The Terrifying Trump

Who witnessed you stand up and say no way, this forum? Good job.
Good to hear from you again. Its been a while. Like a long lost twinge in the neck that has returned. :)
The people who will listen or...more so the people I feel are worthy of my time. Also when the time comes to take up arms and defend the United States constitution I will be there. Unless of course I am to old.
What does it say about our society where we have criminal Clinton and ass tard Trump as options?
What does it say about all of us who have not stood up and said no fucking way!
Well we are only supposed to vote and then live with it. We should never take action beyond that.
What does it say about our society where we have criminal Clinton and ass tard Trump as options?
What does it say about all of us who have not stood up and said no fucking way!

It says the system is broken and doesn’t represent the people.
^^^ As was pointed out would be nice to vote for an independent candidate, green party, libertarians, etc.
But the stakes are now much higher.
I agree they both suck balls, but considering Trump’s choices so far for his cabinet - it is very frightening.
Also, I know you like to read Brietbart’s, and have quoted stories by his website...but he never was, and certainly isn’t now - unbiased, and has in fact been gunning for Trump to win all along (especially now that he’s running his campaign)
Then we have former Fox news rapist Roger Alies prepping Trump for debates - again, very unbiased news source.
His Economic team has NO Economists on it at all....just Wall St. vultures and assclowns.
His pick for VP is the absolute worst person you could possibly pick.
Say goodbye to any separation of church and state.
Trump has yet to lay out any real plans or solutions - all he can say to the African-American community is - “What have you got to lose?”
That’s not a’s fear-mongering for votes.
There is a LOT to lose actually...I think they both suck, both for different reasons.
It’s now a matter of who is going to do the least amount of damage to the nation.
If Trump had anything other than an economic plan that will repeal the estate tax and continue funneling money away from the working-class then maybe he would have more people on his side...but he just talks about how he’s going to fix all this shit with zero details or hints of plans as to how he is going to go about doing any of it. (Just that he alone can fix it)
And the purposeful delay/obstructionism going on in Congress isn’t going to fly for long either.
The Rep. party is going down in flames...(^^^see above letter by Republicans asking to withdraw any money being diverted to Trump’s losing campaign and instead focus on local and Congressional elections.
He doesn’t have the support of Hispanics, African-americans, most women, LGBQT, most if not all unions and many more that he has frankly insulted and flapped his mouth at - including many in the party he is representing.

What does it say about our politicians and election process when the people don’t pick the candidates running?

Trump is going to solidly lose if the numbers continue they way they one has been down by this much ever at this point in time in the race and won.

I would have voted Bernie...but he was shut then I was looking at Jill Stein for the Green Party, but then Trump's choice of VP and cabinet have forced my hand to vote for that other idiot...hell, I would have even been okay with Trump if he hadn’t picked Pence and wasn’t so blatantly insulting to so many groups of people - very undiplomatic and unpresidential.
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How about you do that and I will tell you in one sentence why you are wrong without considering your view?

Sounds like a good plan.
Count me in.
I wonder what Colin Kaepernick would do...
Was a Trump Server Communicating With Russia?
In late July, one of these scientists—who asked to be referred to as Tea Leaves, a pseudonym that would protect his relationship with the networks and banks that employ him to sift their data—found what looked like malware emanating from Russia. The destination domain had Trump in its name, which of course attracted Tea Leaves’ attention. But his discovery of the data was pure happenstance—a surprising needle in a large haystack of DNS lookups on his screen. “I have an outlier here that connects to Russia in a strange way,” he wrote in his notes. He couldn’t quite figure it out at first. But what he saw was a bank in Moscow that kept irregularly pinging a server registered to the Trump Organization on Fifth Avenue.
but that's cool because hillary clinton is the most corrupt politician ever
It says the system is broken and doesn’t represent the people.
^^^ As was pointed out would be nice to vote for an independent candidate, green party, libertarians, etc.
But the stakes are now much higher.
I agree they both suck balls, but considering Trump’s choices so far for his cabinet - it is very frightening.
Also, I know you like to read Brietbart’s, and have quoted stories by his website...but he never was, and certainly isn’t now - unbiased, and has in fact been gunning for Trump to win all along (especially now that he’s running his campaign)
Then we have former Fox news rapist Roger Alies prepping Trump for debates - again, very unbiased news source.
His Economic team has NO Economists on it at all....just Wall St. vultures and assclowns.
His pick for VP is the absolute worst person you could possibly pick.
Say goodbye to any separation of church and state.
Trump has yet to lay out any real plans or solutions - all he can say to the African-American community is - “What have you got to lose?”
That’s not a’s fear-mongering for votes.
There is a LOT to lose actually...I think they both suck, both for different reasons.
It’s now a matter of who is going to do the least amount of damage to the nation.
If Trump had anything other than an economic plan that will repeal the estate tax and continue funneling money away from the working-class then maybe he would have more people on his side...but he just talks about how he’s going to fix all this shit with zero details or hints of plans as to how he is going to go about doing any of it. (Just that he alone can fix it)
And the purposeful delay/obstructionism going on in Congress isn’t going to fly for long either.
The Rep. party is going down in flames...(^^^see above letter by Republicans asking to withdraw any money being diverted to Trump’s losing campaign and instead focus on local and Congressional elections.
He doesn’t have the support of Hispanics, African-americans, most women, LGBQT, most if not all unions and many more that he has frankly insulted and flapped his mouth at - including many in the party he is representing.

