: And it feels good.
True or false, is it better to not have expectations or dreams than be disappointed if it doesn't work out the way you hoped it would or the way you think it should?

Excellent question.
I think that if we lived in an unrealistic world, where people could choose to not have dreams if they so desired, than maybe the former would be the better situation. However, I've never met anyone who didn't have one dream or's almost human nature to dream of a certain aspiration that one would hope to one day achieve, so I guess we're stuck with the latter. But, I think that there is something amazing about having a dream even if it's bound to not come to fruition. Dreams give you hope and they help you strive for a better you and for a better tomorrow. So, even if a persons dream never came true, the fact that they hoped could have made them a better person in the long run. So I think it's great to have dreams, maybe even unlikely ones (heck, you never know they could come true after all). Unfortunately, along with the hope could come disappointment. :(
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We should have big dreams in our life. If we want truly wants to fulfill our dreams then we will change our life, We will think to change ourselves.
We will try to transform our life with big thinking. We will expand our mental toughness. We will extend our physical capabilities. Do addition of this all, which means you will live your life with quality and pride. Isn't it?

There are many loses if we don't dream big. Now, i have also big dreams in my life. I want to become businessman, so i am here. I came here in search of personality development and many more.
No, definitely dreams. I mean, not everything is exactly how you once wanted it to be. If you look at life like that, you would be constantly disappointed!

I once thought to myself, if I aim for the stars I might hit the moon. I'm hoping the moon comes first though, and then on your way you hit the moon. Haha, whichever comes first. :)
I once thought to myself, if I aim for the stars I might hit the moon. I'm hoping the moon comes first though, and then on your way you hit the moon. Haha, whichever comes first. :)

This is really funny aim. Can you explain me what you want to say?
when I'm dreaming for myself like future job, I dream big. like really really big.

but when its regarding other people like relationships ( not always romantic) my dreams tend to be smaller than an ameoba (however you spell it) HAHA
I refuse to dream about other people anymore, because the only person I can really count on to make my dreams happen is myself. I believe that I can accomplish almost anything I set my mind to - but not alone, with help. I just imagine help as vaguely as possible!
I think it is good to have dreams, but maybe not to define ourselves solely by them. Life is not always fair, we cannot always control our fate, but dreams may influence how we develop as a person and in the end, if the dreams are worthy, that may bring about a good outcome.
True or false, is it better to not have expectations or dreams than be disappointed if it doesn't work out the way you hoped it would or the way you think it should?

Dream. To dream is to have goals, and to have goals is to have something to look forward to. To have something to look forward to enables you to try your best in whatever you do to achieve that goal. Along the way, you can enjoy life and have fun.
Dreams and expectations are good, the hope of achieving them makes us feel alive and gives us meaning and direction, but it would be wise not to aim too far above what you can reasonably achieve. It's better to win small battles regularly than to aim to win the war and end up perpetually disappointed.
Great responses.
Dreams and expectations are good, the hope of achieving them makes us feel alive and gives us meaning and direction, but it would be wise not to aim too far above what you can reasonably achieve. It's better to win small battles regularly than to aim to win the war and end up perpetually disappointed.

Well said. :)
We must dream, every goal we set, and every plan we make is in some way shape or form another dream...
Everyone should have dreams. If I could not fantasize about how life could be, I would have nothing to work towards. Anyone can make their dreams a reality. Anyways, even if you don't have dreams you'll be disappointed at some point- it happens to everyone.
I love to dream. I can admit that I am quite idealistic. But as I've gotten older and matured, I also know that it's important to stay realistic about your dreams and expectations. This doesn't mean becoming a bitter and pessimistic cynic. There are no guarantees in anything and things might not end up as you've hoped and dreamed. That's life, go with the flow, give a little nudge here and there but enjoy the ride.
Yessss, Brand new thing i realized from this thread.

I read all responses and felt something nice. It is:

We should take care of our dreams. Just like how a mother take cares of a child. Same way. But Dream must be big dream, not small. Aiming low is may be big mistake in our life.
Sometimes our dreams may aid us to persevere in life, when we believe in our dreams it can summon a thread of hope to draw us out of a chasm of despair and as Eleanor Roosevelt once articulated "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams".