Straight INFJ Males | Page 10 | INFJ Forum

Straight INFJ Males

I'm a straight (yes! no 'st8' for me) INFJ for which I feel fully fitted in 'male' groups, even though I prefer the company of females (which gent wouldn't?)

Martial arts: Done since young age (various), as well as weapons training, army/marine tactics and survival. This comes from a military family, which I was opposed to but love the skills. As well as boxing. I sound like a nutter.

Sports: love em, don't follow others though. My understanding is that we only like individualist sports unless there is a decent complex system going on. I love too many but my faves are fencing, bike sports and racket sports.

Feminine side: Obvious/comical, but contrasted by a mix of what is deemed 'over masculinity' (I describe it as just being 'one of the lads').

Cuddles: I want them but denied.

Rarity: I have one INFJ male friend and we don't get on well in the traditional sense.

Rage: Never want it to go, did once and it was the worst 2 years of my life. I fuel projects with rage also I don't tend to hide it any more.

INFJ's are useless for anything but relationships. Unless you're a NT that enjoys further proof of humanities utter hopelessness;)

You sound like you know something Mr Expert. Tell us your use instead of spouting misery as proof of something obvious.

(here's that rage again)
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Sexuality is a complicated subject, and warrants a complicated answer.

Although most of my love interests have been female (I am a male), I am more attracted to a person's mind and personality than their external features--including their body and yes, gender. If someone piques my interest, gender will not immediately exclude them from being my partner.

In an age where homosexuality is more socially acceptable, I do not understand why a majority of people's most important discerning feature in choosing a partner is their gender, a feature which we have no natural control over. I would much rather base my decision on their love and affection, and their ability to carry an interesting conversation.

That being said, I do suffer from the same problem many INFJ's have of thrashing from one partner to another-- always looking for the next best partner and not being able to settle down. I'm currently single, and will probably have another spontaneous, short-lived relationship soon.

Edit: I see that in previous posts we are talking about sports, and I have read somewhere before than INFJ's are more-likely to be not interested in sports. It is especially hard for me to be attached to a sports team-- if anything, I would be attached to a set of players on a sports team; however, one must have a realization that those players will eventually retire and other players will take their place.
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*bookmarks thread* As cheesy as this sounds.....

That being said, I do suffer from the same problem many INFJ's have of thrashing from one partner to another-- always looking for the next best partner and not being able to settle down. I'm currently single, and will probably have another spontaneous, short-lived relationship soon.
Is it better to stay single for a long time so as to find a suitable partner?
Is a typological match more likely to be able to weather the storms of INFJ tendencies?
Is it better to settle at some arbitrary level of satisfaction, so as not to be single?
sexuality is such a highly subjective thing. how an individual experiences his or her own sexuality is really not up for debate. it is a personal matter that others do not have a right to interfere in. its the same thing as people who try to "convert" gay men to be straight. sure, gay men can become "straight". sometimes, other men, really are just straight. they go through life with no curiosity towards sex with other men at all. its not that theyre closed minded, its just that they dont experience any sexual interest in other men. they are to all intents and purposes completely straight. dont argue with other people about their experience of reality, its a dark age mentality.
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I don't belong here since I'm not a dude. I'm just here to check out all the sexy straight INFJ men. Keep the Viking beard! I''ve often wondered why so many INFJ men are gay. If you do start the group, I'd love to just lurk, but only with yer permission. :D
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Every other source I've seen has claimed that INFJs have greater gender disparity than most types.
About 50% actually:

"Unlike INTJs, in which males predominate, there is greater gender parity among INFJs, with nearly equal numbers of males and females." ( )

Every other source I've seen has claimed that INFJs have greater gender disparity than most types.

Here's a good opportunity to question their analysis. :w:

According to sources that bother to gather data rather than make conjecture like the one you quoted, approximately 2/3 of all F types are female, and 2/3 of all T types are male.

Here is the data gathered from's personality test (over a million results), which implies that only 1/4 of the INFJ population is male.

INFJ Population
Total: 1%
Male: 0.5%
Female: 1.5%

I'm a straight (yes! no 'st8' for me) INFJ for which I feel fully fitted in 'male' groups, even though I prefer the company of females (which gent wouldn't?)

Martial arts: Done since young age (various), as well as weapons training, army/marine tactics and survival. This comes from a military family, which I was opposed to but love the skills. As well as boxing. I sound like a nutter.

