The Forum Goal & Fitness Club - Week TWO


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Looks like the week two thread should have been started on the 22nd but FEAR NOT! the week two thread has now begun!!!

I hope everyone is still perservering. Don't give up! (How many days was this challenge supposed to be? 20? 21?) There's less than two weeks left to go!

I've been sticking to my diet, which pretty much looks like this:
Breakfast: Protein shake and oatmeal
Snack: Protein shake
Lunch: Protein shake and 2 servings of veggies
Snack: Protein shake and fruit
Dinner: Cottage cheese or other lean protein source and 2 servings of veggies
Snack: Peanut butter and cottage cheese

Yesterday I decided I was sick of doing my squats, so I went for a 45 minute bike ride through the park. It was WINDY! Crazy headwind caused my way through the park to take up about 3/4 of the ride. But the way back, the wind was at my back! I could definitely tell that the squats gave my legs some serious endurance though.

Taking a break from the regular routine is always good. I should make a point of doing this more often. How's everyone else doing?
ive been lax...Ive still lost weight, but i have literally be so busy that I havnt had a moment to sit for two days...Ive skipped meals, ate whatever I could grab,

I also ran out of fruits and meh...Im still punishing myself on the work outs...And I do mean punishment...

Today will be legs and arms.
Looks like the week two thread should have been started on the 22nd but FEAR NOT! the week two thread has now begun!!!

I hope everyone is still perservering. Don't give up! (How many days was this challenge supposed to be? 20? 21?) There's less than two weeks left to go!

I've been sticking to my diet, which pretty much looks like this:
Breakfast: Protein shake and oatmeal
Snack: Protein shake
Lunch: Protein shake and 2 servings of veggies
Snack: Protein shake and fruit
Dinner: Cottage cheese or other lean protein source and 2 servings of veggies
Snack: Peanut butter and cottage cheese

Yesterday I decided I was sick of doing my squats, so I went for a 45 minute bike ride through the park. It was WINDY! Crazy headwind caused my way through the park to take up about 3/4 of the ride. But the way back, the wind was at my back! I could definitely tell that the squats gave my legs some serious endurance though.

Taking a break from the regular routine is always good. I should make a point of doing this more often. How's everyone else doing?

I don't mean to be a "know it all," because I certainly don't. But, I only have a "protein shake" immediately after lifting on my "heavy lifting day." Whey protein is good after lifting because it gets into the digestive system quickly and enhances anabolism and protein synthesis, which is good for recovery, as I understand it. But, at other times, high protein for lifters doesn't have to be in the form of "shakes." It's best to eat "real food," which has all kinds of micro-nutrients that scientists have yet to understand or formulate in supplements. Just saying.
I don't mean to be a "know it all," because I certainly don't. But, I only have a "protein shake" immediately after lifting on my "heavy lifting day." Whey protein is good after lifting because it gets into the digestive system quickly and enhances anabolism and protein synthesis, which is good for recovery, as I understand it. But, at other times, high protein for lifters doesn't have to be in the form of "shakes." It's best to eat "real food," which has all kinds of micro-nutrients that scientists have yet to understand or formulate in supplements. Just saying.
It depends on what type of gains he's looking to make. I know that there is an amount of protein (a certain percentage of your bodyweight) you have to consume to gain muscle at an optimal rate. If you're a big person than getting all the protein you need from natural sources is unrealistic so suppliments are added to make up the difference. Anywho...

Completed Goals of the Day:
Goal 1: Got in all my fruit, veggies, but need 3 more cups of waters.
Goal 2: Workout A - 10 pushup/lifts with 5 lb handweights, 10 shoulder presses just the bar, 10 squats just the bar for 30 min.
Reps Completed: 10 (same as last week) :(
Here's where things get tougher for me (and yet more delicious):

I have to balance 2000 calories/day with my workouts. But if I gain more than three pounds, I have to return to 1200 calories until I burn it off. Hellllooo, metabolism. Are you there??

Today's menu:

Breakfast 1c. Cascadian Farms raisin bran w/1 c milk and two boiled eggs (salt & pepper)
Snack: Progresso soup w/10 TLC Kashi crackers (80 cals)
Lunch: Tuna sandwich w/lowfat swiss w/dijonnaise mustard, sprouts, and coleslaw and a small green apple.
Snack: Rest of progresso soup w/10 crackers
Dinner: Two chicken thighs with 1c. corn, 1/2 slice cheese, 1/2 c. peas and some spinach, cabbage, and one baby carrot.

I'm going to plug it into Fitday to see if I'm close or if I need to up the count (I had to up the count - added one cup of Dryer's sugar free slow churned butter pecan ice cream to get to 2000 cals. Go figure!)
Whey protein is good after lifting because it gets into the digestive system quickly and enhances anabolism and protein synthesis, which is good for recovery, as I understand it. But, at other times, high protein for lifters doesn't have to be in the form of "shakes."

Meh. Not sure how much you've been paying attention to my posts in these threads but go back a little further - I'm not lifting in the gym because of any injury.

