The Ultimate Answer Test

On my own path

Community Member

my result
You're The Sage!
You are wise and moral. You don't pray for gifts from God- you do it yourself. You do it so convincingly that others may assume that you are Blessed. Without you, there would be no civilization. You love to give the gift of knowledge, and foster independent thought in others.

You are mostly selfless. You do not believe in an ordered universe or necessarily in an ordered society. The Soul is more important to you than the physical world. You believe there is justice.

You SHOULD: Pursue higher education. Study Theology and/or Philosophy. Seek your soulmate more than sex. Consider missionary work and other forms of constructive activism. Consider becoming a teacher.

You should NOT: Choose an organized religion that emphasizes prayer and miracles. Spend a lot of time alone. Work overtime or devote all of your time to any one thing.

Your life will be: Satisfying.
Your life may be: Inspirational.
Your life will not be: Thrilling.

Your opposite is: The Conqueror.

Your companion is: The Missionary.

You scored 19% on Egocentricism, higher than 4% of your peers.
You scored 39% on Belief in Order, higher than 59% of your peers.
You scored 89% on Spirituality, higher than 99% of your peers.
You scored 74% on Justice, higher than 98% of your peers.
The Explorer
You scored 19% Egocentricism, 29% Heirarchy, 66% Spiritualityand 35% Morality!
You are the Explorer!
Something is missing. Your giving and spiritual nature has not yet found its reason for being. The higher power and cosmic justice which give your nature meaning are out there, but you can't find them among the many pretenders. Organized religion seems so close, but somehow missing the point- perhaps because you have not found one that convinces you that order and justice can exist in this world. You are The Missionary without the message.

You are mostly selfless. You do not believe in an ordered universe or necessarily in an ordered society. The Soul is more important to you than the physical world. You do not believe there is justice.

You SHOULD: Travel and experience other cultures in the same way that the locals do. This will not necessarily require a significant budget- which you are unlikely to have if you are staying true to yourself; you can do it by volunteering with philanthropic organizations.

You should NOT: Be too quick to settle down. You probably wont find a soul mate until you find your own soul, so have a few meaningful but fun relationships without making too many long-term promises. Become tied down financially or professionally.

Your life will be: Fascinating.
Your life may be: Inspirational.
Your life will not be: Stable.

Opposite: Conqueror

Companion: Counselor
The Medic

You scored 42% Egocentricism, 29% Heirarchy, 31% Spiritualityand 29% Morality!

**You're The Medic!
You're a jaded but good person in a bad world. There's no one to help you, but you're there to help others, not for any particular reason- you're just compelled. You're the only one on the battlefield who isn't adding to the carnage.

**The Medic has an Evil Twin: The Servant. The Servant is what happens when the medic's giving nature is focused on one individual rather than people in general. The Servant's details are at the bottom.

You are mostly selfless. You do not believe in an ordered universe or an ordered society. The physical world is more important to you than the soul. You do not believe there is justice.

You SHOULD: Find someone who loves you- preferably an optimist- and share as much of your life as possible with them. Take a job that lets you help people. Do a lot of volunteer work, and befriend the happiest people you meet there. Try to find God.

You should NOT: Join the military or commit yourself to anything that places you in extremely unpleasant situations for very long. Talk to scientologists, for any reason. Base your relationships on sex.

Your life will be: Inspirational.
Your life may be: Exciting.
Your life will not be: Happy.

Your opposite is: The Televangelist.

Your companion is: The Priest, The Engineer.


Huh. Bolded the funny parts.
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Your result for The Ultimate Answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything Test ...
The Missionary
You scored 25% Egocentricism, 71% Heirarchy, 69% Spiritualityand 53% Morality!
You're The Missionary!
You're a good person. You have little to worry about, but much to do. You are on a mission from God, and you want to do it well.

You are mostly selfless. You believe in an ordered universe and ordered society. "The soul" is important to you. You believe there is justice.

You SHOULD: Join or become more active in a religion, Read more philosophy, Get involved in a community program such as little league sports or "citizens on patrol", Volunteer for a worthy cause, and search for true love.

You should NOT: Take a job just for the pay, Try any form of criminal activity, dedicate your life to science, pursue meaningless sex, or gamble.

Your will be: Happy.
Your life may be: Inspirational.
Your life will not be: Exciting.

Your opposite is: The Conqueror, The Villain

Your companion is: Another Missionary, or The Televangelist.
You are the Explorer!
Something is missing. Your giving and spiritual nature has not yet found its reason for being. The higher power and cosmic justice which give your nature meaning are out there, but you can't find them among the many pretenders. Organized religion seems so close, but somehow missing the point- perhaps because you have not found one that convinces you that order and justice can exist in this world. You are The Missionary without the message.

You are mostly selfless. You do not believe in an ordered universe or necessarily in an ordered society. The Soul is more important to you than the physical world. You do not believe there is justice.