Sports: love em, don't follow others though. My understanding is that we only like individualist sports unless there is a decent complex system going on. I love too many but my faves are fencing, bike sports and racket sports.

Feminine side: Obvious/comical, but contrasted by a mix of what is deemed 'over masculinity' (I describe it as just being 'one of the lads').

Cuddles: I want them but denied.

Rarity: I have one INFJ male friend and we don't get on well in the traditional sense.

Rage: Never want it to go, did once and it was the worst 2 years of my life. I fuel projects with rage also I don't tend to hide it any more.

You sound like you know something Mr Expert. Tell us your use instead of spouting misery as proof of something obvious.

(here's that rage again)

I'm the same way but your underlying reasons may differ. I find it much easier opening up to a female because most of them are willing to reciprocate the same level of openness and I find that refreshing. Most guys I come in contact with irl seem to think twice before showing a little more vulnerability which is understandable because I'm the same way with them. I think this is due to cultural pressure to be a man, a macho. This famous quote plagued my childhood, "Los hombres no lloran" which means "Men don't cry". For instance, there were times when I literally flew off my bike (in a sense I used to put the pedal to the metal) and started crying everyone would laugh and say, "stop crying and rub it with dirt!!". I was known for being a crybaby; a moody little guy which I was by the way:md:. Haha! I remember times when I wasn't able to peel a banana so I would rage and turn it into mush. The thought of being broken never seized to cross my mind but as I grew up, matured and learned to self-analyzed I found ways to deal with my emotions in a healthy way.

I am a straight male
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I'm the same way but your underlying reasons may differ. I find it much easier opening up to a female because most of them are willing to reciprocate the same level of openness and I find that refreshing. Most guys I come in contact with irl seem to think twice before showing a little more vulnerability which is understandable because I'm the same way with them. I think this is due to cultural pressure to be a man, a macho. This famous quote plagued my childhood, "Los hombres no lloran" which means "Men don't cry". For instance, there were times when I literally flew off my bike (in a sense I used to put the pedal to the metal) and started crying everyone would laugh and say, "stop crying and rub it with dirt!!". I was known for being a crybaby; a moody little guy which I was by the way:md:. Haha! I remember times when I wasn't able to peel a banana so I would rage and turn it into mush. The thought of being broken never seized to cross my mind but as I grew up, matured and learned to self-analyzed I found ways to deal with my emotions in a healthy way.

I am a straight male….a highly sensitive one. Because I am that way I tend to process information at a deep level and can easily get overwhelmed if there is a significant amount of information I have to process. I am also sensitive to very subtle noises, strong smells, bright lights, subtleties, my pain, that of others and a few other things. I believe everyone is capable of cultivating such sensitivity as it is not a bad thing. It is society and the media that has been distorting and tainting what it is to be sensitive. They see it as a threat to masculinity, it’s common to view sensitivity as the line in the sand beyond which manhood no longer exists. But that can’t be further from the truth. Some guys I know in real life have taken it to the extreme by forming an external identity we're all familiar with called the douchebag "because sensitive guys are either pussies or emos". To spare the long read, sensitivity, in my opinion means being more concerned about the welfare of someone else, being in tune with oneself, others and our surroundings. Also, understanding, expressing emotions and feelings, being open, honest, able to share dreams, passions and thoughts in a healthy, balanced way.

I’ve never been romantically attracted to another male and I don’t think I’ll ever be. I used to have a good guy acquaintance that displayed many qualities that I looked for in a female but I simply wasn’t into him because, well, he was a guy and I couldn’t look past that. And even then, I shared and still share many female perspectives as a straight male. I like to play and watch sports. I like my metal music and fast cars. I'm always competing with my guy friends. People that know little about me see me as a cold, rough, agressive, apathetic person but I always surprise them when they see that in reality, I'm like a tootsie pop, hard on the outside but soft on the inside. I think I need work on that, maybe I need to smile more or be all like:m054:. Hmm..what else can I say about myself?..................................yeah I think that's it.

I have had a few friendships similar I also have been accused of having a relationship with certain guys too many times, but I see it as close not sexy, unless I'm hanging out the back of them its not gay as the idea (however it is for others is your view) disgusts me.

I get on with women better through the fact I don't have to try as much. Men despite their best efforts try to win and fail which is not what I'm bothered about. Although my best friend is an ENTP male which initially was hard as he is super dominant but now its great, perfect partners in crime :)
I have had a few friendships similar I also have been accused of having a relationship with certain guys too many times, but I see it as close not sexy, unless I'm hanging out the back of them its not gay as the idea (however it is for others is your view) disgusts me.

