Here are the game’s questions, and AFTER you answer them you can look at the key to see what the capitalised words in the inquiries represent. You can write as much or as little as you want for each question.
1. You are walking down a PATH. Describe it.
Concrete. Curvy.
2. Alongside of the path are some TREES. What are they like?
Pine trees. Duh.
3. As you are walking along this path, you see a BEAR. What do you do?
Well how close is the bear? What type of bear is it? Am I covered in honey? If the answer to the last question is no, I'd probably do nothing.
4. After you've dealt with the bear, you continue on and find a HOUSE. Describe what this house looks like.
It's a little cottage that's falling apart.
5. You go into the house and into one of the INSIDE rooms. Describe what you find there.
There's one table and a bookshelf/
6. I accidently deleted it. heh.
It's a reflective lake.
7. To one side of you there is a WALL. Describe it.
Uhhh why the fuck is there a wall near the cottage and the lake? Okay, fine, it's a red brick wall that some idiot built there. I suppose they were going to build a house but they never finished it.
8. You look on the OTHERSIDE of the wall, and what do you see?
Grass....and the cottage, and the lake. Nothing real different.
So my path is concrete and curvy, my friends are pinetrees, how I deal with my problems is I ignore them if I'm not covered in honey, people see me as a little cottage which is my dream house, and I'm really just a table and a bookshelf, and my sex life is a lake, and my death is a wall that shouldn't be there and it's brick and red and some idiot built it there and never finished it. So god's an idiot now, eh? damn straight. Oh and the otherside isn't anything really different than the cottage, grass, and the lake.