The Game

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Community Member
Ok, first and foremost, you just lost the game. (Sorry) To those who don't know what "The Game" is, I will explain it. But only read it if you are ready to have a life-long commitment. You can not escape "The Game"

The point of The Game is to not think about the game. As soon as the game pops into you head, you lose The Game. But, you automatically restart. You will continue to lose the game forever. But every time you lose the game, you must tell someone, "I lost the Game." Simple as that.

But to those of you already playing the game, I am here to inform you that we can be saved! According to the official rules of "The Game", everyone in the world playing the Game WINS the Game instantly, as soon as the British Prime Minister announces on national television that he lost the Game. Our mission: Making that happen.
ah this is verry popular at school
i just lost the game
I have friends that like this...

I honestly don't get it. Seems pointless to me, as such I don't like it.
I'm totally winning.

Oh no wait. Damn!
::sigh:: Oh, you whippersnappers. I am the architect of the game. Therefore, its impossible for me to lose the game. I am the game and the game is me. I am at one with the game. Once you've achieved total transcendence, you'll find that there was never a game at all. The game was only a manifestation of your anxiety, need and greed. So put that in your pipe and smoke it.

*ruins the game and laughs darkly*.
There is no game.
Screw that game!!!!!! I quit three months ago!!!:m179:
the British Prime Minister announces on national television that he lost the Game. Our mission: Making that happen.
Who, BROWN? Tsk. It's not that if he does say so anybody will be surprised. He's lost every game he's played in his life.
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D: (Wolf enters cheatcode of never losing the game)

I just didn't lose the game :m027:
Please! Even in de-bug mode, you lose the game!
The Game is un-losable. It's much easier to just accept that you lost the game. Quitting the game is impossible. You may lose the game less often, and decide to hate it in between losses, but as soon as you remember that you're "not" playing the game, you just lost again... its a vicious cycle...
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