The Path Test


Community Member
Here are the game
1. You are walking down a PATH. Describe it.
It’s in a forest. There’s hard dirt floor beneath me and green leaves with sunlight filtering through above me.

2. Alongside of the path are some TREES. What are they like?
Most of them are tall oak and maple trees; only a few are saplings. They all have numerous branches sprouting many green leaves. Some of the trees have thick trunks and others have thin. Once in while, there’s a tree with dark green moss on the base and up the sides.

3. As you are walking along this path, you see a BEAR. What do you do?
Is it a grizzly or a panda? Either way, I’d probably freeze and stare at it in wonder before slowly and quietly walking away in the other direction. The only difference is that if it were a grizzly, I’d feel fearful while doing that, and stare at it for less time.

4. After you've dealt with the bear, you continue on and find a HOUSE. Describe what this house looks like.
It’s in a forest clearing full of short, lush grass. The home is a large, clean Victorian with bay windows that have the panes open to let in the air and sunshine. There are balconies on the upper floor. A long, narrow path leads up to French doors with golden handles.

5. You go into the house and into one of the INSIDE rooms. Describe what you find there.
The room is square-shaped, and large and spacious with a polished oak floor. Across from the doorway are huge windows with their floor-length, green velvet drapes drawn back to let in sunshine. Beside the doorway is a matching pair of comfortable green couches with many fluffy pillows. On the left side of the room is a polished mahogany piano with blue cushions on the pianist’s bench. On the right side of the room are cherry wood bookcases full of neatly-organised, leather-bound books. Between the bookcases is a bay window with blue cushions that have indentations like someone was sitting there recently.

6. You exit the house, and see a body of WATER. Describe it.
It’s a small, constantly-moving brook with water so clear that it’s easy to see the smooth rocks in different shades of brown at the bottom. The water makes babbling sounds as it goes over the rocks, and every so often there’s a larger rock that makes the water spill over it like a tiny waterfall.

7. To one side of you there is a WALL. Describe it.
It’s made of grey granite and is taller than me. The stone is almost as thick as the length of my hand. The very bottom of the wall is caked with moist dirt, but the rest of it sparkles in the sunlight (granite does that). Flying yellow birds land briefly on the top of the wall before flying away.

8. You look on the OTHERSIDE of the wall, and what do you see?
Children in old-fashioned clothing, presumably from the house, are running through a field of colourful wildflowers. Behind the children and the meadow is more of the verdant forest that I came through to get here.

My reaction:
That was fun to do! I find the “friends” and “how you really are” parts to be extremely accurate. :D I think it’s hilarious how conservative and pure my sex life wound up sounding, especially since it’s true thus far, and that I inadvertently wrote the most for describing what I’m truly like!

I doubt that other people view me as a sophisticated Victorian mansion, but it would be nice if they did! LOL I’m not sure about the accuracy of the other parts, but if they’re true, then my death and afterlife don’t sound too bad. :)
Here are the game’s questions, and AFTER you answer them you can look at the key to see what the capitalised words in the inquiries represent. You can write as much or as little as you want for each question.

1. You are walking down a PATH. Describe it.
Concrete. Curvy.

2. Alongside of the path are some TREES. What are they like?
Pine trees. Duh.

3. As you are walking along this path, you see a BEAR. What do you do?
Well how close is the bear? What type of bear is it? Am I covered in honey? If the answer to the last question is no, I'd probably do nothing.

4. After you've dealt with the bear, you continue on and find a HOUSE. Describe what this house looks like.
It's a little cottage that's falling apart.

5. You go into the house and into one of the INSIDE rooms. Describe what you find there.
There's one table and a bookshelf/
6. I accidently deleted it. heh.
It's a reflective lake.
7. To one side of you there is a WALL. Describe it.
Uhhh why the fuck is there a wall near the cottage and the lake? Okay, fine, it's a red brick wall that some idiot built there. I suppose they were going to build a house but they never finished it.
8. You look on the OTHERSIDE of the wall, and what do you see?
Grass....and the cottage, and the lake. Nothing real different.

So my path is concrete and curvy, my friends are pinetrees, how I deal with my problems is I ignore them if I'm not covered in honey, people see me as a little cottage which is my dream house, and I'm really just a table and a bookshelf, and my sex life is a lake, and my death is a wall that shouldn't be there and it's brick and red and some idiot built it there and never finished it. So god's an idiot now, eh? damn straight. Oh and the otherside isn't anything really different than the cottage, grass, and the lake.
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PATH= your future
A narrow mud-path. O_o

TREES= you friends
Bushy and pretty.

BEAR= how you deal with problems
Wait for it to go away while hiding.

HOUSE= how others see you
A little red-brick cottage with a rose garden.

