The Forums Prophecies for 2010


The Romantic Scientist
This is a game. The main idea here is to make predictions as to what your fellow forum members are going to go through this 2010. Be nice and no death-predictions please. To make this as orderly as possible, make the predictions of who posted above you.

Who knows, maybe some of them come true.
Since I'm first, I'll post the first prediction based on the last member who posted besides me in the general forum which was Liu.

Liu: You're going to make $1,000,000 on ebay.

I'm your buddy now lol
Last Dawn, your journey this year will be a spiritual one, with many stops at diners, where you order cheap, heart-warming food and something hot to drink. You will find love, but whether you think about it too much and not act enough will be up to you. I see this as a year of receiving for you - receiving insights, visions, and maybe even some money. Wow, looks like a good year. :D
Moxie, you will win a big lottery this year and then remember I predicted it and you will send me a big chunk!
Sumone, you will get the much needed rest you richly deserve and enjoy an unexpected and wonderful surprise that will put a bright spark in your eye, (i hope) Enjoy!
restraint will temporarily acquire psychic powers this coming year.
*rubs temples*
ahh yes, I predict Dragon will turn 20 and it will be the best year evah!
I predict that Sumone will change her avatar at least once in the coming year, and rehire me as her poster war counterpart.
I predict that Shai Gar will kiss a current forum member this year.

Oh and I also predict that this year mf will start marketing his own line of caps!
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I predict that sumone will be overcome with an inexplicable desire to send her portion of Moxie's lottery winnings to a fellow infj forum member named tovlo.
I predict that tovlo will in turn send entyqua half the winnings...:m122:
Ahhh.... Yesssss....

I predict Entyqua will reach 100 forum rep points by the end of this year and spontaneously acquire magical, Jedi powers that will enable her to open automatic, sliding doors with just the swish of her hand!
TDHT will assemble a motley crew of high-minded cavaliers who will secretly and then BAM!-- overtly work with her towards achieving a sort of social alchemy for the good of humankind through charitable acts and intelligent discourse.
Ahhh.... Yesssss....

I predict Entyqua will reach 100 forum rep points by the end of this year and spontaneously acquire magical, Jedi powers that will enable her to open automatic, sliding doors with just the swish of her hand!

( can I just take a moment to say SWEET!!!)

Alt ctrl del

Will arrive in the Bahamas clad only in a flowered silk shirt waving around a sign that says will work for bananas...
If I was going to make fun of myself that sign would say, "world peace."
( can I just take a moment to say SWEET!!!)

Alt ctrl del

Will arrive in the Bahamas clad only in a flowered silk shirt waving around a sign that says will work for bananas...

hehe, are you sure it won't say "will work WITH Bananas?" :m122:
I predict that alt ctrl del will continue to be awesomely badass.
I predict that alt ctrl del will continue to be awesomely badass.
I predict that MF will spontaneously grow tentacles and rule us all with vengeance and wrath becoming the new form of Cthulhu...:m063: