The Difference Between INFJ and INTJ

The best way to tell is through comparing the Auxiliary functions Fe vs Te...

Te is a need to efficiently plan something.
Fe is a desire for human connection.

Hmm. Interesting, I didn't watch the whole video because I've read some of Vicki Jo's stuff and I mostly agree with what she has to say. With that being said, I think if a person is stuck between INTJ and INFJ they probably lack a good connection with their Fi or their Fe and need to skip onward towards the functions they are used to using, thinking. Deciphering the difference between Ti and Te can be a lot easier for the INFJs who believe they are INTJs I believe (It was for me at least)
This video just makes me more confused. I'm neither if i were to use both as a reference. I am not as extroverted as she is. Is she really INFJ or ENFJ?
Hmm. Interesting, I didn't watch the whole video because I've read some of Vicki Jo's stuff and I mostly agree with what she has to say. With that being said, I think if a person is stuck between INTJ and INFJ they probably lack a good connection with their Fi or their Fe and need to skip onward towards the functions they are used to using, thinking. Deciphering the difference between Ti and Te can be a lot easier for the INFJs who believe they are INTJs I believe (It was for me at least)
You're an INTJ?
Your profile says ISTP.
I don't personally relate to Vicky Jo at all. It's difficult to imagine we have the same personality type. I'm more in my head and analytical, and then when emotional or social I'm sillier, but still in a quiet private way.

I've wondered if I'm INTJ, but people typically think I'm not because I am too invested in how people feel. I can't say myself. As a child I started organizing my blocks before I could talk which might be a Te thing. When I was 13 I had trouble finding friends because I mostly wanted to talk about astronomy. I knew quite a bit about Mars for a kid, knew all the geography of the moon, and the basic layout of the known universe. That's what I wanted to think and talk about rather than social things or make-up.

When I see the dichotomy between "efficient planning" vs. "connections with people", I have to admit that one of my areas of focus involves "efficiently connecting to other people". Ha. I value interaction and growth, but like to keep it simple and productive when a connection is made. I wondered if there was an INFJ parallel to INTJ efficient systems with my drive for the least resistance in human relationships. I think using empathy, fully understanding others, picking my battles, choosing expressions of warmth that simplify things reducing tensions, are all ways to increase emotional and relational "efficiency" of sorts. In posts I tend to relate to INFJ and INTJ thinking about equally - at least with posters in my general age range.
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My mom is actually an INTJ.

One of the things about my mom is that she is a realist about a lot of things. She's very quick to remind me why I shouldn't do something, always bringing up the drawbacks, cons, what-ifs, questions about 'don't you think you might regret it if....'...

I call her my party crasher because whatever party I'm trying to have.. maybe I'm excited about something, hopeful about something.. maybe about to follow through on something... she takes out her sniper rifle and ... BAM!... suddenly I just want to drop the issue because I feel like a damp blanket has just been thrown over me.

However, I also know her buttons and she has many to push :m158:
This video just makes me more confused. I'm neither if i were to use both as a reference. I am not as extroverted as she is. Is she really INFJ or ENFJ?
Well, don't feel bad.
There's not very much information there.

According to the Theory extraversion has to do with where you direct your energies. It doesn't have to do with being outgoing or demonstrative. I perform on stage in front of hundreds of people, but I need a lot of time alone in order to re-charge. I spend a lot of time inside my own thoughts. I prefer Introversion.
Unfortunately, Jung used a word that sounded like another word already in existence... extroversion. And now some people use them interchangeably without realizing they're not the same thing.

She should know her type by now, considering how long she's been certified... and being married to an INTJ with 15 years of experience.
Well, don't feel bad.
There's not very much information there.

According to the Theory extraversion has to do with where you direct your energies. It doesn't have to do with being outgoing or demonstrative. I perform on stage in front of hundreds of people, but I need a lot of time alone in order to re-charge. I spend a lot of time inside my own thoughts. I prefer Introversion.
Unfortunately, Jung used a word that sounded like another word already in existence... extroversion. And now some people use them interchangeably without realizing they're not the same thing.

