The Internet Hive Mind


Not Afraid to Use His Beard
This is sparked by Indigo's "Energy" thread. These are thoughts that I had while reading that thread; thoughts that were touched upon by one poster. Many of us sense changes coming, although not the how or why exactly. One theory I would like to propose is that the internet is actually allowing humans to function, on a very primative scale, as a hive mind. It is allowing us to move more as one with a purpose. In a way, we are reading each others thoughts more than we ever have. Before, you had to really be a writer to get your thoughts out there. Now anyone can post on the net or create a blog.

Is this primative hive mind fueling the changes we feel are coming?
Not only that, we also have more exposure to other people's inner feelings... from all around the globe. Empathy(or the lack thereof) is morphing at a rapid pace.
interesting, I always thought that by advancing we were actually regressing in some ways...

this also affects us physically, we are heavier, we have more posture problems...(more look like Neanderthals because of scoliosis)
Yes, I agree it (the internet) does affect us physically. But I am looking more at the emotional, socialogical, and spirital aspects here. Like with people themselves, there is a lot of bad, usless, evil crap on the 'net. But it is bringing like minds together (INFJ's?) as well as allowing others to experience things they never could before. It's uncharted territory--and super-interesting fodder for thought.
Not only that, we also have more exposure to other people's inner feelings... from all around the globe. Empathy(or the lack thereof) is morphing at a rapid pace.

Agree. And i think this has some very interesting consequences which have never really been theorized before. It's new territory that needs to be discussed, the sense of how we are affected when our minds are linked in this community network online, and how our consciousness develops and is affected because by it. I think it leads to greater self-awareness and a better understanding of motives, feelings, etc. But it increases our sensitivity. Very interesting.
Yes, I agree it (the internet) does affect us physically. But I am looking more at the emotional, socialogical, and spirital aspects here. Like with people themselves, there is a lot of bad, usless, evil crap on the 'net. But it is bringing like minds together (INFJ's?) as well as allowing others to experience things they never could before. It's uncharted territory--and super-interesting fodder for thought.
yea...I know...Ima ditz and forgot to complete my thought...:mpff:

i am too tired and foggy in the head to think beyond that...Ill come back to it I swear!
I think for all the possible benefits, that there is something inherantly false in the internet hive mind. I see a lot of "the blind leading the blind" going on, mostly because a relative minority experience is perceived to be a majority experience when it, in fact, isn't....sometimes the entire basis is extremely shakey. Such things bear watching with a cautious eye.

There have been other periods of group awareness over the past forty years....generally it all comes to nothing. It can however, trigger and encourage individual growth and the interior personal journey....that is a very sound place to focus.

We all want a messiah, a strategic change by which this old world is externally revived and renewed. But if we have learned anything it is that things are seldom what they appear on the surface...they are generally a good bit more complex. When it comes to internet hive thinking, I would look deeper, much deeper. There we might find something worth considering.
I think for all the possible benefits, that there is something inherantly false in the internet hive mind. I see a lot of "the blind leading the blind" going on, mostly because a relative minority experience is perceived to be a majority experience when it, in fact, isn't....sometimes the entire basis is extremely shakey. Such things bear watching with a cautious eye.

There have been other periods of group awareness over the past forty years....generally it all comes to nothing. It can however, trigger and encourage individual growth and the interior personal journey....that is a very sound place to focus.

We all want a messiah, a strategic change by which this old world is externally revived and renewed. But if we have learned anything it is that things are seldom what they appear on the surface...they are generally a good bit more complex. When it comes to internet hive thinking, I would look deeper, much deeper. There we might find something worth considering.

Interesting thoughts. There is certainly a lot of the blind leading the blind, both on and off the internet. And there is certainly a lot of truth in the statement that a "group awareness" type of experience can trigger intense personal growth--and that is where real change can come.

