Strength & Weakness


Strength through understanding
What does it mean to be strong? What does it mean to be weak?

Over my life, it has been a constant interest for me to philosophize about what it means to be a 'strong' person and what it means to be a 'weak' person. Strength of character, strength of will/resolve, integrity, solidarity... these are all powerful phrases and words which have echoed in my imagination. I was always fascinated with superhero's in comic books and films. I always grew up with a sense of what I considered to be a strong man.

I tend to fear being weak, I am deathly afraid of it. I don't think I would be the kind of person I am today if I wasn't strong when I needed to be. Strength to overcome bullying, depression, low self-esteem, bad habits, apathy and nihilism in my teens. Those years seem like a black hole of pain, now that I think about them.

Anyway, so, what is strength to you?

What is weakness?

How do you overcome your own weaknesses?

How do you deal with perceived weaknesses in those around you? real life bullets don't bounce off people and those fighting tactics don't always work. We do like to create heroes though.

In real life I think "strength of character, strength of will/resolve, integrity, solidarity" works pretty well. Strength is also used to protect, nuture, and guide. Strength has a solidity to is strong enough to give without fear of being diminished.

Weakness might be the opposite...self interest, small mindedness, one easily manipulated or swayed.

What is funny is when weakness and fear masquerades as strength. It is a mask some like to wear to hide insecurity. It is a pretense. I know people who are like this.

On the other hand, sometimes the truly strong are the ones who are secure enough to be vulnerable, kind, open, generous. They are not afraid. I wish I knew more people like this.
Famous unwritten formula:

Divide human by two = strengths and weakness.

1) Give fancy definition for strength.

2) Give fancy definition for weakness.

3) Try to destroy your weakness while maintaining your strength.

4) Try to hold your strength while being overpowered by your weaknesses.

Hmm, no thanks. I'd rather not have an inner battle. I've been there, done that!

I rather be human.
what is strength to you?

I suppose that strenght to me is freedom to choose.

What is weakness?

A doubt

How do you overcome your own weaknesses?

I understand them.

How do you deal with perceived weaknesses in those around you?

I am trying to understand the proportion between me and other person.