She should know her type by now, considering how long she's been certified... and being married to an INTJ with 15 years of experience.

I don't feel bad. I just meant that she doesn't fit the bill of the INFJ it seems. I think she is more expressive than most INFJs.
My mom is actually an INTJ.

One of the things about my mom is that she is a realist about a lot of things. She's very quick to remind me why I shouldn't do something, always bringing up the drawbacks, cons, what-ifs, questions about 'don't you think you might regret it if....'...

I call her my party crasher because whatever party I'm trying to have.. maybe I'm excited about something, hopeful about something.. maybe about to follow through on something... she takes out her sniper rifle and ... BAM!... suddenly I just want to drop the issue because I feel like a damp blanket has just been thrown over me.

However, I also know her buttons and she has many to push :m158:
Yeah... sounds INTJ.
We do the same thing to our own ideas, too. :hug:
I don't feel bad. I just meant that she doesn't fit the bill of the INFJ it seems. I think she is more expressive than most INFJs.
Carl Jung said "Every individual is an exception to the rule."

She seemed kind of INFP-ish to me. It could be her P is stronger than what's typical for an INFJ, and maybe that's what makes her seem more "expressive".

Also, she's older, and so has had time to develop other functions more fully.
I don't really see Fe as a desire for human connection when it comes to INFJ's, that is more of a rule for all extroverts as they gain their energy from people, remember outjudging functions is not how we perceive the world but how we apply actions, so Fe in my opinion is more of a concern for the world ''how does it affect the people''' ''how does it affect the world'', it focuses on outward social problems rather than the problems within self which are more Fi, the same thing can be said about Ti vs Te, Ti is analyzing the self, analyzing thinks inwardly while Te applies externally, analyzing and ordering others. So I think Fe= How does it affect others? Fi=How does it affect me? Ti=What action should I take logically? and Te: Whats the best logical approach towards organizing and directing a group of people.
I don't really see Fe as a desire for human connection when it comes to INFJ's, that is more of a rule for all extroverts as they gain their energy from people

The secondary function is supposed to mature somewhere at the beginning of adulthood. And that was certainly true for me - only at the age of 20 I've began to truly value the connections between people and see deeper levels of it.
This video just makes me more confused. I'm neither if i were to use both as a reference. I am not as extroverted as she is. Is she really INFJ or ENFJ?

I've never felt any INFJness in vicky joe. I always thought she was an ESFJ. She confuses me a lot.
If she's an INFJ, she's got a very strong Si and Fe. She confuses a lot of people, and many of her theories are quite unfounded, yet taken as the gospel. She confuses a lot of people.

Indeed. There was this article in her website about Valentine's day. She basically said that if you like Valentine's day you're an INFJ and if you don't you're an INFP.

I could care less about Valentine's day and that makes me an INFP? WTF was that all about.
Yes, after reading some of her theories I do find Vicky Joe quite confusing, she appears to be very much ESFJ like others have stated.
The secondary function is supposed to mature somewhere at the beginning of adulthood. And that was certainly true for me - only at the age of 20 I've began to truly value the connections between people and see deeper levels of it.

I agree with Raccoon, I think that when an INFJ uses his Fe, it's not about human connection in the aspect that we want to actually help every person on the street. Although a lot of INFJs have values that would deem helping everyone immediately a good thing. I think it's more of a deep seated interest in humanity in general. An overall empathy for humanity or something, I dunno.

(INTJMom, I was an temporary istp for a few weeks. I'm actually an INFJ)
The best way to tell is through comparing the Auxiliary functions Fe vs Te...

Te is a need to efficiently plan something.
Fe is a desire for human connection.

INFJs and INTJs both share Ni Dominance, and that can make us appear very similar, even to each other. We also share Inferior Se, which gives us a similar approach to processing all around.

However, I've found that it is even easier to discern the difference if you consider the Secondary and Tertiary functions as a set.