You SHOULD: Travel and experience other cultures in the same way that the locals do. This will not necessarily require a significant budget- which you are unlikely to have if you are staying true to yourself; you can do it by volunteering with philanthropic organizations.

You should NOT: Be too quick to settle down. You probably wont find a soul mate until you find your own soul, so have a few meaningful but fun relationships without making too many long-term promises. Become tied down financially or professionally.

Your life will be: Fascinating.
Your life may be: Inspirational.
Your life will not be: Stable.

Your opposite is: The Conqueror.

Your companion is: The Counselor.
The Sage

You scored 17% Egocentricism, 15% Heirarchy, 80% Spiritualityand 62% Morality!

You're The Sage!
You are wise and moral. You don't pray for gifts from God- you do it yourself. You do it so convincingly that others may assume that you are Blessed. Without you, there would be no civilization. You love to give the gift of knowledge, and foster independent thought in others.

You are mostly selfless. You do not believe in an ordered universe or necessarily in an ordered society. The Soul is more important to you than the physical world. You believe there is justice.

You SHOULD: Pursue higher education. Study Theology and/or Philosophy. Seek your soulmate more than sex. Consider missionary work and other forms of constructive activism. Consider becoming a teacher.

You should NOT: Choose an organized religion that emphasizes prayer and miracles. Spend a lot of time alone. Work overtime or devote all of your time to any one thing.

Your life will be: Satisfying.
Your life may be: Inspirational.
Your life will not be: Thrilling.

Your opposite is: The Conqueror.

Your companion is: The Missionary.
The Explorer

You scored 3% Egocentricism, 0% Heirarchy, 100% Spiritualityand 0% Morality!

You are the Explorer!
Something is missing. Your giving and spiritual nature has not yet found its reason for being. The higher power and cosmic justice which give your nature meaning are out there, but you can't find them among the many pretenders. Organized religion seems so close, but somehow missing the point- perhaps because you have not found one that convinces you that order and justice can exist in this world. You are The Missionary without the message.

You are mostly selfless. You do not believe in an ordered universe or necessarily in an ordered society. The Soul is more important to you than the physical world. You do not believe there is justice.

You SHOULD: Travel and experience other cultures in the same way that the locals do. This will not necessarily require a significant budget- which you are unlikely to have if you are staying true to yourself; you can do it by volunteering with philanthropic organizations.

You should NOT: Be too quick to settle down. You probably wont find a soul mate until you find your own soul, so have a few meaningful but fun relationships without making too many long-term promises. Become tied down financially or professionally.

Your life will be: Fascinating.
Your life may be: Inspirational.
Your life will not be: Stable.

Your opposite is: The Conqueror.

Your companion is: The Counselor.

You scored 3% on Egocentricism, higher than 0% of your peers.
You scored 0% on Belief in Order, higher than 0% of your peers.
You scored 100% on Spirituality, higher than 100% of your peers.
You scored 0% on Justice, higher than 0% of your peers.

The Sage

You scored 47% Egocentricism, 49% Heirarchy, 80% Spiritualityand 56% Morality!

You're The Sage!
You are wise and moral. You don't pray for gifts from God- you do it yourself. You do it so convincingly that others may assume that you are Blessed. Without you, there would be no civilization. You love to give the gift of knowledge, and foster independent thought in others.

You are mostly selfless. You do not believe in an ordered universe or necessarily in an ordered society. The Soul is more important to you than the physical world. You believe there is justice.

You SHOULD: Pursue higher education. Study Theology and/or Philosophy. Seek your soulmate more than sex. Consider missionary work and other forms of constructive activism. Consider becoming a teacher.

You should NOT: Choose an organized religion that emphasizes prayer and miracles. Spend a lot of time alone. Work overtime or devote all of your time to any one thing.

Your life will be: Satisfying.
Your life may be: Inspirational.
Your life will not be: Thrilling.

Your opposite is: The Conqueror.

Your companion is: The Missionary.
The Engineer

You scored 31% Egocentricism, 68% Hierarchy, 49% Spirituality and 71% Morality!

You're The Engineer!
You examine the structure and rules of the universe, and find the best way for yourself and others to live with it. You don't need miracles or a heavenly reward; with a good idea and a lot of work you can make this world just as good.

You are mostly selfless. You believe in an ordered universe and an ordered society. The physical world is more important to you than the soul. You believe there is justice.

You SHOULD: Pursue higher education. Seek a career that benefits society, whether it's cancer research or firefighting, doing something that makes the world better, and having the knowledge to improve on it, will make you feel good. Be open to relationships with religious believers- they share many of your values, despite your differences.

You should NOT: Use your skills destructively just for money- you'll regret it.

Your life will be: Satisfying.
Your life may be: Inspirational.
Your life will not be: Thrilling.

Your opposite is: The Chaos Mage.