What does it say about our politicians and election process when the people don’t pick the candidates running?

Trump is going to solidly lose if the numbers continue they way they one has been down by this much ever at this point in time in the race and won.

I would have voted Bernie...but he was shut then I was looking at Jill Stein for the Green Party, but then Trump's choice of VP and cabinet have forced my hand to vote for that other idiot...hell, I would have even been okay with Trump if he hadn’t picked Pence and wasn’t so blatantly insulting to so many groups of people - very undiplomatic and unpresidential.

When will the stakes be low enough to vote for independent? What a great way for those in power to keep you voting for one of their puppets - just make sure two insane nut jobs are on the ballot.
When will the stakes be low enough to vote for independent? What a great way for those in power to keep you voting for one of their puppets - just make sure two insane nut jobs are on the ballot.

That’s why it’s important for people to vote for their local and state representatives and to vote on ballot measures that actually CAN make a difference.
I agree with your assessment of the shit that gets pulled to keep those in power in power.

Presidential race aside...there are many ways to impact your life and the lives of those around you for the better, but it involves people getting involved and being less apathetic and more resolute that they haven’t necessarily lost before ever beginning.
Start a petition, if enough people etc etc etc.

I am making sure that I vote “Yes” here in WA state on Initiative Measure No. 735 -
Which is a step in dismantling Citizen’s United and says that money does not equal free speech, that corporations are not people.

That is the main reason this election is the shit show that it is.
It may not fix the whole issue, but it’s good start.

Not only that but Trump still hasn’t released his tax returns, he could be leveraged by China and Russia if he owes them big loans.
Not to mention that his former advisors now are under investigation for his ties and big loans from Russia.

I could never vote for Mike Pence, he has disregarded the separation of church and state and has tried at every turn to impose his own theocracy and religious views regardless of how many people he disenfranchises, ostracizes, and isolates those who’s religious views and values don’t match his own.
Fuck that all they way to hell.
He can take his religious hatred under the thinly-veiled guise of “religious freedom” and shove it. have the “religious freedom” to hate and discriminate...but don’t even try to legislate that load of diarrhea.

Trump is a moron, plain a simple...if he wasn’t born rich, he would be managing a Starbucks...he should be living in a cardboard box with all the bankruptcies...but our excellent tax system full of loopholes put in place and paid for by lobbyists hired by people like him keep him in his gaudy gold tower.

But we can only speculate because we don’t know if he’s paid anything in taxes at all...which is the second thing that needs to be addressed and fixed - the tax burden has fallen on the middle/working class on down while the rich pay jack shit on the money they actually claim and isn’t in some offshore tax-haven.
My guess is...based on his response of it making him “Smart”, that he hasn’t contributed to the society that doesn’t directly benefit him personally somehow, or improve his bottom line - period.
The rest of us pay our taxes or go to jail...and then you have folks saying - “Well wouldn’t you pay nothing if you could?”
Of course...that’s because I’m not a millionaire or a billionaire...for someone making such huge sums of money to contribute nothing and in many cases get tax money returned + some...the point being, they should pay their fair share like everyone else...the laws are biased, crooked and poorly written (or well written depending on your viewpoint), and are set up to benefit those who do not need the extra benefits while those who could really use them are told that our government just doesn’t have the funding.
That’s BS.
That’s why it’s important for people to vote for their local and state representatives and to vote on ballot measures that actually CAN make a difference.
I agree with your assessment of the shit that gets pulled to keep those in power in power.

Presidential race aside...there are many ways to impact your life and the lives of those around you for the better, but it involves people getting involved and being less apathetic and more resolute that they haven’t necessarily lost before ever beginning.
Start a petition, if enough people etc etc etc.

I am making sure that I vote “Yes” here in WA state on Initiative Measure No. 735 -
Which is a step in dismantling Citizen’s United and says that money does not equal free speech, that corporations are not people.

That is the main reason this election is the shit show that it is.
It may not fix the whole issue, but it’s good start.

Not only that but Trump still hasn’t released his tax returns, he could be leveraged by China and Russia if he owes them big loans.
Not to mention that his former advisors now are under investigation for his ties and big loans from Russia.

I could never vote for Mike Pence, he has disregarded the separation of church and state and has tried at every turn to impose his own theocracy and religious views regardless of how many people he disenfranchises, ostracizes, and isolates those who’s religious views and values don’t match his own.
Fuck that all they way to hell.
He can take his religious hatred under the thinly-veiled guise of “religious freedom” and shove it. have the “religious freedom” to hate and discriminate...but don’t even try to legislate that load of diarrhea.

Trump is a moron, plain a simple...if he wasn’t born rich, he would be managing a Starbucks...he should be living in a cardboard box with all the bankruptcies...but our excellent tax system full of loopholes put in place and paid for by lobbyists hired by people like him keep him in his gaudy gold tower.