INFJs have Fe and Ti.
Fe and Ti mix to create a support for Ni that is emotionally macro, and logically micro oriented. Fe focuses more on others than the self, emotionally. Ti sees the detailed workings more than the big picture.
Fe asks "How can I help?" Ti asks "How does this work?"
Fe is concerned with doing the right thing. Ti is concerned with what makes something tick.

INTJs have Te and Fi.
Te and Fi mix to create a support for Ni that logically macro, and emotionally micro oriented. Te sees the big picture more than the detailed workings. Fi focuses more on the self than others, emotionally.
Te asks "How does this relate?" Fi asks "How do I feel about this?"
Te is concerned with understanding how something can be applied. Fi is concerned with being a good person.

To tell INFJs and INTJs apart, the best way is to determine how each one uses their logic and their emotions, because we often come to the same conclusions and have similar motivations.

INFJs are more likely to go along with the group, try to keep everyone emotionally healthy, and focus on the emotional needs of others. INFJs have much less difficulty interacting with others, as well as less difficulty initiating relationships - such as introducing themselves to others, or welcoming them into a new group.

INTJs are more likely to take a stand for what needs to be done even if it will hurt feelings, try to keep everyone physically/financially/realistically healthy, and focus on the practical needs of others. INTJs have much less difficulty balancing their own needs with the needs of others, as well as less difficulty pulling away from others.
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INFJs and INTJs both share Ni Dominance, and that can make us appear very similar, even to each other. We also share Inferior Se, which gives us a similar approach to processing all around.

However, I've found that it is even easier to discern the difference if you consider the Secondary and Tertiary functions as a set.

INFJs have Fe and Ti.
Fe and Ti mix to create a support for Ni that emotionally macro, and logically micro oriented. Fe focuses more on others than the self, emotionally. Ti sees the detailed workings more than the big picture.
Fe asks "How can I help?" Ti asks "How does this work?"
Fe is concerned with doing the right thing. Ti is concerned with what makes something tick.

INTJs have Te and Fi.
Te and Fi mix to create a support for Ni that logically macro, and emotionally micro oriented. Te seens the big picture more than the detailed workings. Fi focuses more on the self than others, emotionally.
Te asks "How does this relate?" Fi asks "How do I feel about this?"
Te is concerned with understanding how something can be applied. Fi is concerned with being a good person.

To tell INFJs and INTJs apart, the best way is to determine how each one uses their logic and their emotions, because we often come to the same conclusions and have similar motivations.

INFJs are more likely to go along with the group, try to keep everyone emotionally healthy, and focus on the emotional needs of others. INFJs have much less difficulty interacting with others, as well as less difficulty initiating relationships - such as introducing themselves to others, or welcoming them into a new group.

INTJs are more likely to take a stand for what needs to be done, try to keep everyone physically healthy, and focus on the practical needs of others. INTJs have much less difficulty balancing their own needs with the needs of others, as well as less difficulty pulling away from others.

wise words like always Von :)
Indeed. There was this article in her website about Valentine's day. She basically said that if you like Valentine's day you're an INFJ and if you don't you're an INFP.

I could care less about Valentine's day and that makes me an INFP? WTF was that all about.

The assumption is that INFPs are inherently antiestablishmentarian, and are against the commercialism of Valentine's Day, and most importantly the obligation it implies. Meanwhile, INFJs are assumed to be inherently concerned for the hopes and expectations of others, and will therefore accomodate in the practice of Valentine's Day.

Yet again, the assumption that Fe includes social currency because it is so often tied to Si in SFJs, rears its ugly head. Ni mixes with Fe in a completely different way. However, this is more proof that Vicky Jo has a strong Si.

For the record, I doubt that there is any bias for or against Valentine's Day within individual INFPs and INFJs. Intuitive Feelers make their own associations with holidays. INFPs would probably be more focused on what they would get for Valentine's Day, while INFJs would probably focus more on the opportunity to give to others without being burdensome or obligating.
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