The Infamous Deconversion Videos


C'est la vie
Retired Staff
So I finally took the time to watch the infamous deconversion videos that have been showing up on more and more of the forums I frequent. They were made by a man who was a devout Christian and he explains the process by how he deconverted himself from Christianity. The videos are very beautiful and aren't confrontational in the least. He presents the Christian perspective very eloquently and with much respect. In essence, his videos make me feel rather foolish for the way I've approached the issue in the past.

For any Christian, please don't see this thread as an attempted means to deconvert you. To the contrary, I highly recommend if you are happy where you are in your life, then you have no need to watch the videos. These videos are considerably more valuable to atheists and people who are seriously questioning their religious beliefs.

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I've watched the first three so far. Wow. I especially like his "mega-belief" model. It's a good visual aid for understanding why belief systems can be so hard to shake.
These videos are great!

And I admit I see a lot of issues I dealt with going from Christan to Agnostic.

I think my biggest issues regrading religion entail the ability to turn away from the truth. And the idea that god is morality. These issues are probably the most annoying for me. As People constantly making the same errors and refuse to understand truth.

And I have to agree religion in a sense is a way to make uneducated people happy. As the author mentioned these people refuse to take the logical steps needed to grow. And this is where people stop growing as people and hide from truth and thats why religion in general vexes me so. it in a sense stops people from growing.
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Everyone is welcome to their opinion, but this is all based on the same faulty assumptions I run into all...the...time. I do wish him well as his journey continues.
Everyone is welcome to their opinion, but this is all based on the same faulty assumptions I run into all...the...time. I do wish him well as his journey continues.

What faulty assumptions?

My intuition is telling me that you never even watched the videos.

If you had, I feel you would have outlined at least of one these faulty assumptions instead of simply trying to discredit the videos without any reference.
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My intuition is telling me that you never even watched the videos.

If you had, I feel you would have outlined at least of one these faulty assumptions instead of simply trying to discredit the videos without any reference.

Of course I did!!! T'would be dishonest to do otherwise. In fact, I went to YouTube to find more.

I have outlined the assumptions's a theme that has become all too common. In any case, for purposes of this thread, if someone finds themselves becoming an atheist that's their business. It's not my place here to offer counter-arguments.
Of course I did!!! T'would be dishonest to do otherwise. In fact, I went to YouTube to find more.

I have outlined the assumptions's a theme that has become all too common. In any case, for purposes of this thread, if someone finds themselves becoming an atheist that's their business. It's not my place here to offer counter-arguments.

I'm perturbed that you insinuate that the message of the videos is flawed without offering any evidence to substantiate it. Any INFJ would automatically interpret the intent behind that action being to undermine the message without putting your own credibility on the spot. I made it very clear that purpose of this thread was not to deconvert Christians, but to offer a thought provoking message to nonbelievers and those who are questioning. You diss that message without any explaination. As such, your post came off very underhanded to me.
Sorry, it was simply a comment based on my viewing. I'm sure these videos will offer interesting viewing to many....I am not interested in raising any kind of debate here, that is why I said nothing more. Didn't want to hijack things too much, but I did have an observation. I have run onto similar cases agrued elsewhere, I assume by different authors.
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Sorry, it was simply a comment based on my viewing. I'm sure these videos will offer interesting viewing to many....I am not interested in raising any kind of debate here, that is why I said nothing more. Didn't want to hijack things too much, but I did have an observation. I have run onto similar cases agrued elsewhere, I assume by different authors.

It is incredibly rude to argue that something is at fault and not offer any evidence or explaination to justify the accusation. I would highly recommend that you desist from doing so unless you wish to be challenged and debated on it.
It is incredibly rude to argue that something is at fault and not offer any evidence or explaination to justify the accusation. I would highly recommend that you desist from doing so unless you wish to be challenged and debated on it.
If I have a comment I will post it just as others do. This person has generated hours of video...I am not willing to do the same. In most cases (this and others), the underlying foundation of the "christian view" was flawed, lacking in depth...important pieces are just missing!! Yet, he presents if as if that is all there is. This happens all the time these days....that or I am running into many very public examples. I am not questioning the honesty of his search, just the information he is working from.
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If I have a comment I will post it just as others do. This person has generated hours of video...I am not willing to do the same. In most cases (this and others), the underlying foundation of the "christian view" was flawed, lacking in depth...important pieces are just missing!! Yet, he presents if as if that is all there is. This happens all the time these days....that or I am running into many very public examples. I am not questioning the honesty of his search, just the information he is working from.

