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The Higgs boson and God particle

We'd stop hurting/maiming/killing others on purpose because we'd finally realize that it's the same as doing it to ourselves and God.

We'd continue to move away from religion and move towards a spiritual relationship between ourselves and Spirit. ...

We'd probably find new reasons to hurt people and move toward a more selfish type of religion, or a warrior-like religion.
We'd probably find new reasons to hurt people and move toward a more selfish type of religion, or a warrior-like religion.
Matthew 10:34 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
Since there will be some who will imagine a sword bearing jesus slaughtering people in the apocalypse, look at it literally and metaphorically, like a spiritual sword of discernment, or justice.
I think I see your point- and no one would fuck with the ones with God's sword. Those without would be jealous giving motivation to attack, but ideally the spiritual beings would be too strong to attack, thereby enforcing peace between them and their attackers. Peace by force is tried and true, but human nature has prevented it from lasting because "absolute power corrupts absolutely." Human nature is only a problem when people confuse human nature with spiritual nature, instead of understanding both of them.
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What? The Higgs-Boson has nothing to do with the existence of a divine creator. It was only named the God particle to garner more interest in the subject. If the Higgs-Boson is found it will mean that the Standard Model of particle physics is correct. If this is the case then we are left with a whole new set of problems since the standard model does not account for things like dark matter and leaves us with no clues as to how to solve this. However, the data coming from the HLC is indicating that the boson seen might not be Higgs like. This would mean a whole new model of particle physics is needed.

Lots and lots and lots of questions.

Pulling a Jesus. Pulling a Gandhi. Pulling a Joan. Pulling a Kratos.

Who knows? After all, can we even say with perfect certainty that the 'God' hidden within the Higgs Boson particle is:
a) one?
b) of many?
c) that was described in our religious texts?
d) and our creator?
e) not to mention, having;
e1) Similar ideals with us?
e2) Good / beneficial intentions towards us?
e3) Good viewpoint towards us?
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I'm just glad we finally have proven that God exists by finding one of his particles.

I know! I'm considering renaming my iPod the "GodPod" so that when I find it I will be similarly enlightened.
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I know! I'm considering renaming my iPod the "GodPod" so that when I find it I will be similarly enlightened.

The GodPod must be how the word of god travels through the time space continuum.
Heard of Sparticles?

Almost certainly not. Thats because they decided to call them Sparticles instead of god particles

Read a few posts back. What does this thread have to do with a discussion about god. This discovery is an amazing confirmation about things we pretty much already knew. But this has nothing to do with god, any version of god, although feel free to pick the one of over 500 know religions. I'm sure there is a version of god to suit your needs.

What bothers me is the arrogance to assume. Nobody has the answer, which means you don't either. So unless you understand the science, don't dismiss it, unless you have met god and talked about reserving a spot on the east side, stop acting like you know god exists for sure. Unless you know something, stop acting like you do.
Just cause you're here, and probably owe that, good or bad, to something, doesn't mean you know what that is, that it knows about you, cares about you, or will ever meet you. And who's to say if you could meet god you would even want to. Maybe it's not so nice. Kinda kicks small puppies once in a while. In my opinion, people should stop reading book written by desert people thousands of years ago. They probably got something wrong and were just a little bored. Of course, if you have met god, then please. Do tell..
The personified monotheistic God is Christ, which takes the stance that God is spirit, or the energy as talked about in higgs boson that allows matter to exist, not the other way around. This spirit is everything, you, me, the rain, every single human is a part of that energy that allows everything to exist. Some Christians use the term Christ to describe humans who experience the interconnectedness of everything, and that everything including you, me, the earth, and your worst enemy is a part of God, and they should be treated as a part of God.

This is my point.
I'm happy you found something you believe. I'm happy you have something that gives you strength.

But the Higgs field and some sort of divinity are two different conversations.
Is nice that you think christ's presences is the Higgs field. But I would ask, and wasn't it Jesus that preached humility, that you be humble enough to know you don't know.

The Higgs Boson is the first evidence that maybe there even is a Higgs field.
What evidence do we have there is a Jesus. How do you know the Higgs field isn't the presence of Allah? Or the Buddha?

I am under the impression this thread is about the Higgs, the discovery, and yes the implications. But hijacking the conversation with religion seems rude.

Science will eventually figure out the details. What's made up of what and how things work. If you believe that god is responsible for everything, then science and god are in complete harmony. But is this a conversation about science or the speculation about god and that science has riven or found god. All science did was explain something's about our universe.
I didn't need that to know I'm here. That I exist. I'm interested in if science can explain how I exist. Hijacking it by saying you exist because of god is great for you, but not interesting to me. But if science proves god, then so be it.
But proving god means proving we exist, then the science ends there for you. In not interested in god, I care about the details. I thought that was this thread.
@Rferraris I put this thread in philosophy and religion instead of science and technology because its about the blending of material science and spiritualism with the use of quantum mechanics.
Materialist science takes it as its basic axiom that everything is matter. We have literally managed to train a whole generation of students on the idea that everything is material, but this Newtonian world view that has shaped our understanding for centuries is now giving way to the revelations of quantum physics which goes beyond materialism; to show that consciousness, not matter, is the ground of all being.
Spiritualism and quantum physics go hand in hand, they just use different labels. The consciousness revelation shows that there is something more than just this physical body, an infinite consciousness to draw from, likened to spiritualistic ideas of God. What this thread is about is the unity of quantum physics, or science, and spiritualism.
Amit Goswami said:
You can call it God if you want, but you don’t have to. Quantum consciousness will do. Nonlocality, tangled hierarchy, and discontinuity: these signatures of quantum consciousness have been independently verified by leading researchers worldwide. This experimental data and its conclusions inform us that it is the mistaken materialist view that is at the center of most of our worlds problems today. To address these problems, we now have a science of spirituality that is fully verifiable and objective.
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...I see a logic lapse somewheeeeere in this thread.

Would it be permissible to divorce this Higgs boson particle with God? With our conceived idea of God/s/desses ?
...I see a logic lapse somewheeeeere in this thread.<br />
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Would it be permissible to divorce this Higgs boson particle with God? With <i>our conceived idea</i> of God/s/desses ?
Yes you do- discontinuity as part of the quantum physics.
Yes you do- discontinuity as part of the quantum physics.
Isn't that the point?

Science is a cold hard reading of creation (or, if talking about metaphysical terms, Creation).

I don't know if having assumptions will do any good in exposing those.

And in these contexts, what is faith but a set of assumption married with conviction?
@Trifoilum materialist science is something like what you're saying, needing to make "sense" on a physical level, saying the outside exists first, or is all that exists. quantum physics takes a little different approach in that it says the inside is first, that consciousness is what makes the physical level even exist, so focus is put there. the amit goswami links are great reads if you want to understand this. Here is from his site if you dont want to click:
Nonlocality - We are all interconnected - even without signals, and experimental evidence is proving our inherent unity.
Tangled hierarchy - In our brain, we become one with the neuronal images of an external object because of a tangled-hierarchy, a circularity. The observer is the observed.
Discontinuity - The discovery of something new of value in thought is a quantum leap of Aha! insight.

The discontinuity is one thing you mentioned. So something is not understood, therefore it ends. Once it is understood, it begins again until a new end, progressing forever. It's illogical to one who views life as having any true ends, because there is always a new beginning.
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