INSIDE= how you really are
A fancy table with a lace cloth over it. In the centre is a glass vase filled with wildflowers. Along the walls are bookshelves with books and fine china on. Light are filtering through thin, white lace curtains.

WATER= sex life
A clear puddle.

WALL= death
An impossibly tall wooden fence.

OTHERSIDE= afterlife
Loads and loads of endless trees.

XD That's interesting to interpret.
well, I want to educate people on the use of "Remove Text Formatting" to ebb this habit.
1. You are walking down a PATH. Describe it.

The path is small and rocky. The ground is also moist with mud. And I can hear the babbling of water somewhere in the distance.

2. Alongside of the path are some TREES. What are they like?
Weeping willows and evergreens. The willows curtsy like ladies in dresses of mint green satin.

3. As you are walking along this path, you see a BEAR. What do you do?
Make a loud noise, try to hit it on the nose if it approached and try to protect my head if I can

4. After you've dealt with the bear, you continue on and find a HOUSE. Describe what this house looks like.
It looks like a funky cottage out of a fairytale. There is a little well in front and shutters on the windows. The door is red and the shutters are periwinkle blue to match the trim. There are graceful trees in the front yard that hide the house mostly. And the path leading up are smooth wellworn stones that are placed haphazardly to the door.

5. You go into the house and into one of the INSIDE rooms. Describe what you find there.
There is a living room with a fire. It smells like wood and hot chocolate.There are large chairs and dim lamps. And a window seat. There are so many books that some sit in smalls scattered piles in the corners

6. You exit the house, and see a body of WATER. Describe it.
It’s a pond full of Koi. The surface of the water is calm besides small ripples that come sporadically like hiccups.

7. To one side of you there is a WALL. Describe it.

Its too tall for me to climb. Its made of red brick and covered with witty vulgar graffiti. But I think there might be a hole I can squeeze through.

8. You look on the OTHERSIDE of the wall, and what do you see?

The sun is shining and everyone is dancing with smiles on their faces dressed in colors like flowers and beetles. It looks like a dream but I can’t quite reach it.
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Man, yours come out depressing. Weeping willows?!

You're friends are saddddd
Here are the game’s questions, and AFTER you answer them you can look at the key to see what the capitalised words in the inquiries represent. You can write as much or as little as you want for each question.

1. You are walking down a PATH. Describe it.
A grey-paved litter filled sidewalk right in the heart of a busy city. I'm walking to work. There is a drunk man munching on a ginger snap and a few shoddy looking people gambling with cards in the alley beside.

2. Alongside of the path are some TREES. What are they like?
The usual species the city plants. Tall, slightly worn and sad looking; the city board didn't send anyone to prune them for a few months. They talk really slowly though.

3. As you are walking along this path, you see a BEAR. What do you do?
I take out my handgun and bring it down with a headshot.

4. After you've dealt with the bear, you continue on and find a HOUSE. Describe what this house looks like.
Boring grey and marble white, like the rest of the houses in the entire neighbourhood. Lined up in neat rows, all uniform, the architectural style looks rather modern though.

5. You go into the house and into one of the INSIDE rooms. Describe what you find there.
Dusty place. The lace curtains are drawn, leaving the last rays of down to fall on a well-maintained grand piano. Beneath the piano is a furry white rug, presumably, 20 dollars from a local IKEA store. A cockroach scurries across the parquet floor, in search of a hidey hole.

6. You exit the house, and see a body of WATER. Describe it.
A slow meandering river that snakes right through the city, and leads to the sea.

7. To one side of you there is a WALL. Describe it.
A brick wall

8. You look on the OTHERSIDE of the wall, and what do you see?
Open country. A Weathered dusty road, clear blue azure skies and an endless horizon.

Wow, looks like I have a pretty sad life. Dammit.
1. You are walking down a PATH. Describe it.
Soft vibrant soil. It's pretty wide, and lined with very old trees that hang over and form a canopy.

2. Alongside of the path are some TREES. What are they like?
Ah yes. Trees. Some are ancient and fat and gnarled and more in the background. Those right beside the path are tall and thin healthy sapplings. Also there's a bit of birch thrown in there.

3. As you are walking along this path, you see a BEAR. What do you do?

Let it sniff me and sniff it in return.

4. After you've dealt with the bear, you continue on and find a HOUSE. Describe what this house looks like.
Small craftily hand built wood cabin, painted red. Large veranda. Lots of tools and hand made chairs in the yard. A big fire pit with beer bottles on the ground. The chairs look like someone had just stepped away from them.

5. You go into the house and into one of the INSIDE rooms. Describe what you find there.
Dogs lounging on cushy chairs mugs of tea and coffee on the table. Lots of colored glass lining window sills. Floor to ceiling bookshelves lined with volumes.