The person generated less than an hour and a half of video. Thanks for confirming that you have not watched it.

It is quite apparent that you are criticizing his videos based on criticism that you have of other videos and not actually his videos. You have made assumptions that he has not covered a satisfactory level of depth.

Rather than simply take my advice and desist from doing so, you have chosen to continue to criticize without providing evidence or a valid explaination. I still think you are simply trying to undermine the message and now I'm going to exercise one of my abilities as a member of the forum.
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Ok so here are some highlights from this video, I really like the comparion used dring the prayer video for the three different scenerios, I have found a lot of religious authorities coming out with the same answers over and oer again, always justifying in some way God's actions, thing is you can apply the same concept to anything, also the Judas example used was very good, overall I found this video to be quite enlighting, specially on many different views on the bible while still not neglecting that the bible is not to be looked as a negative thing and that nothing is certain. I love that the person in the video actually took the time to search spirituality and rationally, many christians and atheists don't do such thing and limit themselves to a limited amount of resources, and the author claims to have a connection wiith God, He's situation compares a lot to mines, I was raised religious, but I have always been skeptical, not on God of course, I have always believed in a higher power, and this feelings, as well as other magical elements. And although I am still agnostic, this video has helped me understand better arguements from both the atheists and christian point of view. I also enjoy that the video author kept his cool throughout the video and did not offensively attacked anybody...overall great video..!
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Everyone is welcome to their opinion, but this is all based on the same faulty assumptions I run into all...the...time. I do wish him well as his journey continues.

What assumptions? The videos were not presented as arguments, really, so I don't know what you could be referring to.
Ok so here are some highlights from this video, I really like the comparion used dring the prayer video for the three different scenerios, I have found a lot of religious authorities coming out with the same answers over and oer again, always justifying in some way God's actions, thing is you can apply the same concept to anything, also the Judas example used was very good, overall I found this video to be quite enlighting, specially on many different views on the bible while still not neglecting that the bible is not to be looked as a negative thing and that nothing is certain. I love that the person in the video actually took the time to search spirituality and rationally, many christians and atheists don't do such thing and limit themselves to a limited amount of resources, and the author claims to have a connection wiith God, He's situation compares a lot to mines, I was raised religious, but I have always been skeptical, not on God of course, I have always believed in a higher power, and this feelings, as well as other magical elements. And although I am still agnostic, this video has helped me understand better arguements from both the atheists and christian point of view. I also enjoy that the video author kept his cool throughout the video and did not offensively attacked anybody...overall great video..!

That is what struck me as so amazing. I'm keyed to debate but he simply disclosed his own journey of self discovery and it was such a comprehensive view of Christianity. This is unlike anything I've seen before in exploring the religion.
That is what struck me as so amazing. I'm keyed to debate but he simply disclosed his own journey of self discovery and it was such a comprehensive view of Christianity. This is unlike anything I've seen before in exploring the religion.

I really liked that. I'm going to show these videos as a bridge to show people why I became gnostic. Hopefully these videos will show why without so much conflict. Sadly I think I will still see reactions such as the one that nearly took this thread off course.
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Very very very interesting. I can't wait to see the rest of the series. It feels like I have gained a little bit deeper understanding of both Christians and atheists now. This guy speaks a language I can understand, and it is not so much because of his reasoning, but because he has a deeply human tone in his presentation. I would love to see more people posting documentaries like this about their personal thoughts on life.
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Thanks for confirming that you have not watched it.
Hmmmm...your intuition is way, way off tonight, Sayta. I told you I watched them, didn't I? Geez. Again, from my experience that was not a comprehensive view of Christianity...if it agrees with your experience, fine.
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Conversion stories are often quite interesting. Likewise, there is a book that my sister read about an atheist scientist (or some other such profession, I'm not quite positive there) that tried to disprove Christianity -- and ended up becoming a Christian in the process.