I'm not read to totally dismiss what I proposed im my OP just yet though. There is a lot of ground to cover here. Can you give some specific examples to the passages I have highlighted? Thanks!
Sure, no problem!

a relative minority experience is perceived to be a majority experience
In this case a group may appear be totally consistent in reporting on an event/occurance/opinion, so much so that the bulk of the argument seems irrefutable. However, 1) the forum provides only one refraction of the experience of each individual and 2) they are, in reality, a relatively small group talking to themselves...entire other facets of the subject in question may be completely missing because the assumptions are all shared. This is what I meant by "the blind leading the blind." The internet seldom gives us everything we really need.

When it comes to internet hive thinking, I would look deeper, much deeper. There we might find something worth considering
We love "shock and awe" experiences, we are fascinated by them...but if human experience is any indicator the process of real change is interior and very personal. This does not mean we can't learn from each other, it just means that the hard work of interior growth is still ours to undertake. I think, regardless of the input from the outside, the safest, most time-tested response is to listen and learn....time to ponder, time to draw connections. I think in many ways the messages of the cosmos are incomplete until they find a home deep within us. That is the real way forward and, if one is to exert any energy in these matters, this is always a safe bet.

Having said this, these are just my thoughts...I am no authority. I do not discount the validity of new approaches, but I do question them because I have found great value in being rooted in something more substantial than what is going on around me in the immediate present. These roots have provided a valuable place for engaging the present with some clarity and insight and perspective.
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I think the reason we "feel changes coming" is that almost everyone knows that there are problems today that need to be addressed and it is only a matter of when and how that happens. The internet does serve to raise awareness.
This is sparked by Indigo's "Energy" thread. These are thoughts that I had while reading that thread; thoughts that were touched upon by one poster. Many of us sense changes coming, although not the how or why exactly. One theory I would like to propose is that the internet is actually allowing humans to function, on a very primative scale, as a hive mind. It is allowing us to move more as one with a purpose. In a way, we are reading each others thoughts more than we ever have. Before, you had to really be a writer to get your thoughts out there. Now anyone can post on the net or create a blog.

Is this primative hive mind fueling the changes we feel are coming?

So, what kind of changes exactly we are feeling? I didn't read all the thread of IndigoSensor, but as much as I've read, people are feeling waves, bad feelings about something, they are putting articles about new mystical experience or they find old ancient papers about prophecies of changes in universe and all of them feeling something .
So, what we are feeling? can someone tell? are we (as a humanity) finally becoming one race? are we finally summarizing all the information that science discovered and now it is time to move one, to higher level of existence?
Can someone tell me, because in "energy" thread I didn't find anything exact. More abstract delusions.
I wonder, if the internet is a hive mind, who or what is its queen?
So, what kind of changes exactly we are feeling? I didn't read all the thread of IndigoSensor, but as much as I've read, people are feeling waves, bad feelings about something, they are putting articles about new mystical experience or they find old ancient papers about prophecies of changes in universe and all of them feeling something .
So, what we are feeling? can someone tell? are we (as a humanity) finally becoming one race? are we finally summarizing all the information that science discovered and now it is time to move one, to higher level of existence?
Can someone tell me, because in "energy" thread I didn't find anything exact. More abstract delusions.

WE don't know. That's the point. And from that unknown come questions. They are abstract representations, not delusions. Each of us see it differently. Just because we do not see as you do does not make us deluded.
Posted via Mobile Device
So, what kind of changes exactly we are feeling? I didn't read all the thread of IndigoSensor, but as much as I've read, people are feeling waves, bad feelings about something, they are putting articles about new mystical experience or they find old ancient papers about prophecies of changes in universe and all of them feeling something .
So, what we are feeling? can someone tell? are we (as a humanity) finally becoming one race? are we finally summarizing all the information that science discovered and now it is time to move one, to higher level of existence?
Can someone tell me, because in "energy" thread I didn't find anything exact. More abstract delusions.

