The trauma questions...


C'est la vie
Retired Staff
Social workers utilize a set of open ended questions to explore how past traumas may be affecting an individual's present behavior. As such, I'll pose some of these questions for you...

How do you usually show love for others?

How do you usually show love for yourself?

Where do you feel you belong?

What was the last risk you took?

How do you usually show trust in others?

How do you usually show trust in yourself?

Healthy individuals demonstrate a strong sense of trust, security, belonging, and love; which are fundamental needs to any human being's psychological well being.
Social workers utilize a set of open ended questions to explore how past traumas may be affecting an individual's present behavior. As such, I'll pose some of these questions for you...

How do you usually show love for others?

How do you usually show love for yourself?

Where do you feel you belong?

What was the last risk you took?

How do you usually show trust in others?

How do you usually show trust in yourself?

Healthy individuals demonstrate a strong sense of trust, security, belonging, and love; which are fundamental needs to any human being's psychological well being.

I show love for others by sensing and feeling how and who they are when I'm around them. I show it thru validation and talking about life on a higher level of thought, plus I try and connect them to their higher mind and soul thru my own.

I usually show love to myself by sticking to my boundaries and convictions. I show love to myself by seeking out space and quiet to recharge myself, and I often spend quiet time having talks with the mirror while looking deep into my eyes. During these talks, I am NEVER hard on myself but rather use this time to be able to imagine that I was talking to the one person who I need to be happy and loved, more than anyone else in the world.

I feel I belong in another dimension with others like myself. I have close friends (brothers and sisters) and we all share the same feelings and energy. They are all introverts too, and we have a sense of tremendous love and trust amoung ourselves as a group.

The last risk I took (well two at the moment), is (are) re-entering my relationship of 2 yrs with my boyfriend after a 3 month separation, and I am exploring a new career.

I show trust in others thru an unspoken means, plus I make it obvious that I am a safe and trustworthy person to them by honoring their boundaries and vibes.

I show trust in myself by an inescapable quest for higher awareness in myself and in this world. I show trust for myself by honoring my intuition and feelings about things.
Social workers utilize a set of open ended questions to explore how past traumas may be affecting an individual's present behavior. As such, I'll pose some of these questions for you...

Healthy individuals demonstrate a strong sense of trust, security, belonging, and love; which are fundamental needs to any human being's psychological well being.

How do you usually show love for others?
In short I do it by being empathic and sentimental as well as give a hug and share dreams.

How do you usually show love for yourself?
Sometimes I can look into the mirror for ages and admire myself haha. Although, I think by being exhuberant and free is kind of a way I show love for my inner self.

Where do you feel you belong?
I feel I belong in the United States of America. (although generally anywhere where people are friendly, openminded and hospitable.)

What was the last risk you took?
The last risk I took was when I got into a great University with a well recognized psychology program but I denied my place because I want to become a doctor (-psychiatrist).

How do you usually show trust in others?
I show trust in others by being myself, although in a deeper sense by opening up about my fears, anxieties and issues.

How do you usually show trust in yourself?
I show trust in myself by accepting that I have intuitions and feelings ^^

First of all, I commend you for being aware of these questions. :) My mother who has PTSD has probably answered these questions a number of times.
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How do you usually show love for others?
I usually show them I like them by spending time with them. It's hard to give compliments because I'm always afraid they sound fake.

How do you usually show love for yourself?
Keeping my body healthy.

Where do you feel you belong?
In a dark caf
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How do you usually show love for others?
By neither smothering nor ignoring them, but supporting them gently from a distance. Hugging also works.

How do you usually show love for yourself?
By not allowing others to take advantage of me, or push me as far as they would like to. Stopping others and myself from tiring me out.

Where do you feel you belong?
With my family and friends. Where ever they are, I should be and I'm happy there.

What was the last risk you took?
Spending a lot of money on something not related to my future, but for my own personal enjoyment (that was a hard decision ^^").

How do you usually show trust in others?
By not controlling them or interfering in their lives beyond a certain point (showing interest in them).

How do you usually show trust in yourself?
By believing in myself and believing that I can accomplish things on my own without help.
How do you usually show love for others?
I try to spend time with them, make them feel comfortable about who they are, be honest with them and give them my support. I'll be loyal, and be there for them when they need me.

How do you usually show love for yourself?
By giving myself time to recover when I need it and allowing myself to do the things that I like. By trying to forgive myself for the mistakes I have made.

Where do you feel you belong?
In the company of people that I have something in common with. Easier said than done.

What was the last risk you took?
Handing in my master's thesis that actually wasn't finished at the time and that had a major mistake in it, but I didn't have the time to correct it. They didn't notice..

How do you usually show trust in others?
However difficult for me, I will share things about myself, mostly things that I am unsure of.

How do you usually show trust in yourself?
Like others have already said: I try to rely on my intuition and feelings, as I trust that they will lead me in the right direction. I'm trying to believe in myself and in what I'm capable of.