Hillary has at least adopted some of Bernie’s platform (who I supported).
@invisible summed why I don’t like Trump quite eloquently.
I also don’t think he has the temperament to hold the position.
All I need to do is look at who Trump is surrounding himself with to be his VP and his cabinet to believe imo (because we are all entitled to have a different one) that he is going to be far more dangerous for the US as a nation.
As much as Obamacare sucks, it saved my life when my insurance from my job doing open heart surgery dropped me.
I hope we reach a point where we have a single payer system, Trump is not going to do that...if anything he is going to help dismantle what is actually working for some who really need it.
His VP Mike Pence is one of the most religious conservatives out there in politics - I don’t like mine mixed together...his entire career has been spent passing bills to disenfranchise the LGBQT community, he would certainly influence the next Supreme Court Judge (who’s appointment is being illegally stalled by our Congress I might add), and Trump has already said he would push to make abortion illegal in the US - even saying that a woman seeking a “back-alley abortion” (which is sad and dangerous), should have some sort of punishment for doing so.
Other than that his economic team has no Economists on it at all...only Wall St. vultures and oil barons, hedge fund mangers, etc.
That’s just stupid.
The plan they have released doesn’t close any of the tax loopholes that the Hillary camp has been forced to adopt thanks again to Bernie..it instead continues down the current unsustainable road of funneling all new wealth to the hoarders at the top.
Republican’s have a consistent record of cutting social programs in favor of more military spending - that doesn’t sit well with me.
Trump is an incompetent “businessman/reality TV star”, who has destroyed thousands of jobs and pensions of people working under him over the years as he hid behind bankruptcies and laws specifically written to protect the rich (hmmm...wonder who wrote those?), otherwise he would be living in a cardboard box under a bridge yelling at people about how he’s so smart.
So even with Trump not even in the picture...they have very little as far as actual “plans” you can go look at.
Their economic “plan” written by vultures does what you would expect such people’s plan to do.
And I basically don’t support the extreme right that the Republican party has taken...Ronnie for all his faults and fuckery of the nation and abroad was totally down for rational gun control - which is again, something that 80%something of the nation supports having better gun control measures in place, but our Congress votes with the lobbyists and the NRA has even gotten Congress to gut all funding to even study gun violence.
There is a lot of shit I don’t like about Hillary...I think she bought her way to the position she is in just like Trump thanks to our retarded SCOTUS and Citizen’s United - which has to go.
I think the election will hopefully be that wake-up call that that is unacceptable and teetering on the edge of no more democracy.
As much as she may have done I still support the Democratic party based on Progressive principals as opposed to right-wing conservative theocracy.
They are both shills for Wall St.
So that is how you vote for the smaller piece of shit. (I would vote Jill Stein but it would be a wasted vote that Trump would take).