I get on with women better through the fact I don't have to try as much. Men despite their best efforts try to win and fail which is not what I'm bothered about. Although my best friend is an ENTP male which initially was hard as he is super dominant but now its great, perfect partners in crime :)

Ah, I see. I don't think I've ever met an ENTP.
I'm a straight INFJ male.

Martial arts: Did Taekwon-Do for a year or so, but I never got limber enough to enjoy it.

Sports: Big football fan. Watch it, read it, play it.

Feminine side: Don't have much facial hair, but that might be down to my Asian genes.

Friends: I get along well with both girls and boys, but I only know two INFJs. One is my mom and one is a girl I went to school with.

Anger/rage: Can get quite angry when I feel injustice towards me or someone I love.

Now. Can I join that group? Say yes or I'll F**K you all up. Hehe.
I'm a straight INFJ Male

I've never been real conflicted about my sexuality, but my emotional sensitivity has always seemed more feminine (but that might just be due to societal standards). I wasn't very interested in girls until high school or so- I always found male friendship/comradery preferable most of the time (a lot less drama), up until my late teens - than woman/girls became more relatable. It seems like the older people get the more set in their gender roles they become, whether it be co-workers/acquaintances or friends -most other guys (who I've known/befriended) seem to talk endlessly about getting pussy. I can only tolerate/participate in so much of that... it can bit overbearing. I don't feel the need to be a super-macho masculine (sex-crazed) man, but I play along because it seems to be the norm.

Some of my interests seem relatively normal for a guy; sports(football), some martial arts, strength training, video games... etc - but the way I derive my enjoyment from these activities (and others) seems a bit more feminine - by engaging my emotions (not the testosterone fueled kind) - Other interests that aren't very masculine; anime, art, music (not exactly gender specific, but I do have a deep emotional connection to it), and some gymnastics. I've always been more concerned about my body image than most guys seem to be (whether or not this is just because of societal standards, idk - most guys just don't seem to care as much/or choose not to express these feelings).

I was always a very sensitive/thoughtful person, but I never really show it (I've become adept at hiding my feelings). It's not normal to be an emotional man; unless you’re showing anger or aggression (which unfortunately makes me seem like a cold/aggressive person at first glance) - Being reserved/shy can be a curse.
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Straight INFJ warlord reporting for duty and takeover of enemy encampments.

Krav Maga and my own personal style, swordfighting, knife throwing. None of these are true martial arts but it gets there.

I have studied and am still studying the art of war by Sun Tzu, it is my guide for life. I frequently ponder and write about tactics, strategies and sometimes start throwing military terms into my monologues.

I have been told recently that I'm a very gentle person but at times, scare the crap out of people simply by looking at someone a certain way. There was a guy. I did not like him for I knew what he was up to. He was dangerous, unstable. I needed to ensure he would not snap. I stared him down, only took half a second. He walked away... and everyone else was frightened of me.

When someone disappoints me or pisses me off, I do that look. But it often also hits others and later they ask me "we're ok, right?"

I have raged in the past and cheap items have been crushed and/or shattered. One time I picked up this guy and threw him overhead into a wall. He flew, into a wall. Now, when I rage, I work out and lift things that are way beyond what I normally lift. My heart rate goes up over 180 and I don't care. Usually when someone spreads lies about me or hurts someone I love or someone who can't defend him/herself.

I'm straight, yet eternally friendzoned. Not because I'm a nice guy. I thought I was a "nice guy". But nice guy is a term used to describe a person posing as a nice guy while in reality they lie to make themselves look nice and good etcetc, there's books about it. I thought I might be that but I'm not. I am pure good, I cannot do evil. Even if it means I must sacrifice myself, I'll do that.

Recently I had someone tell me I'm the real alphamale. Like a sleeping lion. There will always be some other male who looks like or acts the alpha male, and I won't care. But if necessary, I'll get up and I'll throw that so called alpha male into a wall. Making me the de facto alpha male.

I also growl a lot. I enjoy growling and roaring. I prefer growling over normal communication.

Edit: I dislike other males unless they seem to be INFJ. I prefer the company of females. They have to be nice/friendly, I dislike the gossippy types.

Due to eternal friendzoneness and physical hugeness and scariness, cuddles are rare but me likey :)
I'd lift you up and everything