My goals, while I rehab my injury, are to retain as much of my lean body mass as possible while gaining a minimum amount of body fat. Since my metabolism is actually going to be slowing down because of reduced frequency of working out/intensity of my workouts (which are all body-weight calisthenics for now), I'm using whey as my main protein source precicely because it is synthesized in digestion more quickly than "real food".

Also, "protein shake" is a relatively vague term. I always mix in natural peanut butter, yogurt, berries, bananas, milk, and olive oil into my shakes (not all at the same time) depending on what time of the day it is - so just because I've listed "protein shake" doesn't mean "1 or 2 scoops of protein". You'll also notice that there are several "real food" items listed throughout yesterday's meals.

I agree with you that eating real food is "better" - but given my goals and current limitations in the gym, there are very specific reasons for why I've structured my diet this way. Like Riven said, it's all about what your goals are.
Meh. Not sure how much you've been paying attention to my posts in these threads but go back a little further - I'm not lifting in the gym because of any injury...

Okay. I understand and it makes sense.
Today was crap, I spent most of it running errands and met none of my food or water goals. Managed to get 30 minutes in on the dreadmill. 2 min sprint, 2 min walk till 30 min.
Still on target. I had a *lot* of food today, especially for dinner.

Also had 30 minutes of exercise today.

Breakfast: 1c. cereal, 1c. skim milk, 3oz leftover salmon
Snack: 1 serving Progresso soup + 10 TLC mini crackers
Lunch: Egg salad (2 eggs) sandwich w/1tbsp light mayo & dijonnaise, w/cole slaw (no dressing) & sprouts and one apple.
Snack: rest of soup & 10 crackers (TLC)
Dinner: 6oz roast beef, 1/2 c. corn, 1/2 c. peas, 1/2 oz. light cheddar cheese, 1slice whole grain bread 1/1tsp smart balance butter.
Man... and I was so careful too. Seems like every month or so I injure back neck/back in the gym so for the past month I've been doing body-weight calisthenics and some cardio.

Tonight I was playing sand volleyball. I dove for the game point and ended up JACKING MY WHOLE BACK UP. wtf. seriously. Going in to see the chiropractor tomorrow if I can.

Starting to wonder if I'm ever going to be able to be active without holding myself back for fear of hurting myself. Sucks not being 16 anymore...
Man... and I was so careful too. Seems like every month or so I injure back neck/back in the gym so for the past month I've been doing body-weight calisthenics and some cardio.

Tonight I was playing sand volleyball. I dove for the game point and ended up JACKING MY WHOLE BACK UP. wtf. seriously. Going in to see the chiropractor tomorrow if I can.

Starting to wonder if I'm ever going to be able to be active without holding myself back for fear of hurting myself. Sucks not being 16 anymore...

that stinks big time. sorry :(. don't sleep on it the wrong way, though sleep might do wonders. you taking any advil?
Almost forgot to post for today. Yesterday was a rest day which is why there was no update.

Goal 1: got in all veggies but no fruit (wasn't in the mood for sweet stuff) and 3qts of water.

Goal 2: Workout A - 10 pushup/lifts with 5 lb handweights, 10 shoulder presses just the bar, 10 squats just the bar for 30 min.
Reps Completed: 12! Woot for 2 rep increase! Goal complete.

Goal 3: Was a big failure because i didn't make Judo practice today. Will roll this goal over to next week.
Wow - what a fun weekend. I was on a road trip from Friday afternoon until Sunday afternoon.

Definitely could not stay on my diet but I said yes to protein and no to carbs whenever I could. Ate as much veggie and fruit as I could get my hands on.

Still on track and planning on returning to the gym next week, shoulder/back permitting...

How's everyone else doing?
I had one "cheat" day this week, but I knew it was coming (barbecue, someone else's home: One light beer [MGD 64], brownie overload, and fruit with homemade fruit dip). I wasn't able to measure what I had, but I don't think I went too far over plan. The good news was, I felt as if I had a choice to eat it or not.

And so, slow and steady is still winning the race, even with the extra calories. I've lost about two more pounds with the caloric increase (I lose about a pound a week) and in about another week or two I'll be going back to the beginning (which will suck because it'll be 1200 calories for a week. :P). I think it'll work for me, though. I'm starting to get hungry now, and it feels like I'm getting some of my energy back. Seriously - I would never feel hungry (that's how slow my metabolism was). Now I'm starting to get some hunger signals the closer it gets to either snack time or mealtime. This is a very good thing. :)
I've been lazy with updating.

Friday - Stayed on diet didn't workout because because I was feeling dizzy all day
Saturday - Cut back on water, missed a serving of fruit, 30 min walk
Sunday - Rest, almost sliced a chuck of my thumb off making breakfast.
Monday - Stuck to diet, didn't workout because I didn't feel like it

Today: Missed one serving of veggies, cut back on water, 2 min run, 1 min walk for 30 min.

EDIT: Woah tomorrow is day 21. Any ideas on what we should do to celebrate?
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Wow...I totally suck...I have been trying my damndest to keep up...I have fallen off the rocker with a busy life lately, but I still work out for an hour a day...

So far I have lost only 4 lbs total...and it was hard work. Imma just keep on keepin on