Before calling something "delusional" you should read the entire thread. And no, pretty much everyone admitted they didn't have the answers. This thread is about one possible theory to some of his questions. You seem to be addressing his "Energy" thread here more than what I have put forth. And when I said We, I was refering to ONLY those who expressed this view in the other thread. Certainly not to you or anyone else who does not hold this view.

I started this thread with a specific question, and you are straying from it. Please lets stay on the "Hive Mind" topic , and keep the opinions on the "Energy" and "2012" stuff on the other thread. Thanks.
A human brain is more complex than any hive mind. But 1 out 4 humans on the planet is connected to the Internet, and it looks like this:

However, this is still less than 1/10th of a single human brain, and at least 40 times less densely connected.

Meanwhile, people are autonomous reactive neuro-systems. Internet unifies certain terminology and standards of communication which makes people all around the world more easily compatible; not the same.
I wonder, if the internet is a hive mind, who or what is its queen?

Her......she is more than the sum of her "parts"! lol


resistance trek joke is.........futile :focus:
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WE don't know. That's the point. And from that unknown come questions. They are abstract representations, not delusions. Each of us see it differently. Just because we do not see as you do does not make us deluded.
Posted via Mobile Device

Ok, I am sorry for word delusion. I picked it because of its abstraction, not bad meaning. Really.
with my question what we are feeling I was expecting to understand what kind of exactly expectations are in people who are trying to find mysterious answer to mysterious feeling, because what is abstraction isn't defined. That is logical. And what is not defined is kind of unknown.
Because this thread was started from other thread where people tried to share their feelings which weren't concrete, that they would find somekind of an answer, I became anxious, because I simply don't like such a concepts like "something is happening".
If I offended you, i am sorry. My wishes are good, but because I became anxious my words looked rude.
Ok, I am sorry for word delusion. I picked it because of its abstraction, not bad meaning. Really.
with my question what we are feeling I was expecting to understand what kind of exactly expectations are in people who are trying to find mysterious answer to mysterious feeling, because what is abstraction isn't defined. That is logical. And what is not defined is kind of unknown.
Because this thread was started from other thread where people tried to share their feelings which weren't concrete, that they would find somekind of an answer, I became anxious, because I simply don't like such a concepts like "something is happening".
If I offended you, i am sorry. My wishes are good, but because I became anxious my words looked rude.

No worries these feelings we feel and the question of the op are not logical.
Posted via Mobile Device
The present is always a bit murky, isn't it? It is good to try to achieve clarity (by whatever means are available), but finiteness means we may never grasp it all. Still, we must try right? Whatever clarity we do get is better than stumbling about in the darkness, especially if we can connect our new information to our other time-tested sources of illumunation, like the source of a spring whose waters are always fresh.
Before calling something "delusional" you should read the entire thread. And no, pretty much everyone admitted they didn't have the answers. This thread is about one possible theory to some of his questions. You seem to be addressing his "Energy" thread here more than what I have put forth. And when I said We, I was refering to ONLY those who expressed this view in the other thread. Certainly not to you or anyone else who does not hold this view.

I started this thread with a specific question, and you are straying from it. Please lets stay on the "Hive Mind" topic , and keep the opinions on the "Energy" and "2012" stuff on the other thread. Thanks.

Mhm, I see. If I understand right, I am not welcome in this discussion.
But still, the reason why I started from topic energy and "2012" is that this topic came out from the one about energy and it really seemed that in first topic were talks about somekind of feelings based on energies. Which, in my opinion can come from wish in human to explain his exsistence.
In your first post were words "This is sparked by Indigo's "Energy" thread. These are thoughts that I had while reading that thread; thoughts that were touched upon by one poster. Many of us sense changes coming, although not the how or why exactly. One theory I would like to propose is that the internet is actually allowing humans to function, on a very primative scale, as a hive mind."
I took these words directly, as a continue of that thread, because your words, looking through my senses, are touched by wish to explain that collective feeling.
I just wanted to share my opinion.
Thank you for your attention, and expensive time.