Hmm. Good points, still disagree with it-- though it's well known my stance on Gay Marriage.
I thought that the reason Conservatives didn't like gay marriage is that they are usually heavily affiliated with churches and that Christian religions in America have become oddly homophobic, even though in other countries they are not at all. I thought that conservatives case is built around family and the fact that homosexual couples break the mold. I don't understand how this argument is still considered conservative- is it the stress that's put on how it would be economically better for our society, which is supposedly a Conservative view since they typically are more concerned about money and corporations, or....?
It seems very liberal to me, considering that it was the religious people mainly who opposing black persons and encouraged racism, especially in mormonism when in the 19th century they used biblical references against those descending from african-american backgrounds and chose not to let them be part of the church or any mormon-run institutions, regardless of their affiliation with the church.
I suppose hypothetically this may be a twisted interpretation of what it means to be a conservative in this day and age but I believe my perception might be skewed. It just seems like a lot of conservatives' motives are backed by the bible, and this argument doesn't really seem like it is.