From other forums, I have come to the understanding that INFJs and INFPs have a unique ability that sets them apart from all the other types. They can feel via their intuition and feeling, what others are thinking. Both types also possess the abiity to see multiple sides to every issue and the ability to sense underlying patterns of behavior.
When these abilities are combined and focused outwardly, as they are in INFJs, the result is an ability to predict what an individual is thinking, and where those thoughts will probably lead them. To some people this appears to be a psychic ability to fortell the future.
INFPs focus their abilities inward, and unlock an infinite depth of feeling. To some people this appears to be an ability to act as the perfect catalyst to others; to transform other people's perceptoins, without ever changing themselves.
Either way, INFJs and INFPs are bound to feel a lot of misery as these abilities are not without consequence. First, it's obviously very difficult to explain to others how you can know what they are thinking, or how you know how those thoughts will affect their behavior in the future, when those ideas are arrived at almost entirely by intution and feeling. Second, these abilities often drain the energy of both types, and can lead to paranoia or depression. An inherent ability to know the unfiltered judgements of others towards yourself, to automatically know when people are bullshitting or lying, sensing when others are acting thoughtlessly for their own selfish purposes, knowing when people are trying to use you to satisfy their own ego, and feeling the apathy and lack of care people have toward things that are important, could drive just about anyone insane. For that reason, it's important to always remember the good of human beings, and to retreat when being bombarded with attempts to manipulate or decieve.
Does all that sound about right?
When these abilities are combined and focused outwardly, as they are in INFJs, the result is an ability to predict what an individual is thinking, and where those thoughts will probably lead them. To some people this appears to be a psychic ability to fortell the future.
INFPs focus their abilities inward, and unlock an infinite depth of feeling. To some people this appears to be an ability to act as the perfect catalyst to others; to transform other people's perceptoins, without ever changing themselves.
Either way, INFJs and INFPs are bound to feel a lot of misery as these abilities are not without consequence. First, it's obviously very difficult to explain to others how you can know what they are thinking, or how you know how those thoughts will affect their behavior in the future, when those ideas are arrived at almost entirely by intution and feeling. Second, these abilities often drain the energy of both types, and can lead to paranoia or depression. An inherent ability to know the unfiltered judgements of others towards yourself, to automatically know when people are bullshitting or lying, sensing when others are acting thoughtlessly for their own selfish purposes, knowing when people are trying to use you to satisfy their own ego, and feeling the apathy and lack of care people have toward things that are important, could drive just about anyone insane. For that reason, it's important to always remember the good of human beings, and to retreat when being bombarded with attempts to manipulate or decieve.
Does all that sound about right?