But we can only speculate because we don’t know if he’s paid anything in taxes at all...which is the second thing that needs to be addressed and fixed - the tax burden has fallen on the middle/working class on down while the rich pay jack shit on the money they actually claim and isn’t in some offshore tax-haven.
My guess is...based on his response of it making him “Smart”, that he hasn’t contributed to the society that doesn’t directly benefit him personally somehow, or improve his bottom line - period.
The rest of us pay our taxes or go to jail...and then you have folks saying - “Well wouldn’t you pay nothing if you could?”
Of course...that’s because I’m not a millionaire or a billionaire...for someone making such huge sums of money to contribute nothing and in many cases get tax money returned + some...the point being, they should pay their fair share like everyone else...the laws are biased, crooked and poorly written (or well written depending on your viewpoint), and are set up to benefit those who do not need the extra benefits while those who could really use them are told that our government just doesn’t have the funding.
That’s BS.

So you will never be able to vote for a better choice then. How is any of what you said a solution?

I do want to mention that I agree with some parts of your post, although I'm not responding directly to them as they are not really relevant to my question.
So you will never be able to vote for a better choice then. How is any of what you said a solution?

I do want to mention that I agree with some parts of your post, although I'm not responding directly to them as they are not really relevant to my question.

It appears that in this election cycle of the Presidential race people have little sway no matter how they vote, unless there is a concerted mass push for another third party candidate.
So, my answer there has superseded the votes and democracy of the people on this one.
That is why I stress that it is important to vote for the other representatives and initiatives for your more immediate local/state government.
That’s why we should all take a good look at who is representing us in Washington....people should educate themselves and vote out the incumbents who have been acting as obstructionists and have voted with their donors, not with the people who voted them in.
And though we have to wait to vote for the rest of Congress, there is still much that can be done.
Tbh...personally, I could never vote for a Trump/Pence Presidency if only for the very few policies and “plans” he has released (not that he doesn’t change his mind every week). The illegal stalling of the Supreme Court nomination by the exactly that, unjust and full of shit.
I could never vote for someone who would elect those to the SCOTUS who a Trump/Pence ticket would...and I disagree with his plan to immediately dismantle the “Affordable Care Act” and replace it with something "Yuge and way better”...all while spending what is estimated to be the most expensive public works project ever - The Wall...which is logistically impossible...building it up while we are rounding up illegal immigrants to load onto buses and trains or whatever. Are we going to sweep for illegals at schools, workplaces, should they fear seeking healthcare when their life or that of their child hangs in the balance because immigration might nab them as we deport 11 Million people...which is much more fiscally responsible than creating a legal and wise pathway to citizenship (one sounds much more expensive to me, not to mention dehumanizing and racist) where we can “Vet” people properly.
The sweeping ban on Muslims entering our country is stupid, plain and simple.
Not to mention racist.

No, our healthcare isn’t sustainable, which is exactly why we need a public option that circumvents the insurance companies who, along with Hospitals, Big Pharma, and certain Doctors...have not controlled the costs, which was the initial intention of such managed care - but we have seen healthcare become the most expensive in the world, with our ratings around 37th in terms of care and outcome.
Just like how we have the most people in prison - in the whole world.
The same goes for college...if we better educate our nation it benefits our economy and us all as a society.
But it’s ridiculously expensive now...are the teachers getting that money? Hell no. It’s all administrative costs.
Just like hospitals...not paid to the workers...administrative costs.
Administrative costs = our asses being fleeced.
It’s all about how we wish to see our taxes spent...that is what it all boils down to.
Our military spends more than the next ten world powers combined...we have a frugal estimate that there is $21 Trillion in untaxed monies sitting in offshore accounts.
We have companies like GE and Shell and Apple who pay jack shit in taxes...the very taxes that keep this country running...and yet, year after year...the GOP votes to increase military funding while cutting back on any and all social programs, including those that benefit our Veterans.

We have to do the work by our votes and pushes for initiative, laws, etc.
We need to void Citizen’s United as it is the main causation for the shit show of Hillary/Trump and the degradation of our democratic(?) system.
So to answer your question...this time around, at least as far as the Presidential race is concerned, imho we are damned if we do, and damned if we don’t.
But there are other folks and laws, etc. that will make an impact and should be paid attention to and voted on.
If you don’t vote in local elections or when ballot measures come up, then you cannot effect any significant change (unless you go out and try to do it yourself).

More black men are behind bars or under the watch of the criminal justice system than there were enslaved in 1850, according to the author of a book about racial discrimination and criminal justice.

Ohio State University law professor and civil rights activist Michelle Alexander highlighted the troubling statistic while speaking in front of an audience at the Pasadena Branch of the American Civil Liberties Union, Elev8 reports.

Alexander, the author of “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness,” reportedly claimed there are more African American men in prison and jail, or on probation and parole, than were slaves before the start of the Civil War.

More than 846,000 black men were incarcerated in 2008, according to U.S. Bureau of Justice estimates reported by NewsOne. African Americans make up 13.6 percent of the U.S. population according to census data, but black men reportedly make up 40.2 percent of all prison inmates.
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