Your companion is: The Missionary, The Hero.
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The Conqueror

You scored 72% Egocentricism, 15% Heirarchy, 43% Spiritualityand 24% Morality!

You're The Conqueror!
You may not be a bad person, but you're capable of it, and you probably know it. You have no one to answer to, and no one to stop you, except for yourself. You are free and you make the most of it- perhaps at the expense of others.

You are mostly selfish. You do not believe in an ordered universe or an ordered society. The physical world is more important to you than the soul. You do not believe there is justice.

You SHOULD: Pursue money, sex, and thrills at any and all costs and by any means available, consider studying quantum physics, become involved in a liberal political organization or anarchist guerilla movement.

You should NOT: Join an organized religion, serve in the military or law enforcement, be quick to enter a serious committed relationship.

Your will be: Exciting.
Your life may be: Happy.
Your life will not be: Inspirational.

Your opposite is: The Missionary.

Your companion is: The Medic- you can really mellow eachother out.
The Counselor

You scored 36% Egocentricism, 51% Heirarchy, 51% Spiritualityand 32% Morality!

You are The Counselor!
You are giving and in touch with the order of the world, but not judgmental. You are a great listener and advisor.

You are mostly selfless. You believe in an ordered universe and in an ordered society. The Soul is more important to you than the physical world. You do not believe there is justice.

You SHOULD: Keep many friends, but no more than you can consistently communicate with in depth. Be very selective in your associations- people who don't share your interests will drain your energy and attention and give you nothing in return. Choose a hobby that you can involve others in, and become a master of it so that you can advise friends in it.

You should NOT: Choose a fundamentalist branch of whatever religion you prefer- your understanding could easily be mistaken for approval of evil. Associate with extremely ego-centric people- they will take advantage of you willingness to listen and you will come to resent communicating with them. Choose a partner who has family you can't stand- you will not do well with drama.

Your life will be: Satisfying.
Your life may be: Happy.
Your life will not be: Lonely.

Your opposite is: Your most polar opposite is The Freedom Fighter- you may be OK with eachother, but you will agree on nothing. The Conqueror or The Villain. The Worker is very unlike you as well, but you might like The Worker.

Your companion is: The Explorer.
The Sage

You scored 31% Egocentricism, 44% Heirarchy, 71% Spiritualityand 62% Morality!

You're The Sage!
You are wise and moral. You don't pray for gifts from God- you do it yourself. You do it so convincingly that others may assume that you are Blessed. Without you, there would be no civilization. You love to give the gift of knowledge, and foster independent thought in others.

You are mostly selfless. You do not believe in an ordered universe or necessarily in an ordered society. The Soul is more important to you than the physical world. You believe there is justice.

You SHOULD: Pursue higher education. Study Theology and/or Philosophy. Seek your soulmate more than sex. Consider missionary work and other forms of constructive activism. Consider becoming a teacher.

You should NOT: Choose an organized religion that emphasizes prayer and miracles. Spend a lot of time alone. Work overtime or devote all of your time to any one thing.

Your life will be: Satisfying.
Your life may be: Inspirational.
Your life will not be: Thrilling.

Your opposite is: The Conqueror.

Your companion is: The Missionary.
You scored 14% Egocentricism, 49% Heirarchy, 63% Spiritualityand 65% Morality!
You're The Sage!
You are wise and moral. You don't pray for gifts from God- you do it yourself. You do it so convincingly that others may assume that you are Blessed. Without you, there would be no civilization. You love to give the gift of knowledge, and foster independent thought in others.

You are mostly selfless. You do not believe in an ordered universe or necessarily in an ordered society. The Soul is more important to you than the physical world. You believe there is justice.

You SHOULD: Pursue higher education. Study Theology and/or Philosophy. Seek your soulmate more than sex. Consider missionary work and other forms of constructive activism. Consider becoming a teacher.

You should NOT: Choose an organized religion that emphasizes prayer and miracles. Spend a lot of time alone. Work overtime or devote all of your time to any one thing.

Your life will be: Satisfying.
Your life may be: Inspirational.
Your life will not be: Thrilling.
The Missionary
You scored 31% Egocentricism, 54% Heirarchy, 71% Spiritualityand 53% Morality!

You're The Missionary! You're a good person. You have little to worry about, but much to do. You are on a mission from God, and you want to do it well.
You are mostly selfless. You believe in an ordered universe and ordered society. "The soul" is important to you. You believe there is justice.

You SHOULD: Join or become more active in a religion, Read more philosophy, Get involved in a community program such as little league sports or "citizens on patrol", Volunteer for a worthy cause, and search for true love.
You should NOT: Take a job just for the pay, Try any form of criminal activity, dedicate your life to science, pursue meaningless sex, or gamble.

Your will be: Happy.
Your life may be: Inspirational.
Your life will not be: Exciting.

Your opposite is: The Conqueror, The Villain
Your companion is: Another Missionary, or The Televangelist.