6. You exit the house, and see a body of WATER. Describe it.

A well hidden lake through a thicket of woods.

7. To one side of you there is a WALL. Describe it.

I'm thinking, wtf is this wall doing here? (Cuz I'm not in the house anymore.)

8. You look on the OTHERSIDE of the wall, and what do you see?

And now...

PATH= your future
TREES= you friends
BEAR= how you deal with problems
HOUSE= how others see you
INSIDE= how you really are
WATER= sex life
WALL= death
OTHERSIDE= afterlife

..I guess.
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Oooh! This sounds like fun. :)

1. You are walking down a PATH. Describe it.

It's made of cobble-stone, rather wide (probably could fit three or four people walking shoulder-to-shoulder) and it winds throughout a city park. The path is a bit wet, because it has rained recently.

2. Alongside of the path are some TREES. What are they like?

They're really tall, and their leaves are a really lush, light green. Their trunks are pretty thick. I think they might be some sort of Maple tree.

3. As you are walking along this path, you see a BEAR. What do you do?

I stop walking, and stay perfectly still for a minute. Then I slowly start to walk backwards, and look for an alternative path around him.

4. After you've dealt with the bear, you continue on and find a HOUSE. Describe what this house looks like.

It's a taupe-brick, Victorian style mansion, with lots of lush green vines creeping down the walls. The windows are all bay windows, and the front door has double doors that are a rich chocolate colour. There's a cast-iron gate at the base of a long, long driveway that's smooth and charcoal-coloured, like freshly set pavement. There's acres and acres of perfectly manicured lawns with an elegant flower garden.

5. You go into the house and into one of the INSIDE rooms. Describe what you find there.

The fireplace is the focal point of the room. It's got a mirror above the mantel and a cherry-wood mantel clock with a gold face. There's a fire that's crackling merrily, throwing warm, gold light onto the room. There's a huge window with a view outside, and it has burgundy draperies; a huge, mahogany desk with a black leather desk chair and decorative desk lamp are positioned about a meter away from this same window. The rest of the room has two walls that are completely lined by matching mahogany shelving, and so many books with colorful, leather-bound spines and gold print. A love seat and a futon occupy the centre of the room, with a circular, persian throw-rug. One of the walls has a huge, sapia-coloured world map.

6. You exit the house, and see a body of WATER. Describe it.
It's a wide river bay, and it's waters are crystal blue. It disappears around a bend, obscured by the hundreds of trees that hug its shoreline. There's a floating dock in the middle of it where kids could climb up and jump off if they wish.

7. To one side of you there is a WALL. Describe it.

It's a very old and dusty brick wall, and it is crumbling. Half of it looks like someone might have taken a very big bite out of it. It looks abandoned and unkept.

8. You look on the OTHERSIDE of the wall, and what do you see?

A green field, where people are riding horses. A little further on, there's the outskirts of a very large, sprawling green forest that seems to be crawling up a mountain top. The peak of the mountain is a light violet. [/quote]

(No cheating! Don’t look until you’ve answered!)

PATH= your future
TREES= you friends
BEAR= how you deal with problems
HOUSE= how others see you
INSIDE= how you really are
WATER= sex life
WALL= death
OTHERSIDE= afterlife

Hmm... I don't know about this. This is going to take some analysis that I just don't feel like doing right now.
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I would like to comment on how almost all of our houses seem to be just lived in. there's no one ever there, but it has clear evidence of life.
its because we're idealist introverts. We don't like people being there, but we almost enjoy having them nearby, or at least knowing they're there.
1. Nighttime—moonlight shining…tree branches slightly protruding into the path…wooded and a bit pebbly
2. Dark emerald fir trees, very textured
3. Holy crap! Why aren’t you hibernating? I lie on the ground….maybe it will sniff me and not freak out…or get bored.
4. Thatch roof, chimney…shutters. Lots of ivy
5. Wth, why is it empty? It has a nice quilt and pillow, but it’s a bit stale and dusty. I see a bedside table with a creeky drawer….some matches to light the candle. Wth wth ?
6. Awesome forceful river….looks fast, potentially deadly. Most likely leads to some magnificent cascade
7. It is of tall tan brick. A hawk calls out warning caw on it’s crest. Forboding. Has penants down it. This is what I get for watching avatar all evening…
8. A prosperous and cozy village. People everywhere…selling things….kids playing…

Well now I know it's not going to be too bad waiting b/c my sex life will be intense, passionate, and that's just groovy.:m2:

But am I really a stale, dusty old house?? NOooooooooooooooooooooo

True enough for me. I like people, but don't want them around me usually.
Wow, that's a very interesting observation.